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The BIG strip the titles thread

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I think that when you look at what happened after the Celtic v Referee incident at Tannadice, when Lennon was proved right and it was found that the officials did try to collude a bull***t story and the Cadette registration fiasco many years ago, it then starts to look less and less of a conspiracy theory and more like dead cert proof that there was underhand actions against Celtic. 
Try again.

And that's where you lose support with the always cheated/agenda bs.
2 cheeks
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Said it once, will say it again, I don't want the titles/cups rangers cheated to win awarded to Celtic.  Gaining a trophy in this manner isn't much better than cheating to win it in the first place.  What should happen is the trophies are declared void but I wouldn't hold my breath on this.

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1 hour ago, TheCelt67 said:

Said it once, will say it again, I don't want the titles/cups rangers cheated to win awarded to Celtic.  Gaining a trophy in this manner isn't much better than cheating to win it in the first place.  What should happen is the trophies are declared void but I wouldn't hold my breath on this.

Didn't Rangers lose all trophies won up until 2012 anyway?...........

Not really bothered either way. The celebrations were great days and no one can take that away. Other than that it's just a mere statistic on wiki.

Make them void, award them to someone else. Whatever. I'm only focused on winning the league this season. If we lose the league, which we most likely will, I certainly won't take any comfort from past glory. Doesn't mean much if you're shit. Just my opinion.

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1 minute ago, thepundit said:

Didn't Rangers lose all trophies won up until 2012 anyway?...........

Not really bothered either way. The celebrations were great days and no one can take that away. Other than that it's just a mere statistic on wiki.

Make them void, award them to someone else. Whatever. I'm only focused on winning the league this season. If we lose the league, which we most likely will, I certainly won't take any comfort from past glory. Doesn't mean much if you're shit. Just my opinion.

Well, no.  Rangers keep the trophies they won up until the died.  Although oddly enough, in 2012, a brand new club called the rangers laid claim to those trophies.  ;)

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2 minutes ago, thepundit said:

Didn't Rangers lose all trophies won up until 2012 anyway?...........

Not really bothered either way. The celebrations were great days and no one can take that away. Other than that it's just a mere statistic on wiki.

Make them void, award them to someone else. Whatever. I'm only focused on winning the league this season. If we lose the league, which we most likely will, I certainly won't take any comfort from past glory. Doesn't mean much if you're shit. Just my opinion.

Charlie Cheese bought all the history, he said so. Bought all your bad days history as well, unlucks.

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12 minutes ago, thepundit said:

Didn't Rangers lose all trophies won up until 2012 anyway?...........

Not really bothered either way. The celebrations were great days and no one can take that away. Other than that it's just a mere statistic on wiki.

Make them void, award them to someone else. Whatever. I'm only focused on winning the league this season. If we lose the league, which we most likely will, I certainly won't take any comfort from past glory. Doesn't mean much if you're shit. Just my opinion.

There's no "most likely" about it. If Rangers win the league I will eat my own feet. Which would be howlin', but I'm THAT confident.

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13 minutes ago, Henrik's tongue said:

There's no "most likely" about it. If Rangers win the league I will eat my own feet. Which would be howlin', but I'm THAT confident.

I don't blame you. If the shoe was on the other foot, if you'll excuse the pun, I'd be saying the same. :)

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the question is just not rangers it's the SFA letting it happen for over 10 years

This is an interesting point. For me this isn't just about Rangers; I want the boot firmly put into the SFA and SPFL.
(Which, sadly, is the reason nothing is likely to happen).
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And, will Celtic and the other clubs really follow through on their threats?  If the SFA or the SPFL go down, UEFA are likely to ban our clubs from European competition.


Not that United fans need to worry about that this year.

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Going by BBC reports from Friday, it sounds like nothing will get done about this unless there's a serious danger that the other top flight teams might lose money due to fan boycotts.  

Most of the league would gladly have ignored this the first time, because they would've made more money; they'll gladly ignore it now, unless there's a threat they'll make less money.

i haven't checked the dictionary definition of "corruption" but I'd bet that "turning a blind eye to wrongdoing because it benefits you to do so" is pretty much the essence of corruption.  It's not a good look, is it.

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As far as I'm concerned they can keep their titles. I always felt like we lost those titles rather than Rangers winning them because of us making a c**t of it and taking titles away won't make me feel any better about losing them.

I'm just delighted that the spending caught up with them and killed them off. Our careful planning and their inability to plan will result in one of the greatest periods of dominance in our history. I'll just sit back and enjoy it while it lasts.

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1 hour ago, Tartantony said:

As far as I'm concerned they can keep their titles. I always felt like we lost those titles rather than Rangers winning them because of us making a c**t of it and taking titles away won't make me feel any better about losing them.

I'm just delighted that the spending caught up with them and killed them off. Our careful planning and their inability to plan will result in one of the greatest periods of dominance in our history. I'll just sit back and enjoy it while it lasts.

