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"The ICT Thread - From the Premiership to the Seaside"

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I would've been delighted had he signed for us, highly rated - Aberdeen and Motherwell wanted him not too long ago. Lost a bit of form but a tall fast striker with a decent goal record not much to sniff at, apparently between ICT and Raith for him. Highest we likely would've offered is 400 or so a week, so guessing he'd be pushing 1k+ at ICT/Raith

County wanted him when Falkirk signed him. I know McIntyre was a fan, but didn’t want to pay a fee. It would appear he’s really lost his way, as the last time i saw him play he was excellent.
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We aren’t in a position to buy players who are proven goalscorers at this level. We need to find players who are under valued by other teams that can reach their full potential with us. We seem to have done that with Coll Donaldson, who was slated at Dundee Utd but has been a standout for us. It’s the same principle with Austin, if we have agreed to sign him. It might work, it might not.

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2 hours ago, alternative maryhill said:

There's presumably a tiny bit of money already available, as Raven was offered very reduced terms to stay on. I'm guessing Robbo will try to get shot of Zschusschen and that Elsdon will probably return to Middlesbrough, so we might just free up enough cash to offer him some sort of deal. It is a risk if true though, given how poor he's apparently been this season. 





At the agm John Robertson said that it would be four out and three in.

With his partner already back in the Netherlands, Zschusschen, it was heavily hinted, is already mutually gone.

So long Suzanne, it's time to laugh and cry that its over before it began.

If as my good friend S Henry intimates, this young replacement is a player of promise that has taken a wrong turn, then he fits exactly with the DNA of an ICT hero that Robertson referred to at the agm.

My only worry is that the house been offered is in Laurel Avenue, he'd have to be hardy to live there.



Edited by sophia
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No mention of Austin in today's Courier, but I am absolutely feckin pissed off with this paper again, today most of the back page is taken up with Ross County's miserable draw at home with St Johnstone, and all we have is a non story of how much Tremarco likes Robertson and Inverness.

For fecksake  it's an INVERNESS paper not feckin Dingwull,  the Ross Shire Journal is for County Stories as the vast majority of County fans live north of the Kessock Bridge.

I had a word with the sports editor a couple of years ago about this when he ran the back page with a totally non story of McIntyre moving on and our weekend big defeat of Aberdeen was consigned to the inside pages.

Obviously this feckin fool of a sports editor has issues with ICT and it's supporters.

Best not to buy the rag as that's what I'll be doing. 

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I stopped buying it a couple of years ago massively overpriced for what it is. On the issue of them lots fans. I’m led to believe they have more season ticket holders in Inverness than Dingwall

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10 hours ago, jagster said:

I stopped buying it a couple of years ago massively overpriced for what it is. On the issue of them lots fans. I’m led to believe they have more season ticket holders in Inverness than Dingwall

If that's the case, which I doubt, then the Ross Shire Journal is available to them in supermarkets and newsagents throughout Inverness.

The Inverness Courier is a local paper which should report on Inverness issues. 

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5 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

If that's the case, which I doubt, then the Ross Shire Journal is available to them in supermarkets and newsagents throughout Inverness.

The Inverness Courier is a local paper which should report on Inverness issues. 

Sandy and Sophia in same photograph shocker!!


Edited by micaley68
Forgot to include text.
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7 minutes ago, glenrothes 1884 saint said:

How has Arran Doran been playing lately,always looked a player against us?

Had his first start of the season today and scored after five minutes.

he's had brutal injuries though, basically missed two full seasons, give or take three or four games.

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I have a love for the quarterback beauty of Iain Vigurs but it seems to me that you'd  have to be Jimmy Cooper to have as big a target on your back.

My dear Iain, winning friends and influencing people does not necessarily involve snarling and disrespecting.

Two points which would have been welcome are now trapped forever in your folly.

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