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  1. That's fine see you later. Your forum is a disgrace
  2. @GoTeamGaz sad little man going down red dotting my posts. Scotland is a scumbag country with stupid arseholes like you
  3. Did I say Griffiths was done for it scumbag. He was accused of it. Thomson was convicted. Get yourself on the cowdenbeath page and say the same things or I will know that you are just a loudmouth wedgie scumbag that knows f**k all about anything. Do yourself a favour and get a life
  4. What if he was innocent? Should he just say he is guilty to suit namby pamby scotland
  5. What's wrong with you? What is different about goodwillie to thomson
  6. I'm not trolling I just simply believe in fairness. I hope to see you campaign on the falkirk and Cowdenbeath pages
  7. Thats if he actually did it. I believe in a fair trial not a witch Hunt. Having been the victim of a witch hunt. Everyone has a right to an opinion this isn't the soviet union you know
  8. A worrying sign for the country if twonks like you think some arse from the green party is the font of all Knowledge. I distanced myself from a mental health charity over the Goodwillie issue as their excuse we have dealt with rape victims, But surely they have dealt with people who have been bullied as well.
  9. Its still not a criminal conviction is it? He hasn't got a criminal conviction for rape. As I've said all the knuckle draggers on here about goodwillie aren't storming Cowdenbeaths page about Craig Thomson, who was convicted.
  10. Are you on falkirks page about griffiths or worst of all Cowdenbeaths for Craig Thomson. Considering he actually was convicted?
  11. guy would need to be found guilty in a court of law to be a rapist.
  12. the do gooders who say hes been stopped working? Have a word with yourself its the do gooders who are bullying the guy.
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