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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Mogg saying stopping U.K. leaving  E.U. on 29 March would be undemocratic.

He then said if necessary Parliament should be closed to stop it from happening!

What a fucking crackpot; why people take this cartoon character seriously is beyond me.


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Just now, Granny Danger said:

Mogg saying stopping U.K. leaving  E.U. on 29 March would be undemocratic.

He then said if necessary Parliament should be closed to stop it from happening!

What a fucking crackpot; why people take this cartoon character seriously is beyond me.


He is just symptomatic of the dangerous slide England is taking to elected Fascism.

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So Nicola is meeting with the PM this afternoon.

I'd like to think she might ask if there is not going to be another referendum on Brexit, do you mind if we have another one on Independence?


Bring it on. Getting fed up of Blackford and pals saying that Scotland won't be dragged out of the EU against its will. It's time to put up or shut up.


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An interesting article about the People's Vote campaign. It's basically a Blairite operation involving Campbell, Mandelson and Will Straw. All their offices are owned by secretive Offshore trusts and it's not clear who is funding them. The head of campaign is Amber Rudd's extremely wealthy lobbyist brother. It says a lot that Caroline Lucas is so involved with these chancers, she's definitely a fraud.

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3 hours ago, beefybake said:

Just for the record, I voted Remain, and still would.

Within the link above , one of the subjects is 'acres'., and the  apparent 'banning' of it by the EU.

Here is the link..


Right at the bottom is the rebuttal, which basically says that 'Hectare' as a replacement term for 'acre' has been used by the British government,

and the Land Registry for 20 years in official records., and that the EU thing was only making official  what was already established practice.

Or to be more exact, the extension of this would now be that private landowners, and estate agents, could still refer to 'acres', but would also

have to include 'hectares' in ads etc.

It's outrageous.  Only the other day, I was in the pub explaining how an acre can be easily defined as an area that is a furlong in length and a chain in width.
Seems straightforward enough to me.

By comparison, a hectare is 10,000 square metres.  How is anyone supposed to make sense of that! ;)

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The more this goes on the more it shows how powerless Parliament really is.



The executive has too much power principally because parliament is unable to serve as an effective check. The government controls the parliamentary timetable which restricts the function of both houses.




It's a clique that's calling the shots and, short of revolution or party splits causing a VoNC, there seems to be f**k all that Parliament can do - only Yvette Cooper's amendment can apparently force the government to do anything as everything else can be ignored




That's not democracy.





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14 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


Who is this even aimed at?


Most of us at the moment. I met up with a good friend the last few days who it turns out wants a hard brexit. There's was no basis for conversation at all, no agreement on basic facts to move on from, so we left it alone. It's like Remainers and Leavers inhabit different universes.

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It's outrageous.  Only the other day, I was in the pub explaining how an acre can be easily defined as an area that is a furlong in length and a chain in width.
Seems straightforward enough to me.
By comparison, a hectare is 10,000 square metres.  How is anyone supposed to make sense of that! [emoji6]

I remember my dad once asking me if I fancied being a land owner.

If I didn’t stop my cheek he would give me a kick in the nuts, which would give me a couple of acres. [emoji12]
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Most of us at the moment. I met up with a good friend the last few days who it turns out wants a hard brexit. There's was no basis for conversation at all, no agreement on basic facts to move on from, so we left it alone. It's like Remainers and Leavers inhabit different universes.
With real hard-line Brexiters it's like speaking to a brick wall - everything they spout is just crap parroted back that they've read in the right wing rags or on social media.
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Just now, DeeTillEhDeh said:
31 minutes ago, welshbairn said:
Most of us at the moment. I met up with a good friend the last few days who it turns out wants a hard brexit. There's was no basis for conversation at all, no agreement on basic facts to move on from, so we left it alone. It's like Remainers and Leavers inhabit different universes.

With real hard-line Brexiters it's like speaking to a brick wall - everything they spout is just crap parroted back that they've read in the right wing rags or on social media.

I think he's more "What the f**k, it might be a laugh." He's retired and lives on a narrowboat so he probably thinks he's immune.

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