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    Heart of Midlothian

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  1. It’s great to see her there and looking well. Sounds like a horrible disease and she sounded terrific.
  2. I think it’s been alright tbf. Most ceremonies they just have the athletes walking about. Some weird bits but some really good bits as well, stuff to laugh at. I’ve enjoyed it tbh.
  3. He’s like the ghost of Christmas present in A Christmas Carol. With more blue and ginger.
  4. I think they are channeling their inner Graham Norton and bringing some Eurovision sarcasm into the proceedings. I like it.
  5. Then you woke up and had your Frosties.
  6. The abuse he got at Norwich was simply because they are a bunch of utter c***s. I don’t care what expectations you do or don’t have or how disappointing a player is, you don’t sing songs that are so abusive his own family can’t go to games, especially not when they are basically a kid trying to come through. There are genuinely not many clubs where they’d consider that an ok thing to do, just because a kid isn’t as good as you’d hoped. It’s not like it’s a “football thing”.
  7. Seems to be Brighton’s current thinking on it:
  8. Yeah it seems a crazy low price, especially considering the sums that some players go for. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the new manager doesn’t need him or Gilmour wants to move. Apparently Brighton do tend to not overly stand in the way of players moving on to bigger clubs, so maybe they will be happy with a reasonable profit rather than a maximum one.
  9. I don’t know if it’s because I was there for a bit and got to the Scotland games but I’ve loved this tournament. Yeah, some games were dull but there is never a tournament without some dull games, there always will be. The group games were largely good to watch and so were quite a few of the knockout matches.
  10. Oh maybe, I don’t know his political views. He played a lot for the Spanish team though and I thought I’d heard it spoken about that he might want to manage them one day, I may have been wrong there though.
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