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The Official Former President Trump thread


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The mans' brain doesn't work properly. You can sometimes grasp the meaning of what he is trying to say like 'warm condolences' and 'in a way, what happened in Vegas was a miracle' and so on, but his brain simply can't relay the message to his mouth. This is of course, on top of him being an insensitive c**t and general all round arsehole.
My guess would be he's either suffered a head injury at some point or is going senile.

He certainly shows a complete inability to empathise with anyone. I’d suggest Jon Ronson’s The Psychopath Test could be quite reflective on Donny.

On top of it all, he’s ignorant of pretty much everything that happens outside of his closed world. It’s a terrible combination.
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6 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


He certainly shows a complete inability to empathise with anyone. I’d suggest Jon Ronson’s The Psychopath Test could be quite reflective on Donny.

On top of it all, he’s ignorant of pretty much everything that happens outside of his closed world. It’s a terrible combination.


I wonder if he's conscious of his own ignorance.  I have never heard him talking in depth about any subject.  Korea, terrorism, health reform - the list is endless.  Any statements he makes are a series of sound bites that show no real understanding of the issues.  It must be soul destroying for any professional having to try to brief him.

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40 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

The mans' brain doesn't work properly. You can sometimes grasp the meaning of what he is trying to say like 'warm condolences' and 'in a way, what happened in Vegas was a miracle' and so on, but his brain simply can't relay the message to his mouth. This is of course, on top of him being an insensitive c**t and general all round arsehole.

My guess would be he's either suffered a head injury at some point or is going senile.

I think he's just thick as f**k. Racists and bigots tend to be less intelligent people.

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I'm hoping there's desk calendar of Trump Quotes released in time for Christmas.
Ive still got some of my alky Dubya quotes up in my office from about 2004.

My moddies teacher in 4th year (2008-2009) had the poster with his quotes on the wall. Was back in there last year for work experience and it's still in the exact same spot
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25 minutes ago, jupe1407 said:

I think Trump actually has a mild learning disability, which when combined with the massive sense of rich kid entitlement results in the thick, orange man-baby we see today.

He can't think, listen or speak properly. He has the retention span of a goldfish. He can't empathise. Any and all criticism of him is "fake". He's an archetypal playground bully.  An absolute c**t.  There may be mild learning disabilities contributing but there's room to spare in his empty fucking head. 

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4 hours ago, KarlMarx said:

More pish from the fake American.

What's an immigrant for Sudan?

Does that mean he supports Sudan or was he about to leave for Sudan?

When we had Dunblane we clamped down on guns yet when the United Scum of America has a shooting they want more guns.

Why do you want all these idiots with no brain cells to have guns?

The US is and always will be anti black.

What part of that is difficult to understand you dumb wannabe American fuckwit?

Remind me, why did you get banned as the PC Cabe account?

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1 hour ago, kilbowie2002 said:

You know you're also being racist here yeah? Being racist whilst calling out racism = racistception

In what way am I being racist?

America causes more problems in the world than anyone else.

That is a fact that cannot be denied.

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1 hour ago, Fullerene said:

.. and what does North Korea have to do to get noticed.

America constantly getting involved in battles that is no concern to them is ok right enough.

Trump threatening to invade North Korea and anybody who disagrees with him on any matter is ok.

America have the power to end the world and Trump is happy to do it.

Edited by KarlMarx
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3 hours ago, Savage Henry said:


Moscow and Riyadh say hi, by the way.


Not looking to white knight Groucho, but I can't help feeling that Putin's Russia is enabled by decades of US foreign policy.

Saudi is a whole different equation.  I can't help but feel that sky fairyism is more entrenched there than it is in the US (and that's saying something) and even more useful to its ruling elite.

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1 hour ago, kilbowie2002 said:

United Scum of America?

Actually didn't realise I had typed that.

Must have been going through my head at time.

Although think that of a country is not in itself racist merely the way that the country dictates itself to rest of world.

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9 hours ago, KarlMarx said:

America causes more problems in the world than anyone else.

That is a fact that cannot be denied.

Given that it's the largest economy in the world, the most powerful military in the world and one of the bigger populations in the world it's obviously true that when it causes problems it can cause far bigger problems than anyone else but by the same token when it produces benefits to the world it can produce huge benefits .


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