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Daddy Cheeze

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    the dark side of the moon
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  1. Fair play Dons,came out gunning in the second half and gave us very little to play with in midfield. Thought we showed up pretty well overall with a lot of positives to take forward into the season,when we're on it we can cause most teams problems,if we can mibbes cut down on the heart attack inducing brain farts this year that would be nice. Big Mase Hancock a solid contender to retain his crown as secret man crush of the season.
  2. Decent first half. Had the fear when Aberdeen remembered they were allowed to play fitba after the first ten but Sokler brainfart miss aside we've still mostly played how we want to. Expected a lot more from the Dons tbh.
  3. Park on the esplanade up by the driving range,two minutes walk to pittodrie,less chance of your car getting 'attention' from the locals on constitution st/Urquhart rd etc and not too harsh getting back out of the shit storm that is Aberdeen city centre in a car. (Wee aside,wtaf is the plan for union st?does the council even have one?) Watching this on a rig with about a dozen Dons fans so should be banterific no matter how it goes. Hoping we keep up our recent run of handing the Premier league team their arse in the group stages. Mon eh Diamonds.
  4. Airdrie Bois are the original holemasters. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.
  5. Reverse of the 21(?) away kit,black main grey diamond which I loved. Being a complete sucker for the recent spate of 'hang it in the Louvre'Airdrie taps over the past few seasons,chevron atrocity excepted, this one will be getting added to the collection.
  6. Echo what others have said,gutted to see him go but looking at our other options and the style we look to be playing this season not entirely surprising. Thanks for last season Toddy and all the best,particularly watching you pimpslap the TNS back line which was a throwback to years past and I loved every second of it.
  7. Would agree with all of that,we'll have a much better idea where we are after the remaining three games. Glad I won't be able to catch Saturdays game due to work,over 30yrs following the diamonds any time I've turned up in Dumbarton the team haven't,my own personal kryptonite.
  8. Couldn't scorch his neck with a blowtorch. Anyone managing a team on 'principles' while taking a 90 minute dry length without changing it up is a fucking moron but I think we all knew that already.
  9. That's how tactically kamikaze they were all game. You would think at half time and being six nil down even a semi competent manager would think 'mibbes this isn't the style to play today' but nope, another two rapid fire gifts in the time it takes to type a two line comment. That's the Kennedy commitment to banter right there.
  10. Will Airdrie go on for a league,league cup and Scottish cup treble then piss the Europa next season? It's not my place to speak for everybody but clearly the answer is yes.
  11. That was a thoroughly enjoyable evening's viewing,special mentio to Mr Kennedy for at least four of our goals from suicidal defending and not changing it up. Good to see us keep our foot on their throats throughout and looking forward to seeing how we fare against an actual football team with an ounce of tactical sense. EK, great bunch of lads.
  12. Half our goals are from them trying to get cute at the back and getting burned. Live and learn f**k all seems to be the Kennedy management way.
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