Don't you think you'll get bored without a credible rival?

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Don't you think you'll get bored without a credible rival?

It's certainly possible that it could get boring but it depends on each fans perspective.

I will look at it differently from younger fans as my early days supporting Celtic were during a period where we had very little success.

I take some satisfaction from the fact that Celtic took a long term approach in order to build the club to a whole new level during the 90s while a lot of other clubs in Scotland spent outwith their means. Our biscuit tin mentality back then is the reason we are so far ahead now while other clubs are only just getting themselves in order (i.e Aberdeen recently debt free, now able to build a good team, new stadium on the horizon, Hearts now financially stable, new stand, Hibs now looking like a well run club etc). We are only so far ahead because we put all these things in place before everyone else.

If you go back to the 80s and early 90s, our turnover was only a few million more than Aberdeen or Hearts and our average attendances were historically around 25,000. That's not much higher than teams like Aberdeen, Hearts and Hibs were getting back then. When we built a 60,000 seated stadium a lot of Scotland laughed at us (as did our own fan base) because it seemed like there was no chance we could fill it. For the most part we have filled it and have managed to outgrow our competition because of it.

It's not our fault that there is no challenge, that's down to the other clubs not have sustainable financial models. It's now up to Rangers, Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and any other club to do what we did and start building towards the future. Something I believe they are now trying to do (outwith Rangers).

There is no doubt in my mind that there will come a time in the not so distant future that a non OF club and Rangers will be challenging us and will eventally win the league. For that reason and the reasons stated above, I will make sure that I enjoy our dominance for however long it may last because it is 100% guaranteed it won't last forever.

That's my very long winded way of saying that I personally won't be getting bored [emoji14]
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4 hours ago, milton75 said:

This is an interesting point. For me this isn't just about Rangers; I want the boot firmly put into the SFA and SPFL.
(Which, sadly, is the reason nothing is likely to happen).


4 hours ago, The DA said:

And, will Celtic and the other clubs really follow through on their threats?  If the SFA or the SPFL go down, UEFA are likely to ban our clubs from European competition.


Not that United fans need to worry about that this year.

There is no doubt that the clubs will be talking about this,the clubs can't afford to sweep this under the carpet
for me if the clubs do nothing fans will come together and pay for a QC to look at this every fan knows it is wrong
The SPFL and the SFA will bring the game in Scotland into disrepute if they don't act

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The titles should be voided but like flyingrodent says, that won't happen without some serious fan pressure as the clubs are simply either too worried about their own position if they make a fuss or just don't care.

The real pressure should be on the SFA, who have allowed them to cheat for so long, who changed the rules to help them once they started to struggle and who wanted to slot them straight back into the league with a minor slap on the wrist/fine they don't press to be paid.

Their actions aren't acceptable for an organisation that is supposed to be running the game with all of its clubs, and that of the game in Scotland itself, interests at heart. The question is how can you overturn an organisation that basically answers to nobody?

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I think we all know that the powers that are the S(pineless)PFL will do nothing regarding the titles in question.  This would involve making a decision and one that would go against a new team with 5 marvellous years of existence. Not forgetting

I personally feel that any title pre 2012 should be taken from RIFC 2012.  They are after all a brand new club, with a 2nd, 1st and Championship titles along with a Challenge Cup win to their credit. They rose from the ashes of RFC 1872yet still see themselves as part of the Old Firm. Surely a plaudit that should be awarded to Partick Thistle, the oldest other senior team in the top flight?

I'm still baffled as to how a team with 2 names can select the best of both worlds. All the glory from RFC, but not the debt they amassed as they want to trade under a new name.

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It has been fun listening to the various Rangers apologists and the usual Old Firm enablers twisting and turning on various media outlets. their woolly arguments  of "Awbody else was dae'in it" made for painful listening. The simple fact is they got players who they would have not been able to get at the time.  One or two of the big signings that Rangers made at the time have come out and said they would have gone to Rangers even without Murray's interesting financial arrangements. I think not though, they are making these comments after they have played for the team and they now have an emotional attachment. As we know most deals are done with agents who have know such sentiments.  I bet at the time th if Rangers had rocked up to them without the interesting financial arrangements and made an offer that was within their normal budget, the agents would laughed them out of the room. I think though if Rangers has stuck to a more realistic budget and bought players they would still have won those now "tainted titles". As Kenny D once said "Maybe Aye Maybe Naw" 

What needs to be done though is there has to be some sort of penalty, I am told often that this is the same club so a penalty must be applied. Stripping titles? Nope. Some sort penalty those had to be levied. Imagine in the  Aberdeen coming up with some interesting Financial arrangements, signing better players and winning the league for few seasons? How quickly would the old firm enablers by squealing about that? Clubs have to know that can not get away with unfair practices off the pitch and the risk is not worth it. 

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