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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Damn. Welshy brought out the big guns. I wonder what Chancellor Gowron was more offended by? Being called a Nazi or a Yank?

4 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Jesus. The fake news will try to twist anything. He was greeted by a large cheering crowd. He thanked them. He talked about how unprecedented this situation was. He praised local authorities and the local citizens. He waved a flag. Seemed nice.

Here's the crowd as he arrived:

Here's his speech from the crowd:

You won't see these angles on CNN or the BBC, because that would disrupt the narrative that they are selling you.

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8 hours ago, Todders said:


Do you really want to open up a debate on the effect of white immigration to North America had on the native population or are you one of these idiots that believe whites are native?


Actually, America is a perfect example of how some cultures can't share territory peacefully. If diversity is strength then the Indians should be happy that we came. 

And yes, I am a native of the United States of America, a political unit founded by and for English speaking Europeans on the North American continent. Not sure how I wouldn't qualify as a native of that country.

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Headlines could easily have read: "Trump greeted by large crowd in Texas. Encourages local citizens." Instead every article I'm seeing is claiming he tried to make everything about himself. I don't see how that's the first thing you grab from his short remarks.

The headline I've woke up to is around 18 deaths and mass evacuations.
Its still a headline though that he sees absolutely everything as a campaign rally.
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43 minutes ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

Damn. Welshy brought out the big guns. I wonder what Chancellor Gowron was more offended by? Being called a Nazi or a Yank?

Jesus. The fake news will try to twist anything. He was greeted by a large cheering crowd. He thanked them. He talked about how unprecedented this situation was. He praised local authorities and the local citizens. He waved a flag. Seemed nice.

You won't see these angles on CNN or the BBC, because that would disrupt the narrative that they are selling you.

And because they're fake angles from fake news stations.  He didn't even meet any victims, presumably because he was too busy taking long, adoring looks in the nearest mirror.

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Well if you insist, here's an old one that struck me at the time. A recording of Milo saying that paedophilia is a good thing as it teaches boys to give better blow jobs had been released. According to you and 4chan it must have been a set up. As usual you put a mealy mouthed dislaimer first. To people who aren't aware of Milo Yiannopoulos here's a quote. 

Behind every racist joke is a scientific fact.



Random, unrelated rant coming...


This is one of the fundamental problems with internet forums and communication in the age of social media.


People are judged and castigated for stuff they might have said or posted years ago - and that's just not healthy.


Firstly, it teaches young people to be overly defensive in how they express themselves. New politicians have their social media trawled for embarrassing stuff they might have said or did a long, long time ago. That's just not healthy in society. Don't get me wrong, I think we should be careful about what we put up about ourselves (young people especially) but in terms of open and honest dialogue - that should be encouraged rather than something to be wary of.


Secondly, it can lead to the condemnation of people who should be listened to on a particular subject. If these factors had been in play Churchill would never have been allowed to be prime minister in 1940. Now I think the man's a giant c**t of a man but in 1940 he was exactly what was required.


Obviously this wee rant has no bearing on the example of edgarus and welshy. I agree with most of what welshy says on this site and rarely agree with edgarus.


But I think it's something we need to beware of.




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1 hour ago, pandarilla said:



Random, unrelated rant coming...


This is one of the fundamental problems with internet forums and communication in the age of social media.


People are judged and castigated for stuff they might have said or posted years ago - and that's just not healthy.


Firstly, it teaches young people to be overly defensive in how they express themselves. New politicians have their social media trawled for embarrassing stuff they might have said or did a long, long time ago. That's just not healthy in society. Don't get me wrong, I think we should be careful about what we put up about ourselves (young people especially) but in terms of open and honest dialogue - that should be encouraged rather than something to be wary of.


Secondly, it can lead to the condemnation of people who should be listened to on a particular subject. If these factors had been in play Churchill would never have been allowed to be prime minister in 1940. Now I think the man's a giant c**t of a man but in 1940 he was exactly what was required.


Obviously this wee rant has no bearing on the example of edgarus and welshy. I agree with most of what welshy says on this site and rarely agree with edgarus.


But I think it's something we need to beware of.




That's fair enough and you make a great point about people having any old dirt brought up to attack them with. "Minister, how can you support x when years ago on twitter you said x" For one thing, the majority of peoples narratives are not set in stone for their entire lives, things change, situations happen and you learn to adapt or you learn new information that alters your point of view.  

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58 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:


Televangelist Jim Bakker: Christians will start a civil war if Trump is impeached

Here comes the white Christian jihad.

So Trump is the figurehead of Christian American values?

I must have missed the "go forth and grab her pussy" quote in the bible.

Then again maybe there are huge amounts of hypocrisy and double standards involved.

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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:


Televangelist Bonus Bucket scammer Jim Bakker: Christians will start a civil war if Trump is impeached

Here comes the white Christian jihad.

Fixed that for you.

The guy went to jail for years for scamming money out of people using his "church" and various christian faith scam's. Now he is back and doing the exact same things he did before. Really says loads about the bible belt when you have a scammer go to jail for selling you garbage, he gets out of jail and starts selling you the exact same garbage again and you're just like "okay, take my money please"

He is selling massive buckets of "Emergency food" for when the inevitable apocalypse comes. Just add water style instant foods to last you 20 years when the world ends. He markets these kinda things to the old christian community that follow him around, despite the fact the majority of them don't have 20 years left in them.

Seeing as he panders to the bible belt rather regularly he of course loves everything from the Republican party and screams to high heaven about Trump.

Oh and don't worry about all those buckets of food cluttering your house, Jim says you can use them as furniture until the rapture and after you have finished your 20 years of instant mash you can use them as toilets. Just don't mix up which ones are the shit buckets and the food buckets...


Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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5 hours ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

Damn. Welshy brought out the big guns. I wonder what Chancellor Gowron was more offended by? Being called a Nazi or a Yank?

Jesus. The fake news will try to twist anything. He was greeted by a large cheering crowd. He thanked them. He talked about how unprecedented this situation was. He praised local authorities and the local citizens. He waved a flag. Seemed nice.

Here's the crowd as he arrived:

Here's his speech from the crowd:

You won't see these angles on CNN or the BBC, because that would disrupt the narrative that they are selling you.

The American President plays two roles at the same time: the political head of Government and the ceremonial head of state.
In the U.K., these are two separate roles - namely the Prime Minister and the Queen.

When the head of state shows up at some disaster - local people cheer in as much as to say - "hey you have noticed that this has happened to us".
They are actually cheering their own country for taking notice of their plight as symbolized by the appearance of their own head of state.

(Similar to the Queen visiting Grenfell Tower - compared to the prime minister)

That would happen for any president and even if these people thought he was the worse president in history.
Americans have been known to get fairly patriotic from time to time, flying the flag, singing the nation anthem and all that.  That is what they are like.

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Apparently talking is not the answer to the N Korea issue!

When they do the Trump Library for this one-term wonder they can just fill it with volumes of his stupid comments.

PS there will be a library, and the Mexicans will pay for it.


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