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The Ultimate Super Ayr Thread

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Just now, Jack_1910 said:

You’ve completely forgotten the point here. Unlike McKenzie Moffat provided something to the team when he wasn’t scoring. Trying to compare the two players is ridiculous 

You literally stated you judge how good a striker is by how many goals they score. 

Bryden has scored two league goals for us btw. 


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12 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Ehhh... its exactly what Jack said he was talking about goals... 

You have precisely made the point I was making. There is more to playing up front than scoring goals. 🙈

He said it’s how you typically judge a striker.   Not an unreasonable yardstick.  If a striker isn’t especially prolific, you are entitled to ask what other value they offer.  Moffat offered lots.  McKenzie offers very little.

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9 minutes ago, Jack_1910 said:

You’ve completely forgotten the point here. Unlike McKenzie Moffat provided something to the team when he wasn’t scoring. Trying to compare the two players is ridiculous 

I was using Moffat to illustrate the point that there is more to playing up front than scoring goals. You were saying goals were how a forward was measured.

I wasn't attempting to say McKenzie was like Moffat, he isn't.

FWIW McKenzie was at his most effective playing as a foil off of Dipo last season. He would win headers, pull defenders out of position, press the opposition and chase absolutely everything. Affording his strike partner (Dipo) more time and space and less attention from the defenders. He chipped in with the odd goal and assist.

Frankly, I wouldn't be starting McKenzie but needs must at the moment. The same applies to Bryden I wouldn't be starting him either.

Edited by Trogdor
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30 minutes ago, Scott-ish said:

Our midfield is constantly either dominated or by-passed.

Don't forget when we play 442 he's often up against an extra body in there.

Most teams we'll play against will have a variation of three in the middle of the park.

That must be a tough shift week in, week out, it eventually has to take it's toll mentally and physically.


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2 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

I was using Moffat to illustrate the point that there is more to playing up front than scoring goals. You were saying goals were how a forward was measured.

I wasn't attempting to say McKenzie was like Moffat, he isn't.

FWIW McKenzie was at his most effective playing as a foil off of Dipo last season. He would win headers, pull defenders out of position, press the opposition and chase absolutely everything. Affording his strike partner (Dipo) more time and space and less attention from the defenders. He chipped in with the odd goal and assist.

Frankly, I wouldn't be starting McKenzie but needs must at the moment. The same applies to Bryden I wouldn't be starting him either.

Maybe York City need to sign McKenzie in order to get the best out of Dipo…. 

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18 minutes ago, BukyOHare said:

I'm more happier laughing at you fighting the rage on here after we've won a game.

While trying to rationalise something you clearly have a limited knowledge of in a yer da in the pub with his mates type style.

Sign them earlier. 😂😂




I don’t know why you act as if people are ludicrous for wanting us to have had good business done earlier, and not to go into a league game with the team we had out today. 

We are supposed to be aiming to be one of the better run sides in this league in a number of ways, including in terms of our recruitment and squad building. 

We shouldn’t just accept that this is just the way it is, because people such as yourself say so - when a similar sized club in Raith Rovers are showing us exactly how it could be done in a number of ways. 

We can accept that things can take time, but we should always be striving for better and looking to go into the season with a squad that is ready to compete. 

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2 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

I don’t know why you act as if people are ludicrous for wanting us to have had good business done earlier, and not to go into a league game with the team we had out today. 

We are supposed to be aiming to be one of the better run sides in this league in a number of ways, including in terms of our recruitment and squad building. 

We shouldn’t just accept that this is just the way it is, because people such as yourself say so - when a similar sized club in Raith Rovers are showing us exactly how it could be done in a number of ways. 

We can accept that things can take time, but we should always be striving for better and looking to go into the season with a squad that is ready to compete. 

Ideally yes you're totally right but Liverpool with all their staff and wealth still don't have a settled squad yet, its not a problem exclusive to us.

Even Raith are still looking to add players. One summer window and suddenly they're the team we're all supposed to be copying.

Im not saying to anybody to accept it but I think I've given valid reasons why it happens and moreso at our level of the food chain. 

