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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 minute ago, John Lambies Doos said:
8 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:
Do you really need to be spoon fed? If NI is no longer in the same customs space as Great Britain, Dublin starts to become more important than Westminster in people's lives and RoI politicians effectively represent NI in determining macroeconomic policy. 

Yes, we are already seeing a possible merger between SDLP and Fianna Fail

...and there is a section of moderate Unionist opinion that was definitely willing to contemplate a united Ireland if it was the only way to avoid a hard border.  The RoI of today isn't de Valera's Eire any more, so take away the economic case for being in the UK and Unionism would be ####ed in 20 years max.

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Imagining for a moment the SNP did vote with the government (they won't but still, imagine), what should their price be?

I'd probably start with a single written constitution document.

I think they’d want a special status in the single market for Scotland and permanent section 30 powers devolved to Holyrood. Nothing more, nothing less.

Why exactly would a written constitution help?
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I really don't.
I think too many people, especially those young people too interested in their 'pop music', reality tv  and shagging, didn't comprehend what this meant and did not vote.  I voted but didn't think for one second that leave would win.
I do know leave voters who have changed their minds. And some who haven't. I don't know any remainers who have changed their minds.
I remember being young. It was mostly good.  [emoji4]

Those young people are still too interested in all those things and I doubt it’ll change if a second vote was held.

If think you’re giving the general population too much credit if you think they’ve learnt their lesson. Most folk are just plain stupid.
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Emily (wid) saying on Newsnight that Number 10 is claiming that the DUP will now back May's crap deal, and they should now be allowed to bring it back for another vote.
You couldn't make it up.

For all the fucking times people say “I want doesn’t get” these c***s do a fair bit of demanding for things with no real basis or reasoning. I do smile to myself at the thought of May stomping her feet and greeting when she heard than Bercow wouldn’t entertain her deal a 3rd time.
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16 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Emily (wid) saying on Newsnight that Number 10 is claiming that the DUP will now back May's crap deal, and they should now be allowed to bring it back for another vote.

You couldn't make it up.

Not sure that would fly tbh. The deal itself hasn't changed, surely who votes for it is irrelevant?

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1 minute ago, D'Jaffo said:

For all the fucking times people say “I want doesn’t get” these c***s do a fair bit of demanding for things with no real basis or reasoning. I do smile to myself at the thought of May stomping her feet and greeting when she heard than Bercow wouldn’t entertain her deal a 3rd time.


Now watching tomorrow's paper reviews on Sky News.

Headlines like Bollocks to Bercow, The Brexit Destroyer, Bercow Sabotages Brexit

Maybe England gets the press it deserves.

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Just now, ICTJohnboy said:


Now watching tomorrow's paper reviews on Sky News.

Headlines like Bollocks to Bercow, The Brexit Destroyer, Bercow Sabotages Brexit

Maybe England gets the press it deserves.

Unquestionably. Bercow can now look forward to death threats and beefing up his security lest some fat gammon manages to stave off heart failure long enough to have a go at him. 

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5 hours ago, DublinMagyar said:
6 hours ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:
Just remember that it is people like you who voted for this and got us into this mess.

Says the NO voter

And did voting NO get us into this Brexit mess? Did we know then that we would have a referendum on the EU? Would an independent Scotland have been allowed into the EU? Would we have been allowed in if we refused to join the euro currency as we would have been tied to a British pound? Whereas people like GD voted for Brexit with just a good inkling on the likely outcome. 

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48 minutes ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

And did voting NO get us into this Brexit mess? Did we know then that we would have a referendum on the EU? Would an independent Scotland have been allowed into the EU? Would we have been allowed in if we refused to join the euro currency as we would have been tied to a British pound? Whereas people like GD voted for Brexit with just a good inkling on the likely outcome. 

It was a very distinct possibility which was highlighted during IndyRef.   The likelihood on us not being granted admission into the EU, after a Yes vote in 2014, was 0%

You can deny it all you like

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It was a very distinct possibility which was highlighted during IndyRef.   The likelihood on us not being granted admission into the EU, after a Yes vote in 2014, was 0%
You can deny it all you like

Pretty sure even the spanish said they wouldnt block us from joining. The only people who said we wouldnt get in were the no voters.
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Not sure that would fly tbh. The deal itself hasn't changed, surely who votes for it is irrelevant?
Yep, I thought this was quite breathtaking, the suggestion that because the outcome of the vote could change that in itself should transcend Bercow's (correct) interpretation of Parliamentary procedure.

Worse than that, I'm sure I heard on Newsnight a suggestion that May will tell EU leaders later this week that the DUP are on board and a short extension will suffice. I trust they will tell her that will simply not cut it.
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2 hours ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

And did voting NO get us into this Brexit mess? Did we know then that we would have a referendum on the EU? Would an independent Scotland have been allowed into the EU? Would we have been allowed in if we refused to join the euro currency as we would have been tied to a British pound? Whereas people like GD voted for Brexit with just a good inkling on the likely outcome. 

The Tories published a draft EU Ref Bill in 2013. 

We were also told, chiefly by that fat reptile Ruth Davidson, but also by senior Labour figures that only a NO vote would guarantee continued membership of the EU. 

We would not have been required to use the Euro, contrary to the popular belief of Brexiters. 


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58 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

...Worse than that, I'm sure I heard on Newsnight a suggestion that May will tell EU leaders later this week that the DUP are on board and a short extension will suffice. I trust they will tell her that will simply not cut it.

At some point the men in grey suits have to appear to tell Theresa May to let it go and accept that she will be viewed by history as having failed on that and that she doesn't have the right to damage the national interest to pursue an ego trip. There is very little chance of the DUP caving in on this, because they will get all kinds of grief from their core electorate if they do:


...“Already, Dublin politicians are discussing mechanisms to ensure that the interests of ‘the North’ are formally upheld by the Republic, rather as Greek Cyprus notionally represents Turkish Cypriots in EU institutions. “It is possible, I suppose, that the DUP will back down. Unionism has a materialistic side that English observers often miss. The chancellor of the exchequer has reportedly been involved in the discussions, raising suspicions that the government aims to buy the canny Ulstermen and Ulsterwomen. “They may succeed, but one should never underestimate the patriotism that motivates most unionists, nor their bloody-mindedness – their thrawnness to use a good Ulster-Scots word – when they have set their course. Will they really vote for a deal whose author boasts that Northern Ireland is ‘the price’ Britain must pay for Brexit?” ...

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