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Junior football, what is the future?


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5 minutes ago, Black & Red Socks said:

As someone else has just said, I’d leave matters to your phone from now on then. Makes as much sense as you but won’t need to was out a vulgar mouth with soap.

This just shows what a scum mentality we have in this country its done leave it and you still get twats going on about it. Thats why we don't have a scotland manager. have idiots thinking independence is a good idea. Brexit.  Get back to the topic instead of acting like your coming up with something new and insightful.

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This just shows what a scum mentality we have in this country its done leave it and you still get twats going on about it. Thats why we don't have a scotland manager. have idiots thinking independence is a good idea. Brexit.  Get back to the topic instead of acting like your coming up with something new and insightful.

Pardon? What in heavens name are you on about?? Haven’t you drifted just a little bit off topic - so very much more than you accused others of - or has all the soap that seems desperately required for your quite astonishingly filthy mouth affected your cognisant abilities?


Sit still in your pram until I gather together all your toys.

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45 minutes ago, Black & Red Socks said:

Pardon? What in heavens name are you on about?! Haven’t you drifted just a little bit off topic or has all the soap required for your filthy mouth affected your cognisant abilities?

Sit still in your pram until I gather together all your toys.

It went off topic when you continued something that had already finished.

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Newtongrange v Kennoway in the SL yesterday. Great result for the star, but it looks like there are more people in the dugouts than in the rest of the ground. 
Probably more at Kelty v Tweedmouth to be fair.

At Thornton v Blackburn in the Premier yesterday there were less than 50 at the game inc committees, half of that was from Blackburn.

Regardless of your opinion of the Pyramid, the Junior game is struggling to attract people to games at all levels. Some clubs are bucking the trend but most are heading the other way.
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19 minutes ago, Burnie_man said:


At Thornton v Blackburn in the Premier yesterday there were less than 50 at the game inc committees, half of that was from Blackburn.

Regardless of your opinion of the Pyramid, the Junior game is struggling to attract people to games at all levels. Some clubs are bucking the trend but most are heading the other way.


If it was in the pyramid there would still be 50 people there

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45 minutes ago, Burnie_man said:


At Thornton v Blackburn in the Premier yesterday there were less than 50 at the game inc committees, half of that was from Blackburn.

Regardless of your opinion of the Pyramid, the Junior game is struggling to attract people to games at all levels. Some clubs are bucking the trend but most are heading the other way.

Crowd sizes aren't really something it's wise to use as a yardstick when debating the pros and cons of the pyramid though - it's the big elephant in the room with the LL and has been since its inception.

There are of course exceptions to the rule, but crowds remain comfortably sub-three figures at most current fifth tier games, for several reasons; clubs representing educational establishments rather than communities (the Uni sides), clubs whose large affiliated memberships haven't translated into people actually going along to watch them (the ex-kids club sides), clubs in areas where football is second fiddle to rugby (the Borders clubs, who also have the local conundrum of having to bring in players from outside to be remotely competitive, but losing local interest through not using local players - it seems to be a problem peculiar to the area) or one club whose business model means that it's utterly immaterial whether anyone watches them who as a result make no effort whatsoever to attract support (Edusport)

Looking at yesterday's LL fixtures, I'd be surprised if any of Vale of Leithen v BSC, Colts v CSS or Edinburgh Uni v Edusport attracted 50 PAYING supporters. Out of the others, probably only EK v Spartans attracted much over 100.

And that's at a level ostensibly THREE divisions up from the game you watched yesterday.

Edited by Hillonearth
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30 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

Crowd sizes aren't really something it's wise to use as a yardstick when debating the pros and cons of the pyramid though - it's the big elephant in the room with the LL and has been since its inception.


I wasn't using it as a yardstick as I said, I'm merely pointing out that the Junior game is not getting people through the gates in any numbers, they're continuing to drop. Not everywhere, some clubs are holding steady or increasing slightly, but overall the amount of paying fans has to be a major concern.

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41 minutes ago, Burnie_man said:

I wasn't using it as a yardstick as I said, I'm merely pointing out that the Junior game is not getting people through the gates in any numbers, they're continuing to drop. Not everywhere, some clubs are holding steady or increasing slightly, but overall the amount of paying fans has to be a major concern.

The pyramid as you see it sounds good. My main concern is being part of an organisation that I don't have a lot of time for. The hierarchy and the people running the clubs, making decisions are unpleasant on an entirely different scale to the juniors. Strong rumours seem to have emerged that youth teams will be introduced at some level next season.

Not to put too fine a point on it, these people are Cùnts and I wouldn't give them the steam off my pish.

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2 hours ago, Burnie_man said:

I wasn't using it as a yardstick as I said, I'm merely pointing out that the Junior game is not getting people through the gates in any numbers, they're continuing to drop. Not everywhere, some clubs are holding steady or increasing slightly, but overall the amount of paying fans has to be a major concern.

But surely that would be the same for eosfl and Lowland League.  Which I keep telling you is the points you ignore

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The pyramid as you see it sounds good. My main concern is being part of an organisation that I don't have a lot of time for. The hierarchy and the people running the clubs, making decisions are unpleasant on an entirely different scale to the juniors. Strong rumours seem to have emerged that youth teams will be introduced at some level next season.
Not to put too fine a point on it, these people are Cùnts and I wouldn't give them the steam off my pish.

I'm not a big fan of Blazers at any level, they all have a measure of self interest.

However having first hand experience of those running the game at Junior level, I'm happy to take the chance. The Lowland League and EoSFL appear to be run with a greater level of professionalism.

I do think that if the non-league game was unified we could work together to make the whole thing more attractive to fans. We can't do any worse.
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The more pertinent question is - how many posters isn't he? This must be account 40 with the continual creepy stalkerish fetish about Burnieman and Glenrothes.

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3 hours ago, drs said:

The more pertinent question is - how many posters isn't he? This must be account 40 with the continual creepy stalkerish fetish about Burnieman and Glenrothes.

Yeah this is about his 15/20th ID, the mods are aware although he seems to be able to circumvent the ban.

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