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47 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

The Dem debates were painful. Absolutely no one is a stand out. Biden is an old racist, Beto is heavily playing the Latino card, Williamson is a crazy hippy and the rest are all exactly the same.
I still think Trump will skoosh it.

The Dems have a full year to rip each other apart and dig up dirt on each other before a candidate is chosen. Meanwhile Trump will get more and more infuriated by the spotlight being taken away with no contender to challenge him, and will say and do more and more mental things to get it back. Dangerous times.

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The BBC were majorly on the Kamala band wagon last night. 
Why bother to beat Trump with policies when you can try to rerun 2008?

She won the soundbite debate definitely. A large portion of the debate was centred around Sanders policies though so I can’t imagine he’s too bothered. Warren having to come out in favour of M4A is a cautiously optimistic sign.
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I was staying with my sister and her husband in NYC last week and we were discussing the 2020 candidates. They were huge Bernie fans in 2016 but have gone off him as they don't believe he can beat Trump. Depressingly they think the mostly likely candidate to do so is Joe Biden.

They seem heavily influenced by the MSM coverage tbh - the standard 'aye but how will he pay for it?' for Bernie, and when I mentioned I liked Tulsi Gabbard they immediately responded she's a dodgy pal of Assad.

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3 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

I was staying with my sister and her husband in NYC last week and we were discussing the 2020 candidates. They were huge Bernie fans in 2016 but have gone off him as they don't believe he can beat Trump. Depressingly they think the mostly likely candidate to do so is Joe Biden.

They seem heavily influenced by the MSM coverage tbh - the standard 'aye but how will he pay for it?' for Bernie, and when I mentioned I liked Tulsi Gabbard they immediately responded she's a dodgy pal of Assad.

She is, and she hates homosexuals. Nasty piece of work.

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I know you pay enough attention to not really believe this.

She has good critiques of *some* American imperialism but she’s still a hawk is she not as well as being anti-vax?

The Biden stuff you mentioned is interesting, if depressing. He’s his own worst enemy and his “nothing fundamentally is going to change” will be hammered by the Trump campaign if he wins the nomination.
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46 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

I know you pay enough attention to not really believe this.

She changes her policies every week so it's hard to keep up. She only dropped her opposition to LGBT rights 7 years ago when she ran for office in Hawaii and the polls indicated that would help. Not long ago she was all in favour of bombing the f**k out of the middle east so long as they didn't send any troops in. Now she's dialling back on that and getting cuddly about the Taliban. She's the right's favourite Democrat.


She’s been on Trump world’s radar for years. Former Breitbart News chair and Trump official Steve Bannon reportedly brokered a meeting between Gabbard and then-president elect Donald Trump after the 2016 election, and recent leaked documents showed that the Trump transition team had vetted her for an administration position.

Mike Cernovich, the “new right” social media personality, tweeted Wednesday night about the increase in Google searches for Gabbard, writing, “Tulsi Gabbard was breakthrough star of the night.”

According to a Fox News source, Gabbard is scheduled to appear on Tucker Carlson’s show Thursday night.


Edited by welshbairn
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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

She is, and she hates homosexuals. Nasty piece of work.

Yup. Back when she got her rare, and far too early, traction in the campaign (mainly from folk like me googling her and asking who she actually is), I read several excellent pieces on her, which were far from "hit jobs".  I can't remember for the life of me where I read it, possibly it's in this thread, but it was patently clear Tulsi Gabbard is a Republican Hawk in Democrat Dove's clothing.  An utter, utter fraud.  The Infowars viewer's choice, if you will. 

She doesn't have the backing of the "left" of the party (Bernie), or the "centre" (Biden), or the "centre left" (any number of candidates).  Of course, that's all the MSM's fault, and not because educated American voters have completely rejected her suitability for the presidency.  She's got no chance whatsoever, and besides, the Democrat electorate doesn't break down like that; no since the days of the Southern Strategy anyway.

I like Mayor Pete or Beto, but it'll most likely be Biden or Harris, who really went for Biden in the last debate (unless you read Drudge), which probably tells you something.  Whichever candidate the Democrats pick, they'll be choosing a far more talented candidate than Trumpy Boy, but the question is how many shades of 68 they can throw each other in the primaries.    That being said, that's true for the opposition party in any second term election.  Trumpers is more incompetent than most, though so it might not matter.


Edited by Savage Henry
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Pete has fucked it by being unable to go through a mayorship without running cover for racist cops and Beto doesn’t have any actual momentum on a stage where there’s nothing he can climb on. A pure invention of the Pod Save America network.

The way I see it you have four serious contenders:
Biden: name recognition and still has some glow from the Obama presidency.
Harris: ticks all the boxes that identify politics libs love and had a good opening salvo against Biden.
Warren: the compromise for Third Way weirdos and those who prioritise nipping any substantial shift left in the bud.
Bernie: name recognition, a winning healthcare policy which is dominating the party discourse and a committed and galvanised base.

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You are their exact target audience!

I’m not quite sure what that means, but Beto’s operating in Texas, which is as polarised a state as you’ll find in the US.

Mayor Pete is nowhere near as conservative. Politically there’s a fair bit of ideological difference between them, I’d say.

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