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18 hours ago, Gaz said:

You just, just, just know Nintendo are going to f**k up big-style here.

Nintendo lucked out with the Wii. The sheer number of bored middle-aged housewives who bought it to play Wii Fit once and then put it in a drawer, never to be seen again, convinced them they were still major players in the home console hardware market. The Wii U was shit, and I've a feeling this is going to flop.

Nintendo's greatest strength has always been its handheld gaming, their handheld sales and software sales are immense. I see this as Nintendo playing to their Strengths, they are trying to bring their handheld success into the console market. Aslong as Nintendo support the f**k out of 3rd party developers they will do well. 

Nintendo could make a absolute fortune if they were to release their Zelda titles as HD remaster's on PC, or bring the Pokemon games to PC, both of which can be easily ported as we have had 3rd Party emulators on PC for years. Or bring the handheld games to mobile, but rather than sit back and make a mint milking their franchises to death you gotta give them credit for continuing to try new idea's and pushing the envelope. The latest generation of consoles are lazy improvements over their predecessors and don't come remotely close to the "Next gen" experience that they claimed to be. 

Nintendo are trying to make a portable console experience and i hope they can pull it off. If they wanna advertise the console to your average gamer they should be pushing the fact you can play skyrim on the shitter :lol: 


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It's not something that really appeals to me. However, I don't think this gen of console has been anything special, so far. I'm struggling to think of one unique IP that has really impressed. There certainly has not been anything on par with Mass Effect, Bioshock, Red Dead, Gears of War or Last of Us.

With new versions of the PS4 and Xbox One coming out folk might be more willing to give Nintendo a chance due to the above and go for the Switch rather than sticking with Sony or Microsoft.

For me, Nintendo would really need to ensure 3rd part support. Outwith Mario and Zelda there isn't anything released by Nintendo I would likely be interested in.

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4 hours ago, Jack Burton said:

It's not something that really appeals to me. However, I don't think this gen of console has been anything special, so far. I'm struggling to think of one unique IP that has really impressed. There certainly has not been anything on par with Mass Effect, Bioshock, Red Dead, Gears of War or Last of Us.

With new versions of the PS4 and Xbox One coming out folk might be more willing to give Nintendo a chance due to the above and go for the Switch rather than sticking with Sony or Microsoft.

For me, Nintendo would really need to ensure 3rd part support. Outwith Mario and Zelda there isn't anything released by Nintendo I would likely be interested in.

Same, although I think I already said that Mr X jnr is very excited.

Mobile gaming is huge, though, right now and Im guessing Nintendo think this is their best way into it. Its also, basically, the gaming equivalent of Sky Q, so there must be some bigger thinking going on in the entertainment industry

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I'd like to see Wii-style motion controls return. While most of the time the usage was a bit worthless, it was a really important part of games like Metroid Prime 3 and Skyward Sword. I'm playing through Twilight Princess HD at the moment, and while still really enjoying it, I'd love to have played it with the improved wiimote controls of Skyward Sword. As much as I love the Wii U, and I actually really do, the motion screen type controller should never have been the central focus of the console. It's a brilliant peripheral (and despite some mishaps over the years, Nintendo have made some fantastic peripherals), but that's simply what it is. Games like Mario Maker and Rayman Legends add in great touches (no pun intended, honest) with the touchscreen, and playing on the screen alone is a great feature (I've played through many games just on the small screen, which is really handy when you have a family and don't always get the TV!). I've got 16 games for the Wii U and have no complaints about quality. The problem is that Nintendo got the central idea wrong - it should have built on the Wii's motion control success, not tried to replace it (but keep just about the same name - it doesn't make sense). I think that Nintendo lost something when they left the wiimote and nun-chuck behind. 


For the Switch I'm excited about a couple of things. One is the flexibility in how and where games are played (which for me isn't so much about playing on the go, but continuing to play once the Champions League goals show comes on or playing when the missus wants to watch Bake Off). The other thing I'm excited about is Bethesda being on board. I bought an Xbox One for Fallout 4, and it's just about the only game I've played on it (albeit that's 250+ hours). It wouldn't actually take much for the Switch to be the only console I needed. If they could now just please announce new F-Zero and Metroid games, that would be perfect. 

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1 hour ago, SpoonTon said:

For the Switch I'm excited about a couple of things. One is the flexibility in how and where games are played (which for me isn't so much about playing on the go, but continuing to play once the Champions League goals show comes on or playing when the missus wants to watch Bake Off). The other thing I'm excited about is Bethesda being on board. I bought an Xbox One for Fallout 4, and it's just about the only game I've played on it (albeit that's 250+ hours). It wouldn't actually take much for the Switch to be the only console I needed. If they could now just please announce new F-Zero and Metroid games, that would be perfect. 

This and a new Starfox game (a real one) none of this messing about with 3rd person tactic shooter shit. Fighting in the Arwing against other ships. Get it done.Lylat Wars was so good Nintendo have actuively avoided a sequel for nearly two decades now....it's time

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5 hours ago, SpoonTon said:

I'd like to see Wii-style motion controls return. While most of the time the usage was a bit worthless, it was a really important part of games like Metroid Prime 3 and Skyward Sword.

I disagree, i think that largely the motion control's were a gimmick, and once the novelty of them wore off people really didn't go back to them. I love that nintendo tried something new and it did have some success, to the degree that other console makers felt the need to compete, but ultimately its a tech that really hasn't latched on or became the norm for people. There just isn't demand for them. But, Nintendo could very easily release a controller/sensor pack for the switch if enough people show interest, i just dont think they should make it a main focus, 3rd party support has to be their main if they hope to compete. 

