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The Queen's Park 2018-19 Thread

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4 hours ago, Boris the Spider said:

Gus and Gerry Crawley spoke at QPSA AGM last night. Gus still at stage of trimming the amount of players he has in for training down to a manageable, competitive squad.
Gus also talked of the harm social media can do ( presumably meaning this site in particular) when it comes to (1) alerting other clubs of players that we may be interested in and (2) affecting the confidence of players when they are slagged off.
Maybe that is something all QP fans should consider before posting on this site.

Whilst I can sympathise with the sentiments of Gus' comments it is naivety in extreme to think that this information will not be mentioned to those who are interested whether on social media or word of mouth. 

On the critcism of players affecting their confidence perhaps Gus could grasp a leaf from his own book on that one? Nuff said.

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We had the same debate a while ago about Clyde players being effected by comments on P&B.

I tend to agree with our Airdrie friend. Any player who can't cope with criticism, I'd suggest, isn't mentally suited to play at a professional level.

More so, if you struggle with criticism coming from a few Queens Park fans on here.

For example, you are unlikely to get grief in the street or when out for a meal with the family.

If it's too much for them they should stick to playing fives with their mates before heading to the pub.
Many Clyde fans almost see slagging their own players as a bit of sport and have done as long as I can remember...and that's a long time.

I take the view that a supporter should support his / her team to the hilt and that includes not slating them on a public forum or laying into them from the side of the park.

Who would be happy at their work if their workmates or customers had a go at them in public? Football should be no different... although I will happily rip the pish out of any non-QP player. Footballers expect to take stick from opposition players and fans and that's part of the game. If you can't take that then, I agree, playing at a reasonable level is not for you. You should expect, and get, better from your own fans.
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38 minutes ago, Hampden Diehard said:

I take the view that a supporter should support his / her team to the hilt and that includes not slating them on a public forum or laying into them from the side of the park.

I can see this is going to come down to a question of semantics. I too am not in favour of anyone "slating them on a public forum", but where do you draw the line?

For instance, I think it's completely out of order to say on here that a player "is crap, an embarrassment to his team-mates and should just chuck it", but I do think it's perfectly acceptable to say that the same player "is having a poor season by his own previous standards, and perhaps Gus might do him a favour by dropping him for a few games in the hope that he can regain his confidence with the reserves."

Now I'm sure you'll agree with me on the first half of that sentence, but is your loyalty so devout that you don't think there's any place for constructive criticism and discussion on an individual's merits? I know you'll highlight that some idiots will take that too far (and we could probably name and shame them right now!), but it's a poor day when we let them run the asylum instead of policing them ourselves!

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Think QP could surprise a few teams this year as impressed with some of the trialists...don’t have a clue who they are but promising signs and fitness levels looking good albeit still very early doors.

Cumb Colts also impressed and played some very attractive footy..good advert for Lowland league.

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3 hours ago, jinky said:

Think QP could surprise a few teams this year as impressed with some of the trialists...don’t have a clue who they are but promising signs and fitness levels looking good albeit still very early doors.

Cumb Colts also impressed and played some very attractive footy..good advert for Lowland league.

Fingers crossed just depends how many Gus decides to keep. 

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On 7/8/2018 at 11:25, Hampden Diehard said:

Plenty of trialists playing and changes made. Martin, McKinnon and Kindlan looked the part.

Osadour had a couple of terrific spells and could be entertaining.

I know who the other 3 are but who is Osadour? 

I tried googling him but couldn't find anything.

Is it a nickname?


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48 minutes ago, Shugs said:

I know who the other 3 are but who is Osadour? 

I tried googling him but couldn't find anything.

Is it a nickname?


Try Google for Osadolor or maybe try. Footballer who chases the ball a lot with a good deal of pace but very little ability, who scores 3 belters every season but apart from that is frustratingly absolutely garbage. Likeable guy by all accounts though.

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