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Things you are sh*te at


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1. Talking to burds
2. Dancing
3. Not being socially awkward
4. Ten-pin bowling
5. Sticking to routine exercise that doesn't include football
6. Art, any form basically
7. Go-karting
8. Saving money
9. Baking
10. Concentrating
11. DIY
12. Ice-skating
13. Getting out of bed as soon as I wake up
14. Singing
15. Following most instructions
16. Knowing when to stop drinking
17. Small talk
18. Technology
I am not very good at most things. 

No bad at lists though...
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Haven't looked too closely but I've probably made an arse of it somewhere. 

Not that I noticed, but I did need a nap after 113. The more critical amongst us would point out it’s a top 5 thread (or at least I think it is)
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5. Giving directions -  I end up an incoherent mess on the odd occasion I am stopped for directions somewhere. Lots of 'eh, well. Hold on! Go down, no wait, there's usually a yellow car parked on the corner of, but it's Friday so maybe, eh. Yeah, go along this street then up that one I can't remember its name, ehhmm, eh, yeah.' 

4. Finishing projects - a song, a report, a book, even stuff like Christmas shopping I'll say to myself that I'll have it all done by the middle of December at the latest and I usually make a start of things, I am bad and finishing/completing them. Full of what I think is good ideas for songs, lyrics etc  and I've got about 8/9 songs that are ok (IMO) but they are all about 2-3 mins long at maximum because I'm too lazy to add lyrics, other parts ; or finish things off.

3. Watching TV - maybe this is a good thing, but I can't really sit for a whole night watching shite on tele unless it is sport. Even stuff I love e.g Sopranos, Curb, etc I'll watch 2 episodes in a row before thinking I need to do something else.

2. Small talk (when not prepared) - went to the bank on Friday and thought it would be in/out, have a nice weekend etc. Got a friendly teller who was chatting away about traveling the world and the joys of winter etc; and felt like a social outcast, couldn't get my brain to click or even put words in order. It didn't help that I hadn't spoken out loud the whole day until I went there.

1. Sleeping - so envious of people who can shut their brain off. Tried lots and lots of things - regular sleeping, white noise, not eating after 7pm, podcasts ; and it's something to do with my brain and its not even fun, exciting or educational stuff that could help me the next day. I'll go 2-3 days with little sleep and then I'll sleep for 10-11 hrs on the third day and back to the start again.

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  • 1 year later...
  • Heading a football.  
  • Sustaining a low calorie diet for any length of time.
  • Anything other than very basic DIY, and even then I don't fully trust myself.
  • Dancing (except when I'm drunk then I'm John fkin Travolta circa 1977)
  • Going to the doctors - at my age, every wee unusual thing is probably the start of tatties over the side, so the ostrich mentality comes in.
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