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The Official Former President Trump thread


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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Of course that's enough. Trump's as close to a fascist being in power in America in my lifetime. If the younger Sanders "supporters" had actually got off their arses and voted for him in the primaries there would have been a better choice, but we are where we are.

Simply not being a fascist is not enough to optimise your chances of winning an election against a fascist, and it's worrying that so many people seem unable to recognise or appreciate this.

A candidate that fails to articulate a vision or meaningful policies is not maximising their chances, and in a truly democratic system would be trounced. Luckily for Biden, a two-party system is about as undemocratic as you can get in a free society.

But clearly centrists and Democrats think that simply saying "I'm not Trump, look at how unreasonable he is" is enough to win. Let's hope their right, because the vulnerable are once again at the mercy of their wisdom. It will be unforgivable if they do not win.

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1 hour ago, G51 said:

Where's the proof of this? Left wing policies are popular across the board - Medicare for all regularly gets 70% approval among the American public when polled. This excuse is total nonsense and doesn't stand up to any serious scrutiny.

This is exactly the strategy that Hillary tried and she got thumped for it. Like I said, centrists prefer to blow themselves up than make the world better. It's the life story of centrism - no ambition, no achievements, no purpose, other than the maintenance of the status quo that got them there. They'll side with the fascists over the left every single time.


I don’t disagree with a lot of that, though you are going down the Michael Moore route with the Medicaid thing.  The wording of that specific question gets very different responses depending on how it is framed.  

Biden is offering change - incremental change, albeit - and competency. That, when viewed to Trump’s heinous foreign policy and the politicisation of DHS and ICE, is more than enough.  Would I rather he be more progressive, of course.  Do I think he’s as bad as Trump?  Absolutely nowhere near.  In 2020, I’ll take that and in 2024 hopefully something more on what you and I might prefer may be more popular. 

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5 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Well, that's not very nice.



Oh hey, that’s an even better ‘look at me!!’ post than the last one. Graphics really make it eye catching, and you’ve managed to leave out the casual racism this time. Well done you. 

Edited by carpetmonster
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5 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

You are sorry. Keep on sneering all the way from Boris and JRMs Craggy Island. 

I understand that it's a difficult time for you. I'm sorry for your loss, but you should probably log off for a bit.

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1 minute ago, carpetmonster said:

I will mourn the braincells you’ve taken from me with your interaction, yes. Appreciated honey. 


Feel free to apologise and retract the allegation of racism.

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3 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Are you at least able to articulate why you found it racist ?

Quoting the dialogue of a Jewish character and a film that has become a black cultural icon in order to mock and sneer, particularly when those most affected by Justice Ginsburg’s passing will be minority groups is 14YO edgelordism at *best*. Given no other nuance, I’m not happy with retracting the accusation, no. 

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23 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

Quoting the dialogue of a Jewish character and a film that has become a black cultural icon in order to mock and sneer, particularly when those most affected by Justice Ginsburg’s passing will be minority groups is 14YO edgelordism at *best*. Given no other nuance, I’m not happy with retracting the accusation, no. 

I think it was pretty blindingly obvious to anyone with even a passing interest in American politics, that my post was a parody of the hundreds, even thousands, of posts by white female middle class liberals about RBG.

You knew this, yet still waded in anyway. At least have the decency to apologise, particularly as you know zero about me or my family and their background.

You can also file the mewling about minorities affected by Ginsberg's passing in the bin too. Do remind us of her opinion on Colin Kaepernick and the land rights of indigenous Americans.



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28 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

I think it was pretty blindingly obvious to anyone with even a passing interest in American politics, that my post was a parody of the hundreds, even thousands, of posts by white female middle class liberals about RBG.

You knew this, yet still waded in anyway. At least have the decency to apologise, particularly as you know zero about me or my family and their background.

You can also file the mewling about minorities affected by Ginsberg's passing in the bin too. Do remind us of her opinion on Colin Kaepernick and the land rights of indigenous Americans.



No, it wasn’t. Show me the posts about RBG by white female middle class liberals on this forum, in this context. Are there any? So, as I said, with no other nuance, none of that is obvious  and your claiming I knew that is entirely bogus. As a non-citizen resident of the US for the past 7 years (who has been directly affected by Trump jnstituted immigration policy) with a US citizen child going thru public education here, my interest in US politics is certainly more than passing, it’s fairly important to my day-to-day existence. 

Ginsburg criticised Kaepernick for kneeling. She was also no particular friend of tribal sovereignty, although did rule for the Yakama Nation against Cougar Den last year. I’m not particularly eulogizing RBG, but any warm body is infinitely preferable to AN Other Trump stooge as far as civic rights are concerned. 

I accept you were not being casually racist and that being the case, I apologize. A better way of phrasing your post may have been to preface it with ‘can’t move on Twitter for...’. , or similar. However given your assumptions that I ‘waded in anyway’ and am ‘mewling’ you need to take a better look at whatever concept you have of ‘decency’. 

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33 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

No, it wasn’t. Show me the posts about RBG by white female middle class liberals on this forum, in this context. Are there any? So, as I said, with no other nuance, none of that is obvious  and your claiming I knew that is entirely bogus. As a non-citizen resident of the US for the past 7 years (who has been directly affected by Trump jnstituted immigration policy) with a US citizen child going thru public education here, my interest in US politics is certainly more than passing, it’s fairly important to my day-to-day existence. 

Ginsburg criticised Kaepernick for kneeling. She was also no particular friend of tribal sovereignty, although did rule for the Yakama Nation against Cougar Den last year. I’m not particularly eulogizing RBG, but any warm body is infinitely preferable to AN Other Trump stooge as far as civic rights are concerned. 

I accept you were not being casually racist and that being the case, I apologize. A better way of phrasing your post may have been to preface it with ‘can’t move on Twitter for...’. , or similar. However given your assumptions that I ‘waded in anyway’ and am ‘mewling’ you need to take a better look at whatever concept you have of ‘decency’. 

Fair enough, although I struggle to believe that you're unaware of the pop culture deification of RBG over the last few years, which has reached bizarre levels today.



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11 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Fair enough, although I struggle to believe that you're unaware of the pop culture deification of RBG over the last few years, which has reached bizarre levels today.



To a degree, although certainly none of this stuff. The primary reaction amongst my friend group in this country has been simply ‘oh f**k’. 

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I'm really old and don't understand wtf's going on in the last couple of pages. Is it too late for a third candidate?

I'm getting on board for Kanye and whatever's going on with his contract. Pissing on the Grammy was tremendous stuff.

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