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Sunless Sea sequel Kickstarter - Sunless Skies


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Just noticed that there's a Kickstarter currently running to fund a sequel to the seafaring Lovecraftian Roguelike, Sunless Sea, which is set to be called Sunless Skies. It's already reached over 200% of the target goal, unsurprisingly. The original was fun, if you like your games obtuse, mysterious, and liable to wipe out days of progress within a few poorly-judged seconds, so I'll no doubt stump up the £15 necessary to receive a copy on launch, although there are the usual rewards for those willing to pay more.


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I couldn't get into Sunless Sea.  I found it a bit soulless and too free-form.  I don't know why but something just didn't click with me which is a bit strange since I enjoyed Fallen London.

I'll give this sequel a go though.

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