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17 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

I disagree, i think that largely the motion control's were a gimmick, and once the novelty of them wore off people really didn't go back to them. I love that nintendo tried something new and it did have some success, to the degree that other console makers felt the need to compete, but ultimately its a tech that really hasn't latched on or became the norm for people. There just isn't demand for them. But, Nintendo could very easily release a controller/sensor pack for the switch if enough people show interest, i just dont think they should make it a main focus, 3rd party support has to be their main if they hope to compete. 

I loved the control scheme in those games, especially Skyward Sword. While it was rare to find a game that really took advantage of the motion controls, I thought those really did. After playing Skyward Sword I couldn't really imagine going back to non-motion controls - having to calibrate too often aside, they really nailed it. In no way do I think it should have been the main focus of a new console (in fact I think the Wii U's main failure is that it was an attempt to find a new gimmmick rather than trying to catch up in terms of power), but I think by that point it had shown that it had a purpose (as an alternative control scheme - in the same sense that PC gamers tend to prefer their control schemes over console controllers). I didn't mean that the central idea for the new console should have been motion control, but that it didn't need another control scheme as the central idea at all. They could have built on what they'd done by saying, play with the wiimote/nun-chuck, or the pro controller, or purchase a second screen controller - but play a console with the power attract developers like Bethesda. Instead we got what was basically a DS for your livingroom called a Wii - which I really like, actually, but it could have been so much more. 

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8 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Thats a shame but I guess it makes sense technically. OS issues aside, I guess it would be difficult to replicate the dual screen WiiU and the touchscreen of the DS if the Switch doesnt have either, without redeveloping the games and releasing them digitally.

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2 minutes ago, knee jerk reaction said:

Will get for zelda and hope Nintendo can make a success of this. The market needs something different, consoles just having better graphics and processing power with minor tweeks every year to fifa as it goes to 15/16/17/18 etc doesn't excite anyone!

Totally agree. VR doesn't excite me either. Feels like Nintendo is going in the totally opposite (and correct) direction.

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This and a new Starfox game (a real one) none of this messing about with 3rd person tactic shooter shit. Fighting in the Arwing against other ships. Get it done.Lylat Wars was so good Nintendo have actuively avoided a sequel for nearly two decades now....it's time

If they were to announce a new starfox game, I'd be there like a cartoon cat on release date getting one.
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14 hours ago, knee jerk reaction said:

Will get for zelda and hope Nintendo can make a success of this. The market needs something different, consoles just having better graphics and processing power with minor tweeks every year to fifa as it goes to 15/16/17/18 etc doesn't excite anyone!

Very much this. One of my biggest bugbears of rival consoles is that with each passing generation, there is less and less to separate them in terms of reasons to buy one.

Back in the 8 bit and 16 bit era, everyone knew the difference between a Nintendo and Sega system and the uniqueness of each in terms of software. Cross platform titles were the exception rather than the rule. 

Even the differences between the PS1 and 2 vs N64 and Gamecube vs Dreamcast vs Original Xbox were marked and there could be a strong case made for owning some or all of them at the same time.

From the PS3 v 360 and the PS4 vs Xbox one, there are almost no differences, save for one or two console exclusive titles, due to the similar processors used and the explosion of gaming from a profitable but relatively niche culture to a big time multi-billion business...companies want and need their games on both consoles due to budgets invested. There is definitely no point in owning both, so it's nice to see Nintendo still offer up something different and unique IPs.

The worry, for me at least is that the Switch fails massively and Nintendo do a Sega and simply become a software developer, taking Mario, Zelda and all their other franchises to the PS5 and Xbox Whatever number, melding the next generation into an even bigger grey mass of sameness.

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14 hours ago, knee jerk reaction said:

Will get for zelda and hope Nintendo can make a success of this. The market needs something different, consoles just having better graphics and processing power with minor tweeks every year to fifa as it goes to 15/16/17/18 etc doesn't excite anyone!

Absolutely this, one of the main reason's im on PC now, its the closest thing we have to variety at the moment, at least with the massive Indy background on pc there is some semblance of variety. Right now with consoles it is just the same shite, different year. You have the assassins creed games which barely change every year, the far crys, every sports game, the battlefields, cod games, gears, halo. The list just goes on and on and nothing really changes, i have hopes VR will go somewhere but the Sony model is apparently extremely lackluster.

I've said it already but at least they are trying to break the mold, ill be happy to support anything fresh 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I was pretty hyped and now a bit deflated.  I pre-ordered one this morning for the sake of it but will probably cancel it at some point.

So far it seems like a terrible launch. Overpriced with very few games, in fact no standout exclusive games.  Zelda is being released on the Wii U on the same day; Mario Kart 8 is a tarted up Wii U port; and Mario isn't out until nearer Christmas.  Splatoon 2 looks good, but at first glance it is essentially the Wii U game.  The lack of major third party support isn't a surprise but I want to hear a lot more indie titles announced.

32Gb storage is taking the piss on a £280 console (I acknowledge that SD expandable storage is good, but that's at extra cost).  Another set of the joycon controllers will be £75!

Goodness knows if they'll bring the online services up to this decade's standard - the free trial basically covers the period where there will be next to no functionality.  Nevermind the piss-taking with giving a NES or SNES title for just one month, will there be any point in having to pay for online play if all there will be is Splatoon and Mario Kart?

The screenshot of the user interface looks sexy af.  That, and the prospect of comfortably portable Zelda and Mario Kart (see you on the supporters' bus SJB!) are the only appealing factors to me at the moment.

I skipped the Wii U so I have an appetite for this, but I'll feel like a mug if I go for it.  I feel like I should just get a used Wii U and buy Zelda and Splatoon for that.



Edited by bunglebonce
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