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San Starko Rover

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San Starko Rover last won the day on February 4 2022

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About San Starko Rover

  • Birthday 28/12/1980

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    Raith Rovers

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  1. This, Tony Watt is a knob at the best of times and his attitude is stinking but he’d do a job for any club at this level as he showed last season. Highly doubt we’ll sign him though as he’s way above the wages we’ll be paying. Wouldn’t surprise me if Dundee Utd are trying to offload him as I doubt he’ll be very effective at the top division level unless he adjusts his attitude and work rate.
  2. Plenty of decent strikers who’ve played at our level and then absolutely failed to make the step up to the level Stevie May has spent the majority of his career. I’ve no idea if there’s anything in the rumour but at the end of the day if it turns out to be true he’d be stepping down a level. Decent chance he’d be a better player in comparison to his peers at this level. May might not be the exciting prospect he once was but what he is, is an experienced player whose played his entire career a level above where we are and he’s only 31.
  3. Interesting one as he was training with Livingston earlier this month. Don’t know much about the guy but says his club in Belgium went out of business and he was in a pretty bad car crash recently. Guess he’s trying to stay fit and impress at this level, sure Murray will have a look at him.
  4. Pretty fair description of the Estuary Zanetti. I’ve never had any bother in there, just remember to wipe your feet on the way out .
  5. For away fans I’d suggest the Abbotshall Hotel on Milton Road which is across the road from the Novar. It’s ideal for getting to the away end by going straight up Milton Road and turning left onto Pratt Street. Saves walking along Link Street past the home end.
  6. No parking issues for me, I live at the harbour. Wee stroll up the hill with a refreshing beverage at the Path Tavern.
  7. Could be a nice wee earner for K&D, get a pleasant evening weather wise and it could see a healthy crowd. Never been to Denfield been tempted to pop along a coulple of times but never did it in the end.
  8. Result pretty much what was expected Rovers were a level above Stirling and it showed. First visit to Forthbank and it’s a really nice wee ground which would be ideal for most Part Time clubs. Seemed a poor home crowd but I’ve no idea what they normally have. Young lads down the front corner did their best to get behind their team so fair play although the flare before kick off was a wee bit much . No shocks in the group with both County and Rovers winning comfortably onto Tuesday and best of luck to Stirling in the coming season.
  9. Genuinely looks an absolutely cracking league this season and with minimal travel (Central belt league) hopefully we’ll see some decent away supports at most games. Airdrie - Lost a few players from their excellent team last season who owned us in every game we played so I’d expect a bit of a drop off unless McCabe can pull another magic trick out the bag. I guess we’ll get a good indication when we face them first game Ayr - Seem to have recruited well and not shocked a few are tipping them to challenge this season with the signings Brown has made, I think they’ll be challenging for the playoffs but not quite the title as they had a lot less to build on than Partick and Rovers at the end of last season. Dunfermline - Actually underwhelmed by their transfer activity so as I expected them to sign a bit more after a relatively poor season last year by their standards perhaps McPake is putting a lot of last season down to injuries as they were pretty unlucky in that regard last season. Couple of decent signings, will they be enough to challenge at the right end of the table Falkirk - Cracking season last year going undefeated is an achievement at any level but how will they handle their first defeat when it comes is a big question. McGlynn obviously knows this level and there’s players in the Falkirk team who do too so they'd expect to be challenging at the right end of the table. Morton - I think many had them for the bottom two after they lost a few good players but Imrie seems to have made a few decent signing to give them a decent Championship team. Last season seemed to be peaks and troughs with runs of wins and defeats, csn we expect to see the same again this season? Hamilton - Will be a lot of peoples tip for the drop but so we’re Airdrie last season and look how that panned out. Like any team coming up I think the first few games are really crucial as you need to hit the ground running and build confidence in your players. I’d expect them to be bottom half but we’ll see. Livingston - I’ve absolutely no idea where Livingston will finish this season, normally you’d have the relegated team as favourites to return but Livingston seem to lack the same financial backing of previously relegated teams. No doubt Martindale has a few tricks up his sleeve as they didn’t stay up so long without earning it. Partick - Recruited well and deservedly many peoples tip for the title, looked decent last season but just lacked the consistency to keep up with the top two and perhaps Raith’s last minute winner abilities but a solid base to build on. Absolutely no doubt the Maryhill lads will be up challenging for the league and I think Brian Graham could be crucial, a brilliant striker ever team would take but obviously not getting any younger so injuries could be key. Queens Park - Seem a wee bit of a mess at the moment off the pitch due to their Southside neighbours incompetence leaving huge questions on where they’ll even be playing not sure they’ve replaced what they lost last season and Paton potentially leaving could see a hard slog for the Querns Park fans. Board really need to sort out Lesser Hampden asap before the money is gone and they’ve no stadium fit for purpose. Raith - We’re apparently the bookings favourites and they’re never wrong , should be challenging for the title after retaining much of last seasons squad and recruiting in the defence that was our weakness last year. I think we’ll bring in another striker and who that is could be the difference in where we finish as we look a little light up top just now. Rovers will need to put in the same shift that saw so many late goals last season if they want to challenge again.
  10. Not sure there’s any hate for Rudden he’s just not a player anyone is thinking we should be interested in as he was pretty bang average last season for us. There’s no doubt he can do a job for a club at this level and perhaps coming in cold as you say was the real issue but he just doesn’t seem to offer us anything we don’t already have. Signing Rudden would seem a bit of a panic buy for us just to have an extra striker. I’d hope the club are looking at other options that might offer us something different. No doubt Rudden will now have a stormer against us if he plays for Queens as that’s always the way.
  11. Knew Lesser Hampden was small but that’s absolutely wild it only holds 900! Surely the whole point of going professional and selling Hampden was to set the club up to survive and even thrive in the new pyramid system. That had to start with a ground that was fit for your ambitions of Championship / Premiership football. The old 10k seats rule is long gone so a simple 4k-ish capacity (standing and seating) would have been fine for the foreseeable. Absolutely mind boggling your board have spunked a fortune on a hospitality lounge yet neglected the actual stadium while trying to put a team on the pitch to challenge for top flight. Genuinely fear your Hampden money will just get pissed up the wall unless your board put it into bricks and mortar. Anyway I hope you get something sorted for this season as it’s shite that Rangers incompetence might effect your club negatively.
  12. Doubt Airdrie is an option, if Wikipedia is to believed (stopped watches are right twice a day) they already have Airdrie, Celtic B, Celtic Women and Glasgow Uni playing there. What’s the current capacity of Lesser Hampden? Livingston wouldn’t be much better than Stenhousemuir for your fans. Whole thing is an absolute cluster by Rangers.
  13. You can understand the price of a ticket changing as you go up a division but seems weird that the pies go up too . Hampden is the one in my mind that seemed expensive last season (absolutely no idea if it actually was compared to other grounds but it seemed it at the time). £3 seems a lot for a cup of Bovril or tea, no idea how our prices compare as I’ve not bought a pie and Bovril for a while as I can’t be arsed with the queues. I’m guessing it reasonably priced as every game the queues are pretty long.
  14. I’d say size up with Joma, grumswall has obviously been hitting the gym all summer. Joma tops seem designed to be tight fitting which is great if you’ve got the physique for it but if you like your shirt a little less tight fitting I’d definitely say to size up.
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