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Oh Kez!!!

John Lambies Doos

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My thoughts on the current subject

  • I'm with Dugdale on this issue (possibly a first!), WoS went over the line. 
  • As the accusation was printed in The Record why weren't they paying from the start?
  • Surely Murray's OTT remarks confirm the Branch Office theory, he should've thought a bit harder before making that statement.
Edited by btb
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Just been catching up on this sorry little saga today.  Labour have got themselves into a right old state over it.  Shame.

It seems to me like Dugdale though she had been handed a blank cheque and had decided to rack up costs to the point where even the slight possibility losing would make WOS drop the case.  If she lost, well no skin off her nose - the party can pick up the tab.  But if she won, or got the case dropped, then that would be a massive scalp she could claim, and have the bonus of financially ruining one of the leading figures in the independence movement (and one who has not been shy in pointing our all her political inadequacies).

Shame she looks to have been hoisted by her own petard, and her wailing about how unfair it all is, is frankly pathetic.  

I hope she gets an absolute doing in court for her mendacity.  I bet she though attacking WOS during first ministers questions while protected by parliamentary privilege was quite the jape.  God knows why she decided to it again in the Record.  I can only guess that she's even stupider than she seems.  I've not a shred of sympathy for her.




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7 minutes ago, Detournement said:

She said his comments were homophobic because they are homophobic.

Campbell clearly doesn't care anyway. His followers will be footing the bill anyway, he'll probably come out of all this ahead.

Can you please explain to me exactly how the joke is homophobic.  I'm sure I'm just being stupid, but I can't understand how it is and I've yet to see an adequate explanation.  Please make sure you explain how the joke conveys actual dislike or prejudice against homosexuals, beyond the fact that it uses homosexuality as a punchline (expressing, as it does, no negative connotation).

Thanks in advance for your help.

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3 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I hope this is adequate.

If you can't understand why making a negative comment about someone based on the fact that their father is gay is homophobic then you are a fucking moron.

You're welcome.

So, by your definition, Robert Duvall's character in "A Shot at Glory" is a misogynist?

Brian Burns : (John Martin) [who has just let the ball go through his legs for a goal]  Boss, I'm sorry. I should have shut my f-f-f-fucking legs.

Gordon McCloud : (Bob Duvall) No, son, no. Your mother should have shut hers.

I'd better boycott the film in future then. Thanks for opening my eyes.

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4 minutes ago, Detournement said:

It really doesn't. It asserts that the comment is homophobic but doesn't explain why. It's not homophobic just because a gay person doesn't like it.

Tbh, I can see the case going either way. I don't think what he said was homophobic. It was clearly meant to offend. I don't see how that makes it homophobic though. Willing to listen to any argument on why it is and change my mind however.

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The media and society is full of racism, homophobia, sexism, misogyny etc so aye. Pretty much everyone exhibits these tendencies in some way.

As the blog points out all these things exist on a spectrum. No one is saying that Campbell should be kicked off Twitter, shunned or arrested and prosecuted for his tweet. It is just being called out as homophobic because it is homophobic. It's only going to court because he's attention seeking idiot who knows it won't cost him a penny.

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5 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Well, that's 10 minutes I'm not getting back.  Oddly though it seems you've posted a blog that contains no explanation of how exactly the joke is homophobic.  Maybe you could try again?

FWIW, I can think of a couple of reasons why someone might genuinely believe the joke to be homophobic (rather than the faux outrage that I suspect is more prevalent).  The first is that they have preconceived notions about WOS and are reading something that simply isn't there ; the second is that that they are imposing their own prejudices on the joke.

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I read all of that and I'm not convinced.

Throwing around the insult "racist" or "homophobic" is done all too easily. I'm glad Campbell is challenging it and I'll await the outcome of the case with interest.

Dugdale had a real position of influence and should've chosen her attacks more carefully.
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2 minutes ago, Detournement said:

If you use someone's sexuality as a basis to offend them then that's homophobic.

It's fairly simple tbh.

It is cos it is, that's great.

The problem is that homophobia has an actual definition. I get that homophobia, like most things, is a spectrum. I'm just not convinced Campbell's comments fit the definition of homophobia.


Even the citizen's advice page, which errs very much on the side of it's a homophobic hate incident of you think it is, wouldn't make Campbell's comments homophobic to me.

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I read all of that and I'm not convinced.

Throwing around the insult "racist" or "homophobic" is done all too easily. I'm glad Campbell is challenging it and I'll await the outcome of the case with interest.

Dugdale had a real position of influence and should've chosen her attacks more carefully.

The comment doesn’t strike me as homophobic in the slightest. My reading of it was he dislikes the son as much as the dad. Folk say similar or worse things on here on a regular basis.

I dislike Mundell senior. In my opinion he’s a snake. Whether he’s gay or not has nothing to do with him being detestable.
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