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"The ICT Thread - From the Premiership to the Seaside"

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31 minutes ago, Poet of the Macabre said:

Sounds a mess.

Don't think you'll end up in the bottom two but then I thought we'd be doing really well to be ahead of Caley and Falkirk at this point...

It's been a shambles for a couple of seasons now. ICTChris posted this on the ICT forum and it perfectly captures pretty much every minter moment from the club from the end of the 16/17 season up until the start of August. Hopefully you can read it without registering.



Tonight's sale of Draper to Ross County has (hopefully) concluded the worst summer of the clubs entire 23 year existence.

starting with relegation, we've seen the following.

- We sack Richie Foran after the end of the season, which was the right decision but taken so late that the rightness or wrongness of it becomes secondary. Why persevere with someone for so long when he obviously wasn't good enough, suffer the consequences and then take action when it's too late? The fact someone with his history at the club was despatched with a two line statement was also a joke.

- The club then reshuffles the boardroom, with a load of Inverniessian estate agents, solicitors and whatnot leaving and joining. No-one really has any idea who any of these people are, none of them have any experience at running a football club whatsoever. The only chink of light is appointing Danny MacDonald, who does know about this, as COO last week.

- Following relegation we don't reduce season ticket prices and issue unbelievably arrogant press release about getting promoted as champions. The tin eared idiocy of this is made more apparent by subsequent events - we ask fans to stump up money to ensure we can cover costs but then release and sell our high earners? Surely someone must've realised how this would go over? The 'apology' afterwards is nothing either, don't get into situations where you have to apologise.

- The club  then embarks on the most nonsensical summer of PR idiocy its possible to imagine. The only way it could be worse is if Finlayson invited a few Japanese trawler boats to dock outside the stadium and slaughter some of the dolphins. First we get rid of stalwarts like Duncan Shearer by text message, then we adopt radio silence from our social media team, then when we get someone to man the Twitter account, they accidentally like filth and our club outs out the stupidest statement in our history about it. It's been said that lots of this stuff was done by volunteer but you could employ a 16 year old media student and they'd do a better job. 

- In between this we praise the candidates who applied for our job and were interviewed and then... appoint someone who didn't apply, hasn't worked as a manager in five years, hasn't been particularly successful at this level in 13 years and was shocked to get in.  I hope he does a good job and he's at least a positive person but looking at things logically the odds are stacked against him. He's also working with people he hasn't brought in, no doubt due to cost, and will be under pressure very soon if we don't go on a run. The fact that he's already started slating the team and players doesn't bode well.

- In terms of playing we've lost some stalwarts, as you'd expect, and replaced them with jobbers. Being absolutely honest about it we've signed raw youth players doing the trialist rounds, jobbers who've been released for being no good or guys who've most likely come from agents. We don't have a solid defender and we don't have someone to score double figures in this league. We also someone got into a war of words with an ex player managing a HL club that we have loads of links with over us trying to sign their best player and captain for no money. An utter embarrassment.

i don't really mind about us selling players or who they go to, all players leave evenuslky and it's better to clear out players too soon than too late. Our squad was stale and under performing. It's the fact we are certain to sign utter useless jobbers to replace the players who've left that is really concerning.

I don't think I've missed anything. I don't know if the board or the manager or the Chief Operating Officer wants to give us an update on what the plan is with all this but it's difficult to see where it's going. We don't have an identity as a team, we don't have a structure to ensure that we succeed as much as possible. We have made investment available but no-one is going to invest, apparently. Is this it for the foreseeable? As fans we need something to look forward to, more than a win against Forfar, although that's probably going to be as good as it gets these days, I just hope that at least somebody in charge at the club realises what a state we are in because it needs to change. We are more likely to leave this division down the way than up at the moment and if the people in charge don't get that then we are in for a hard few years until they do.

Edited by RiG
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I was wondering when the stands are being handed over, anyone know?

I have also heard that the company which is handing over the stands are retaining the car parks, any truth in that?

Now we all know that Tulloch built and own these properties but a check of companies house show that Tulloch does not directly own the property instead they have been umbrella'd under another company called  Inverness Caledonian Thistle Properties (2004) Ltd, the officers are Tulloch connected and the business is registered at Stoneyfield House home of Tulloch.

