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The Official Former President Trump thread


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29 minutes ago, Deplorable said:


Either the most racist or most ignorant thing I've seen written on this message board. Amazing!

Neither racist or ignorant to point out that the number of Islamic terrorists committing acts against Americans pales into insignicance compared to those by Americans on themselves. 

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31 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

Like banana said, he's pretty clearly going off a list of countries that was already put together for stronger scrutiny during the Obama years. Probably a conservative test run to see how things go. Also, he is going to see how allied countries like Saudi Arabia react. If they do a good job their citizens will be less likely to end up on a banned list. It's common courtesy to an "allied" government. The initial countries are all either failed states or sponsors of terror.

Had to apply online for a travel authorization to the US a few weeks back and one of the questions was whether I had visited these countries in recent years, so citizens of these countries were no doubt being already having significant problems with US visas. Also worth noting that Obama wasn't shy compared to his predecessors about constructing fences along the border with Mexico and deporting people back to there, so Donald Trump is arguably just ramping up and bringing out into the open stuff that was already quietly happening at this point. The concern that people have though is what he does with these dangerously expanded executive powers over the next four years? Alex Jones and co may yet get to see something somewhat similar to their much dreaded "FEMA camps" in action and the irony is that while they spouted paranoid drivel for years when other presidents were in charge that were never in the least bit likely to do anything like that, they are now cheerleading the guy who just might given the deportation of 11 million plus illegal immigrants is very much on his agenda.


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6 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

Neither racist or ignorant to point out that the number of Islamic terrorists committing acts against Americans pales into insignicance compared to those by Americans on themselves. 

Your quote:

"Americas terrorism problems begin and end with the armed white trailer trash born and bred in the USA that periodically shoot blacks, gays or schoolchildren."

There's so much wrong with this that I'm not even sure where to begin. The "white trash" comment made me assume that your ignorance is based off a dislike of white Americans. That's fine, but maybe you should read up on crime stats in America.

Also, tackling one issue doesn't mean Trump is ignoring another. The real domestic terrorism problem is gang control of black neighborhoods, as compared to white school shootings. The other two things you mentioned, white people shooting blacks and gays for political reasons, are about as close to zero as possible. Trump has already threatened to send the Feds into Chicago if the local government doesn't get the violence situation under control. He's working on the gang issue as well.

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8 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Had to apply online for a travel authorization to the US a few weeks back and one of the questions was whether I had visited these countries in recent years, so citizens of these countries were no doubt being already having significant problems with US visas. Also worth noting that Obama wasn't shy compared to his predecessors about constructing fences along the border with Mexico and deporting people back to there, so Donald Trump is arguably just ramping up and bringing out into the open stuff that was already quietly happening at this point. The concern that people have though is what he does with these dangerously expanded executive powers over the next four years? Alex Jones and co may yet get to see something somewhat similar to their much dreaded "FEMA camps" in action and the irony is that while they spouted paranoid drivel for years when other presidents were in charge that were never in the least bit likely to do anything like that, they are now cheerleading the guy who just might given the deportation of 11 million plus illegal immigrants is very much on his agenda.


Obama made his deportation numbers look higher by reclassifying people caught at the border and immediately returned as "deported." They had been under a separate classification in previous administrations. Internal deportations under Obama were way down.

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Hindsight is 20/20. Beyond what German politicians like Papen thought would happen internally when he became Chancellor in 1933, Chamberlain thought appeasement could work as late as 1938 and Stalin signed up to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact because people assumed all the crazy stuff about lebensraum wasn't really on the agenda.


At the moment, most people seem to assume Trump isn't actually mental enough to try to deport over 11 million people given the level of disruption that would be involved in trying to achieve it.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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4 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Hindsight is 20/20. Beyond what German politicians like Papen thought would happen internally when he became Chancellor in 1933, Chamberlain thought appeasement could work as late as 1938 and Stalin signed up to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact because people assumed all the crazy stuff about lebensraum wasn't really on the agenda.