Dunfermline had 4 players on their bench today, Morton last week were as short. To be told the answer is to sign players earlier just doesn't wash I'm afraid.

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10 minutes ago, BukyOHare said:

Don't forget when we play 442 he's often up against an extra body in there.

Most teams we'll play against will have a variation of three in the middle of the park.

That must be a tough shift week in, week out, it eventually has to take it's toll mentally and physically.


Absolutely, that's down to the manager to get the best out the players he's got. I don't think Dempsey is a bad player but he's just not bringing much to the team just now. Another body in there would definitely help.

We even managed to make Robbie Crawford look good last week because his other midfielders were buying him space and doing the dirty work. Bullen looks incapable of putting a team together that gets the best out his midfielders. It was back to hoof ball again today. Something isn't working.

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58 minutes ago, Thumper said:

It is of course St Peter himself preventing Ayr from doing any transfer activity whatsoever until the third week of July every season.

It's honestly refreshing to see the majority of people on here apply significant critical thought to a game following a win. Normally that's met purely with thought-terminating cliches.

Anyway, that might have been the win that clinches eighth. This isn't going to be a season to remember, but so long as the club shitfests points out of the true losers in the division it puts things on a solid footing for the future.

You can definitely criticise after today as it was a poor game and poor overall performance. I stand by my calling out of silly people for silly statements as they are in fact silly. People are absolutely desperate to slag McKenzie when he doesn’t deserve it. He’s a more than adequate squad member who contributes positively and makes good players around him better. If people disagree then that’s fine but I’m still going to tell them that they’re stupid. 

49 minutes ago, Jack_1910 said:

Yes that’s typically how you determine how good a striker is mate by the amount of goals they score? 

If you want. Not always the case though.

42 minutes ago, Nelson said:

Moffat scored a hundred goals for the club.  

Yep and he was a fantastic goalscorer in his first spell. In his second spell his scoring was secondary to his all round play and ability to link the forwards to the midfield. Mark McKenzie isn’t half as good at it and the way he goes about it is different and more robust but the effect is still there to see. Akinyemi played so much better when partnered with McKenzie compared to playing without imo. He is awkward to play against as he is constantly harrying and will win knock downs for other players. It’s a fucking brutal job that he does but it’s necessary in most teams. 

31 minutes ago, Nelson said:

Don’t think he is to be fair.  Moffat delivered less goals in his 2nd spell but offset that with more assists.

 McKenzie doesn’t deliver either.  

Would love to know how many assists he got. He’ll have got a fair few but he was more often than not “assisting the assister” in most cases. Delivering that killer pass that leads to a goal a pass or two later. 

McKenzie contributes in a similar sort of way. 

29 minutes ago, Jack_1910 said:

I said I judge players strikers based on how many goals they score. You stupidly asked is that how I judged Moffat the legend that scored 100 goals for us. You’ve lost the plot. 

You’re literally slavering all over this thread because people like Mark McKenzie. Go to bed. 

23 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

If anything this is an understatement.

True. But people need to be annoyed about something or their head might start to get sore. 

19 minutes ago, Jack_1910 said:

You’ve completely forgotten the point here. Unlike McKenzie Moffat provided something to the team when he wasn’t scoring. Trying to compare the two players is ridiculous 

McKenzie provides stuff to the team when he isn’t scoring. You are either unable or unwilling to admit it. 

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2 minutes ago, BukyOHare said:

Ideally yes you're totally right but Liverpool with all their staff and wealth still don't have a settled squad yet, its not a problem exclusive to us.

Even Raith are still looking to add players. One summer window and suddenly they're the team we're all supposed to be copying.

Im not saying to anybody to accept it but I think I've given valid reasons why it happens and moreso at our level of the food chain. 

Dunfermline had 4 players on their bench today, Morton last week were as short. To be told the answer is to sign players earlier just doesn't wash I'm afraid.

I think there’s probably a middle ground, you aren’t wrong but I don’t think we should be in the position where we are having to start the team we did today with only one injury. 

Ultimately, as bad as it was today we got away with it and won.

I do think we would have lost to most teams in the league today but that’s not exactly relevant. Fingers crossed for a better looking team for next week or we could be on the end of a hiding. 

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