Nothing wrong in that at all but what I do find strange is that instead of naming the company say Tulloch Holdings or such like they Inverness Caledonian Thistle tag it.

Anyway what about the car parks?

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How long do we have to wait for a journalist to expose the land banker power games that have stymied our club

Uncle Royston delivers training pitches and infrastructure.

Our mob delivers a pdf of our ground so we can make our way around it without the touchstone of our portakabin.

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No profound earth shattering statement in this Friday's Courier from the Glorious Leader, (ex safety officer), but there is a letter from a chap titled,  "Players can do better but so can the Fans".

 In the letter the chap say's he attended last week's QOS game and basically though he says the players performance was poor then if the fans do not give them encouragement and only display negativity by booing and falling attendances then that is what we can expect.

He also admits that he is NOT a regular attendee but intends to attend more games in future to  give the team encouragement?

Gimme me a feckin break from clowns like this.

If like many of us he was an ST holder or regular game attendee plus traveled to away games, incurring hotel costs etc, and didn't have to suffer the shite we have been served up all last season and now into this season then he would not be writing this drivel.

The reality is that we play a division 3 team tomorrow and there is every likliehood we could get beat.


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16 hours ago, RiG said:

They've also banned the group of fans responsible for creating anything close to an atmosphere at the ground without even meeting with them to discuss the recent incidents.


And the atmosphere at last weeks game without these lads was feckin abysmal.

As I've said before you would think that somebody is trying to run the club into the ground.

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On 06/10/2017 at 13:03, SandyCromarty said:

No profound earth shattering statement in this Friday's Courier from the Glorious Leader, (ex safety officer), but there is a letter from a chap titled,  "Players can do better but so can the Fans".

 In the letter the chap say's he attended last week's QOS game and basically though he says the players performance was poor then if the fans do not give them encouragement and only display negativity by booing and falling attendances then that is what we can expect.

He also admits that he is NOT a regular attendee but intends to attend more games in future to  give the team encouragement?

Gimme me a feckin break from clowns like this.

If like many of us he was an ST holder or regular game attendee plus traveled to away games, incurring hotel costs etc, and didn't have to suffer the shite we have been served up all last season and now into this season then he would not be writing this drivel.

The reality is that we play a division 3 team tomorrow and there is every likliehood we could get beat.


I've spotted a flaw in your version of "reality" (again).

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The atmosphere at our stadium has always been terrible. It's like that with most teams at home really. The bunch of juveniles didn't bring enough to merit their behaviour and needed a ban. Hopefully when they do come back they've grown up a little.

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The atmosphere at our stadium has always been terrible. It's like that with most teams at home really. The bunch of juveniles didn't bring enough to merit their behaviour and needed a ban. Hopefully when they do come back they've grown up a little.

If they come back...
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Another mediocre performance today with  our lowest crowd of 930 so far, all credit to Peterhead for giving us a hard working game and credit where credit is due I felt that at times they were the better team collectively.

The three goals aside we again continued with a dis-jointed game with some awful wayward passes and at times at looked like we were playing an individual game trying to impress the manager.

The first goal by Polworth, within two minutes, was a hope and hit which looked like a deflection, but all credit to him for taking the chance.

The second by Ricardo was a beaut, take a bow Ricky.

And the third, who is this is big balls player Mckay, after only a few minutes on the park, a with a great header after clown Oakley fecked an open goal? give this lad a start.

Oakley and Baird can only be described a as comic duo, please lose these losers in January, both through one on one and gave it straight to the Blue Toon's Goalie, they're a feckin joke.

And what the feck is the carry on with Polworth and Kellacher exchanging slaps after Pollie was subbed, rightly after a shite game.  

Atmosphere for the game was dire, I felt sorry for the lone drummer boy in the north stand.

What a real feckin mess we are in thanks to this and the past board, there is no glory in or achievement in beating a part time team two divisions below our full time team.

And to be realistic any win bonuses should be graciously handed to Peterhead.

Edited by SandyCromarty
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Polworth got subbed off and for set about our coach Scott Kellacher for, erm, reasons.

Bizarre. Just read on Twitter that Kellacher is apparently a decent guy and has been at ICT for years.

I fucking love Scottish football.
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