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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Here's the 2 articles above. She does write a shed load of articles tbf, 4 yesterday alone, on different topics, so she probably comes up with a fair amount of shite that she later contradicts.


If Sanders or Biden don’t win at least one of the two early contests (Iowa and New Hampshire) he’s likely kaput, and the candidate(s) who exceed expectations may move up to the not-Biden or not-Sanders option.

Second, Sanders is languishing in a distant second place. It’s not unforeseeable that he could be passed by Buttigieg and/or Warren and denied delegates in one of the first two states. That would be disastrous for his campaign, maybe fatally so. Third, the field is likely to shrink quickly.



You might be seeing a pattern here. There is very little incentive for any candidate to get out at this point given the debate later in the week and New Hampshire four days after that. Between the non-serious attention-grabbers (e.g. Steyer) and the good debaters/"give it one last chance" set (e.g. Buttigieg, Klobuchar), there is practically no reason (other than pride if one absolutely bombs in Iowa) to leave the playing field.


Edited by welshbairn
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Bernie giving us the results of their internal count.

28% is great for Bernie. Biden is dead. Mayo Pete is going to be heavily pushed. Warren just doing enough to hang around and no more.

Biden will probably stay in to stop his voters going to Bernie who replaces him as front runner and also old white guy candidate.

Lol Tulsi. 

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7 minutes ago, JamieThomas said:

Stayed up til the back of 1 watching the shitshow in Iowa. I'm not saying they're in full blown panic because Bernie clearly won, I'm saying they're in full blown panic because Biden got absolutely rinsed.

The whole idea of picking a senile guy who enjoys touching little girls as the 'electable' candidate has shockingly backfired.

The 'No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public' saying may have to be reconsidered.


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29 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The whole idea of picking a senile guy who enjoys touching little girls as the 'electable' candidate has shockingly backfired.

The 'No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public' saying may have to be reconsidered.


Well it worked for the last guy.

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3 hours ago, Detournement said:

The whole idea of picking a senile guy who enjoys touching little girls as the 'electable' candidate has shockingly backfired.

The 'No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public' saying may have to be reconsidered.


It's almost like 'electability' as a concept should've died in 2016 when Hilary Clinton lost to a syphilitic game-show host.

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The DNC seem to have cherry picked results that show Pete Butt winning and will probably release the rest of them at about midnight on Friday to temper the Bernie win as much as possible.

The fact that they are doing this with no shame does not bode well for the rest of the primary season and convention. You also have the usual idiots saying that anyone who questions what is going on here is a Putin bot. 

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Bernie giving us the results of their internal count.
28% is great for Bernie. Biden is dead. Mayo Pete is going to be heavily pushed. Warren just doing enough to hang around and no more.
Biden will probably stay in to stop his voters going to Bernie who replaces him as front runner and also old white guy candidate.
Lol Tulsi. 

Tulsa’s numbers are hilarious.

While I’d like to think those numbers were on the level, I can’t help but feel Biden’s numbers might be negatively skewed.

I’d imagine the DNC will find a way to rejig this Iowa caucus so that Bernie’s numbers are reduced and Mayor Pete/Old Man Biden’s numbest look better.

Incidentally, I’m no Glen Greenwald fan, but the Intercept podcast has an excellent episode in which they go to a caucus to see what actually happens. It sounds weird and mental and fun all at the same time. Shades of 68.
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Sad to say that 4/6 on Trump winning a second term is beginning to look tempting. Incidentally I think incompetence is far more likely than conspiracy for the late results from Iowa, in 2012 the Republican count took 16 days to be verified. They initially announced Romney had won, then that they weren't sure, finally plumping on Santorum.

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