At the moment, most people seem to assume Trump isn't actually mental enough to try to deport over 11 million people given the level of disruption that would be involved in trying to achieve it.

The most worrying thing is his closest advisers. Michael Flynn is a conspiracy theorist who according to former colleagues lost his marbles when he came back from Afghanistan. Steve Bannon is Steve Bannon. Reince Priebus is a patsy to keep the Republican Party happy. And his creepy daughter and son-in-law. It's like a Mel Brooks comedy/horror script. Federal officials are already obeying and carrying out what appear to be illegal orders regarding border control. We may soon find out if the much vaunted checks and balances are all they're cracked up to be. I fear not.

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1 hour ago, Deplorable said:

Your quote:

"Americas terrorism problems begin and end with the armed white trailer trash born and bred in the USA that periodically shoot blacks, gays or schoolchildren."

There's so much wrong with this that I'm not even sure where to begin. The "white trash" comment made me assume that your ignorance is based off a dislike of white Americans. That's fine, but maybe you should read up on crime stats in America.

Also, tackling one issue doesn't mean Trump is ignoring another. The real domestic terrorism problem is gang control of black neighborhoods, as compared to white school shootings. The other two things you mentioned, white people shooting blacks and gays for political reasons, are about as close to zero as possible. Trump has already threatened to send the Feds into Chicago if the local government doesn't get the violence situation under control. He's working on the gang issue as well.

I'm not sure you understand the meaning of terrorism. Someone murdering their drug dealer = not terrorism. Someone murdering someone because they are black/ another religion = terrorism. 

I don't hate Americans, I just think they are misguided in their efforts to tackle terrorism. Politicians play to people's worst fears with singling out Islamic terrorism. It's not a solely American issue- exactly the same happend in the U.K. Over brexit with the Leave campaigns racist rhetoric.

Edited by sparky88
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53 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Hindsight is 20/20. Beyond what German politicians like Papen thought would happen internally when he became Chancellor in 1933, Chamberlain thought appeasement could work as late as 1938 and Stalin signed up to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact because people assumed all the crazy stuff about lebensraum wasn't really on the agenda.


At the moment, most people seem to assume Trump isn't actually mental enough to try to deport over 11 million people given the level of disruption that would be involved in trying to achieve it.

I think you're being a bit over dramatic. Maybe he could gas them instead of trying to deport them.

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Just now, kirkyblue2 said:

I think you're being a bit over dramatic. Maybe he could gas them instead of trying to deport them.

Don't you understand the point being made or are you deliberately trying to misrepresent it?

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39 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The most worrying thing is his closest advisers. Michael Flynn is a conspiracy theorist who according to former colleagues lost his marbles when he came back from Afghanistan. Steve Bannon is Steve Bannon. Reince Priebus is a patsy to keep the Republican Party happy. And his creepy daughter and son-in-law. It's like a Mel Brooks comedy/horror script. Federal officials are already obeying and carrying out what appear to be illegal orders regarding border control. We may soon find out if the much vaunted checks and balances are all they're cracked up to be. I fear not.

He has a Republican majority in Congress and is about to nominate a supreme court judge, so those are weaker than they would normally be even without all the moves over the years that have increased executive powers, so interesting times ahead.

9 minutes ago, Glenconner said:

Anybody know when Trump is going to war.

Would like a bit of notice so i could get a few days off and watch it on the old flatscreen.

He's given people a month to come up with a plan to go after ISIS, so suspect there will be some pyrotechnics in Syria and Iraq in the not too distant future. On balance though he is probably less likely to launch a major war than Hilary Clinton would have been as he doesn't have a neo-con type of agenda but more of an isolationist America First one.

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42 minutes ago, kirkyblue2 said:

I think he could make his point without comparing Trump to Hitler.

I read it as being about people's misperceptions and the understandable unwillingness of people to believe such extreme acts could be carried out by their leaders.


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19 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I read it as being about people's misperceptions and the understandable unwillingness of people to believe such extreme acts could be carried out by their leaders.


Do we ignore the 11 million people being deported bit?

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