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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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6 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

I only commented on her smugness and arrogance.

The Government was elected on a manifesto commitment to hold the referendum and respect the result. Parliament should not ride roughshod over the will of the people.

Imagine the uproar if the UK Parliament had voted to ignore a Yes vote in 2014! Yet the SNP voted to ignore the EU referendum result last night.

The SNP apparently see Scotland as a distinct country within a union of nations, which you don't.

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1 hour ago, Bishop Briggs said:

I only commented on her smugness and arrogance.

The Government was elected on a manifesto commitment to hold the referendum and respect the result. Parliament should not ride roughshod over the will of the people.

Imagine the uproar if the UK Parliament had voted to ignore a Yes vote in 2014! Yet the SNP voted to ignore the EU referendum result last night.

We should take a vote on here to see who is more arrogant, you on Gina Miller.

I vote you.

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Only one Tory MP, Ken Clarke of course, voted against the Brexit Bill. The Government would have won the vote comfortably, with the support of the DUP and Labour Brexiteers, even if Corbyn had not imposed a three-line Whip.
I wonder how Gina Miller is feeling this morning? Not so smug and arrogant I hope. Her hubris is nauseating.

I don't doubt her motives could well have been to stop Brexit entirely (has she confirmed this?) but the fact that so many people despise her for making the government follow the law is mental. The day we no longer have an independent judiciary system is the day everything really goes to pot.
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I don't doubt her motives could well have been to stop Brexit entirely (has she confirmed this?) but the fact that so many people despise her for making the government follow the law is mental. The day we no longer have an independent judiciary system is the day everything really goes to pot.

Theres a petition going around asking that she has nothing to do with brexit negotiations.Numpties actually believe she is an mp
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Decent summary of the paper by Sebastian Payne on Twitter. Will be interesting to see what happens in terms of devolution of new powers. China, Brazil, Gulf states, Australia, New Zealand, India and the US (obviously) are looking at trade deals, with talks started already with Australia, New Zealand and India.

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Gotta admit to being slightly confused by the numbers. BBC reporting that 50 SNP MPs voted against the bill, with 2 (Callum McCaig and Corri Wilson) not voting. Obviously Thompson and McGarry are independents now, but what happened to the other two?



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Gotta admit to being slightly confused by the numbers. BBC reporting that 50 SNP MPs voted against the bill, with 2 (Callum McCaig and Corri Wilson) not voting. Obviously Thompson and McGarry are independents now, but what happened to the other two?

One was a teller along with a labour MP.
She tweeted Farage to add her name to his 'enemies' list.
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1 hour ago, kirkyblue2 said:

We can talk to anyone but can't make any deals till we leave the EU unless I'm being wooshed.

Which is totally unfair......We should , in the name of  all that is fair and decent, be able to conduct negotiations AND sign deals the minute article 50 is triggered..

I don't see what the EU has to gain by denying a leaving nation that right....Anyone?

Shows what a c*ntish bunch of nasty b*st*rds the EU is..

1 hour ago, doulikefish said:

Is the extra 350 mill for the nhs in the white paper,Scotlands share is roughly 30mill?

Hope not .. I can think of a lot better things to spend it on than ferraris for senior consultants.....

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