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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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11 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I reckon if she had turned around and punched him in the pus he would have crumbled.

Whatever I think of Soubry I would have liked to see her doing that.  

Then putting the boot in a few times.

Some people on here tie themselves in knots when it comes to Anna Soubry.
"She is a Tory therefore I can't say anything nice about her."
I don't have the same problem.

Anna Soubry thinks Margaret Thatcher was a wonderful person, a wonderful leader, a wonderful prime minister and a wonderful role model.
I suspect I would disagree with her on a lot of things.

However her role in the EU debate is not about me or people like me.  She thinks it would be better if we stayed in the EU and so do I.
Maybe for completely different reasons - it doesn't matter.
Her target audience is Tory voters, people who have no problem with a lot of the things that people on this forum oppose.
She wants those Tory voters to support a second referendum and then vote Remain.

A Tory voter voting Remain is just as useful as any other voter voting Remain.

Some people still get upset.  "If I agree with her on one thing, then I agree with her on everything." - No.

The only person who agrees with me on everything is me - and even then I sometimes change my mind.

If Winston Churchill was willing to sign a pact with the Devil to defeat Hitler then I would say the same about Anna Soubry regarding to EU.

Not sure if she would like the comparison.

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30 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Some people on here tie themselves in knots when it comes to Anna Soubry.
"She is a Tory therefore I can't say anything nice about her."
I don't have the same problem.

Anna Soubry thinks Margaret Thatcher was a wonderful person, a wonderful leader, a wonderful prime minister and a wonderful role model.
I suspect I would disagree with her on a lot of things.

However her role in the EU debate is not about me or people like me.  She thinks it would be better if we stayed in the EU and so do I.
Maybe for completely different reasons - it doesn't matter.
Her target audience is Tory voters, people who have no problem with a lot of the things that people on this forum oppose.
She wants those Tory voters to support a second referendum and then vote Remain.

A Tory voter voting Remain is just as useful as any other voter voting Remain.

Some people still get upset.  "If I agree with her on one thing, then I agree with her on everything." - No.

The only person who agrees with me on everything is me - and even then I sometimes change my mind.

If Winston Churchill was willing to sign a pact with the Devil to defeat Hitler then I would say the same about Anna Soubry regarding to EU.

Not sure if she would like the comparison.

Totally agree.  I am sure even the most obnoxious person I could name has at one time made a statement that I could agree with.  Agreeing with somone on a specific issue does not make them any more correct on other matters, nor does it compromise you in your ability to disagree with them on anything (or everything) else.

Brexit will only be defeated in Parliament if enough Tories vote against it.  Unpalatable but true.


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So the Gov now need to publish ‘Plan B’ within 3 sitting days (a week) rather than 4 weeks in the event of the Gov losing the meaningful vote.

Government arses will be going like the clappers. I’ve been of the opinion for a while that we’re heading to a second EU Ref, but as ever it’s a fool who makes a prediction on these things. The questions with a 2nd EU ref start with, what’s on the ballot paper? How will the inevitable need to extend article 50 tie in with EU elections and the muddy waters that brings?

Fun times:blink:

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2 hours ago, harry94 said:

There were some names on it which surprised me. I half wonder if the government are kind of daring it forward in the hope that it makes May's deal more likely.

It doesn’t make Mays deal more likely. It got voted through with a majority of 11, if anything it shows that the idea her deal will get through is pretty fanciful. 

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Tell you what UK politics are fucking brilliant eh.  Much rather have  independence referendums, EU referendums, snap elections, raging gammons, people’s votes and stealing maces from parliament  than the boring mundane shite that probably happens in Swiss politics.  Probably debating new public lavatory dimensions or something.

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4 minutes ago, Lofarl said:

Tell you what UK politics are fucking brilliant eh.  Much rather have  independence referendums, EU referendums, snap elections, raging gammons, people’s votes and stealing maces from parliament  than the boring mundane shite that probably happens in Swiss politics.  Probably debating new public lavatory dimensions or something.

They had a referendum on that back in 2005.  Don't tell me they are having another one.

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5 minutes ago, Detournement said:

If/when they are defeated the government will surely just say the plan B is to renegotiate.

The only way we don't leave at the end of March is if May performs the ultimate U turn.

Fair point but the EU's stance has always been that May's current "deal" is the only option and cannot be amended/renegotiated.

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4 minutes ago, zidane's child said:

Fair point but the EU's stance has always been that May's current "deal" is the only option and cannot be amended/renegotiated.

 All the Grieve amendment requires is a plan of action, whether it's practical or possible doesn't matter.

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33 minutes ago, Lofarl said:

Tell you what UK politics are fucking brilliant eh.  Much rather have  independence referendums, EU referendums, snap elections, raging gammons, people’s votes and stealing maces from parliament  than the boring mundane shite that probably happens in Swiss politics.  Probably debating new public lavatory dimensions or something.


Denying women the vote and working out how best to distribute Nazi gold presumably.

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2 hours ago, zidane's child said:

What's the bet there is no Plan B?

Well let's look at their options (if meaningful vote fails):

General Election- Doesn't really solve anything and fixed term parliament act means it needs 70% parliamentary support.

Another deal- EU have said they won't budge, May has tried and failed since postponing the initial meaningful vote to renegotiate parts of her deal. Doesn't look good.

No deal Brexit- There isn't the support for this in Parliament as shown by the vote yesterday, but it is a default if nothing else happens. I think Parliament would move hell and high water to avoid this scenario.

and that leaves us with... 2nd EU Ref. This is far from not having obstacles or questions around it either but imo the most likely outcome.   

Edited by Londonwell
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45 minutes ago, glasgow-sheep said:

Do they Swiss not have referenda every other week?

I will ask them.

42 minutes ago, zidane's child said:

What's the bet there is no Plan B?

There’s barely a Plan A.  It took May almost two and a half years to negotiate a plan that is universally unpopular amongst Brexiteers and Remainers alike.

Corbyn could have done better.  (Yes I really mean that).


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14 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
1 hour ago, glasgow-sheep said:
Do they Swiss not have referenda every other week?

Nah, that's the Irish

Direct democracy is a key point of Swiss politics. They do have referenda on a much more regular basis than we do. 

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