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Trump appears to be suggesting that Puerto Rico and the Democrats colluded to inflate the death toll from Hurricane Maria to make him look bad and that 3,000 didn't actually die...



Edited by RiG
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27 minutes ago, RiG said:

Trump appears to be suggesting that Puerto Rico and the Democrats colluded to inflate the death toll from Hurricane Maria to make him look bad and that 3,000 didn't actually die...



It staggers me that house Republicans can just sit back and smile this off.  It's not normal.

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45 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Not voting for Clinton was enough. Everything i've seen suggests it was just a regular election and the decisive factor was people who voted for Obama (whites and blacks) but didn't vote for HRC.

As opposed to an irregular election? I don't think anyone is suggesting that the election was any different, except maybe Trump himself who continually claimed it was rigged - until he won of course, then it was only rigged where he lost a seat.

The reason this election is a problem for most is how it was fought and who won it, not the process.

31 minutes ago, RiG said:

Trump appears to be suggesting that Puerto Rico and the Democrats colluded to inflate the death toll from Hurricane Maria to make him look bad and that 3,000 didn't actually die...





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47 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

It staggers me that house Republicans can just sit back and smile this off.  It's not normal.

Many will argue that the Republicans had little morality to start with, but whatever moral authority they did have has been ruined by embracing a man that few of them wanted to start with.


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15 minutes ago, Detournement said:

From what i've seen 9% of Obama voters went to Trump but those were largely people who also voted for Bush so not solid Dems.

Right, so these figures you've seen, are you willing to share that source.

This isn't a honey trap, I have studied the results in a bit of detail so I'd be interested to know where you are getting your numbers.

btw, 9% is massive in a two party state. Considering that's a 4.5% swing that equates to roughly 6 million votes. Now it can't quite be worked out as simply as that due to the EC, but for comparison Clinton won the popular vote by a margin of 2.1%.

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"Despite all the talk of change, the overwhelming message is one of continuity. Nearly 90 percent of voters for either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump also voted for the same party’s nominee in 2012. This is similar to the long-term trend of partisan loyalty in presidential races over the last four decades. Supermajorities of both candidates’ voters were merely partisans, preferring their party’s nominee to the other party’s nominee for normal partisan reasons; "

"Democracy Fund found a fairly ordinary crossover vote in 2016: 9.2 percent of Obama voters supported Trump and 5.4 percent of Mitt Romney voters supported Clinton. That was a “typical” and unsurprising degree of partisan loyalty. “The 2016 election did not create more instability, in the aggregate, than others,” it reported. "

Edited by Detournement
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35 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Many will argue that the Republicans had little morality to start with, but whatever moral authority they did have has been ruined by embracing a man that few of them wanted to start with.


Ted Cruz is genuinely worried about his seat in Texas.  That's not nothing.  It's a sign of things to come, or it would be with any eloquent electorate.

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5 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

Ted Cruz is genuinely worried about his seat in Texas.  That's not nothing.  It's a sign of things to come, or it would be with any eloquent electorate.

His donors are shitting themselves too.

I'd imagine he'll probably hold on, given it's Texas, but there's no question that the Republicans are worried.

Screen Shot 2018-09-13 at 16.06.28.png

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43 minutes ago, Detournement said:


"Despite all the talk of change, the overwhelming message is one of continuity. Nearly 90 percent of voters for either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump also voted for the same party’s nominee in 2012. This is similar to the long-term trend of partisan loyalty in presidential races over the last four decades. Supermajorities of both candidates’ voters were merely partisans, preferring their party’s nominee to the other party’s nominee for normal partisan reasons; "

"Democracy Fund found a fairly ordinary crossover vote in 2016: 9.2 percent of Obama voters supported Trump and 5.4 percent of Mitt Romney voters supported Clinton. That was a “typical” and unsurprising degree of partisan loyalty. “The 2016 election did not create more instability, in the aggregate, than others,” it reported. "

Ah, right the VSG.

The one thing I would say is that the VSG only take a small sample of people then extrapolate that to a national level. As you can imagine any minor irregularity in the source data of just 8,000 people is massively increased in weight when you apply it to 130,000,000 voters. The data has a 2.2% margin of error, and the data itself is from a survey and we all know how unreliable surveys are - especially considering the way Trump has acted you can expect a certain percentage will roll back on admitting to vote Trump. Now to be fair to VSG they are not intentionally biased by nature, and I'm not suggesting that.

There is quite a lot of data, albeit they seem to be making a few assumptions based on the sampling size, so I'll need a little time to work through it.


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19 minutes ago, killiefan27 said:

His donors are shitting themselves too.

I'd imagine he'll probably hold on, given it's Texas, but there's no question that the Republicans are worried.

Screen Shot 2018-09-13 at 16.06.28.png

Texas includes some of the most progressive cities in the United States - well, Austin - so I wouldn't gauge it all as a state full of banana-esque loon balls.

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12 minutes ago, JamieThomas said:


That has been annoying the f**k out of the loony right wingers in Texas. It's not just that it's tweets about Cruz but because of who is behind the campaign....


The old, "you are not entitled to have an opinion on gun control if you've been shot at", trope being thrown out by any number of idiots.

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3 hours ago, RiG said:

Trump appears to be suggesting that Puerto Rico and the Democrats colluded to inflate the death toll from Hurricane Maria to make him look bad and that 3,000 didn't actually die...



Twelve minutes between these tweets. I wonder what distracted the fucking zoomer. 

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