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Division 1 annoys the life out of me when attempting to complete objectives. 

Pulled De Paul tonight, the first sbc I have not received a goalkeeper. 

Onana, Alisson, Oblak, Trapp, Greek Liga Nos, Gunok. 

Ive also pulled Schmeichel on both icon sbc. 

Finally a non-goalkeeper. Anyone used De Paul yet?

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95 rated Donnarumma.

95 rated Kimmich

92 rated Blind

91 rated Onyekuru 

93 rated Diagne.

If I could link these boys somehow I would have some team on my hands. Only icon I have to bring the together is 90 rated Zola.

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Picked up Zapata who has been unreal as a sub, unfortunately no way to start him in my team. Could really do with an icon in midfield because its currently no way of changing my team up.

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Just packed an untradeable 96 Ziyech from my weekly rewards, not bad for a mega pack. Plus he fits into my team on perfect 10 chem, was looking at him already.

Just a shame he’ll be swiftly removed from my starting line up when Forrest gets his ToTS. Still handy sub and makes up for the shitey 87 I got in the guaranteed SBC.

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Was going to buy to buy Gomez for the weekend to replace Erickson at right sided CAM but decided I’d just try do as much as Eusebio as I could and hopefully get him next week. Packed TOTS Fabian and TOTS El Sharawaay out the 88 and 87 rated squads and got him finsihshed.

Goretzka comes on for Torreira, trying Dumfries this weekend and going to spend the rest of my coins doing league SBCs tonight and save packs for tomorrow

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Played with both of these teams from the start pretty much. Upgraded where I could along the way. Only play 3/4 games of rivals every couple of days. Dutch team is looking ridiculous compared to what it was even a week ago. Saving my coins for forrest and then I'll look to upgrade the deligtful fella. Played 2 and scored 6 with luuk, slow as hell but he can finish! Have sbc Tierney aswell but Robertson and tav give a better balance to that team.

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I'm going to hammer the upgrade process today and hopefully complete a few Serie A upgrades before they expire.  A couple more TOTS would be good.  Then I'll leave the game largely alone for a few days to get a rest from it ahead of Ultimate TOTS starting next week.

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That’s what I’m running with right now, saved for a better Forrest card and then an icon striker to get him on 7 chem. Change to a 3-4-3 in game and pile down the wings. [emoji23]

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Torn between dropping my beloved Werner who I pretty much need to be able to play the way I do, but Gómez looks like he willl bring the same if not more to the team from the bench. 

Cannot see by Busquets in middle of park even though de jong is there. 

Just a stickler for the old guard. Need to grow balls n try them lol. 



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Haven't been playing much recently, moved in with my girlfriend and haven't properly set up the PS4. Rattled through rivals and squads the last fortnight and saved all my packs for Serie A and got f**k all. Got the Zaniolo from objectives and did the Muriel SBC. Got El Shaarawy from the guaranteed SBC which I can't complain too much about. Got 500k left so probably going to buy TOTS Donnarumma. Not sure about RB/CB, that Izzo looks decent but could just get a regular Chellini/Koulibably again. Might still buy Chiesa too, his normal card had no business being as good as it was for me and I'd like whatever TOTS Forrest comes out. Was thinking Ilicic as striker too, Zapata probably too expensive. Most of the bench players are the best players I have left after decimating my club. Truth be told, it doesn't matter too much, not sure how much FIFA I'll be playing in the next few months but it's always nice having a squad to play with when I can.




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