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Mobile App Refresh and Recent Performance Issues

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If you are a regular user of the site you won't have failed to notice the issues we've had over the last two weeks with the site locking up, sometimes for long periods.

Couldn't really get to the bottom of it, despite nothing really changing on our side.

Eventually I paid for geek to look at everything and he has made a number of changes but today we also found that our mobile app had a bug in it which has been potentially the root cause of the whole issue.

We have now refreshed that software to remove the bug. If you use the mobile app you might need to completely close down and login to it again to regain access.

We're monitoring things closely and hope that this is the end to the recent issues. Thanks for your patience.

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I made a change to the Cloudflare system that sits in front of our website this afternoon.  If the users who have had issues with the App these past few days on either Android or iOS (but Android seems much more widely affected) could uninstall and reinstall one more time and let me know how they get on that would be appreciated.

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1 hour ago, YER SISTERS YER MAW said:

The app seems to be running much smoother after latest update. Super quick now loading pages.

I'd give you a thousand greenies if I could. I was in a dark place this time last week.

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31 minutes ago, salmonbuddie said:

Android app still the same for me, uninstall/reinstall and it opens with me logged in, shut it down and reopen and I initially get the 'No Forums' image, try to log in and it's 'Network error' - BAWA app has the same issue.'

Yeah it seems to be an issue on certain flavours of Android. I'm working with the app guys to try and work out what the problem is.

Meantime you can use the site using the mobile version via your browser.

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1 hour ago, salmonbuddie said:

I was 7.1.1 until yesterday, 7.1.2 from then on a WileyFox Swift 2 X if that helps.

Can you, and any other Android users affected by this issue, do me a favour please?

Can you download the Tapatalk app from the app store, it's free, and try and connect to Pie and Bovril using that app instead of our own branded one?

Let me know if you get the same issue or whether it all works fine there.


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Back in through Tapatalk and it's remembered me. Doesn't show me threads with posts I haven't read or posted in, though.


Is that what you were after, Div?


ETA - tried the Tapatalk with BAWA after the app fell over, got in okay and all the blue indicators are present and correct.


ETA again - just realised the indicators are black in P&B, all present and correct.

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50 minutes ago, salmonbuddie said:

Back in through Tapatalk and it's remembered me. Doesn't show me threads with posts I haven't read or posted in, though.


Is that what you were after, Div?


ETA - tried the Tapatalk with BAWA after the app fell over, got in okay and all the blue indicators are present and correct.


ETA again - just realised the indicators are black in P&B, all present and correct.

So all working fine with the Tapatalk app then mate, yeah?

If so I have something to do on as our App is basically just a branded version of that, it interfaces with the forum in exactly the same way so the issue is with the code in our App rather than on the forum itself.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/12/2018 at 12:58, Flybhoy said:

I've been unable to give green or red dots the last few days, not organising a dotting campaign like last year but just wondered if this was a server glitch or has @Div removed this feature to prevent heads gone?

Nothing at all has changed mate. What happens when you click to dot someone?

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