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Drug deaths in Scotland hit record high

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20 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Leaving aside the fact that you seem to be agreeing with me, I want you to take a step back here for a second.

That line in bold is interesting.

On a thread where I've been called a c**t twice and a moron once in the last 2 pages alone what prompts dire warnings of suicides amongst other forum users is your perception that my posts were a bit condescending?

It's OK to call people c***s but if you are thought to be condescending that could precipitate a suicide?

Seriously? That's your position is it?

What a bizarre response that suggests you don't really want to take on what I said. The very reason I responded was that I felt you had some nuggets of a valid point in amongst your posts and that people were quite dismissive of you unnecessarily. What I was pointing out was that the condescending tone is probably what invited such a response. Quite how you've drawn the conclusion that I was comparing the likelihood of suicide based on your opinion/abuse on a forum I have no idea. 

I agree with elements of your position, I disagree with the conclusions you draw from them. I agree that entrenching yourself in a victim mindset and concluding there's nothing to do to help yourself will slow, if not stop the recovery process from depression. I agree that every individual needs a bespoke analysis of their own mental health and not just have pills constantly prescribed for them and hope it gets better.

You spoke of people being 'cured' through talking - disagree

You say depression isn't an illness - disagree

You seem to think it's very important that someone suffering knows it's not a 'real' illness - strongly disagree 



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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

But to be quite clear here, you think it's OK to complain about posts you perceive to be condescending, but posts calling people c***s are acceptable?

I've said nothing of the sort but you seem determined to make that conclusion or at least deflect from the points so I'll leave you to it.

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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

But to be quite clear here, you think it's OK to complain about posts you perceive to be condescending, but posts calling people c***s are acceptable?

It might be a bit easier to follow if you didn't make up things about what he said.

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On 23/07/2019 at 10:20, ayrmad said:

How Afghan poppy farming has grown


The Taliban might have shot women in the head for trying to get an education but they also kept heroin production down so it's impossible to say if they're bad or not.

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Oh you know exactly what you were doing when you raised the issue about suicides in the same sentence as talking about the nature of my posts. You're not an idiot. Please don't treat me like one.
But to be quite clear here, you think it's OK to complain about posts you perceive to be condescending, but posts calling people c***s are acceptable?
You're going to ignore the other points made in response or just ignore it for your own little battle?
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The intellectual equivalent of Oaksofts arguement here is that recent changes in domestic abuse laws to include psychological abuse are unnecessary cos, well sticks and stones basically.

Medical understanding of things can only move on so far, on the basis that this moon howler has his box that the word "illness" fits into and he wont have it changed by anyone, including those who are qualified and know better*.

*Understatement of the millenium obviously.

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2 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:
13 hours ago, throbber said:

You are the stupidest person I have ever seen post on this forum.

How soon we forget Tibbermoresaint.

😂 I see you still haven't grasped irony.

2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

The intellectual equivalent of Oaksofts arguement here is that recent changes in domestic abuse laws to include psychological abuse are unnecessary cos, well sticks and stones basically.

Medical understanding of things can only move on so far, on the basis that this moon howler has his box that the word "illness" fits into and he wont have it changed by anyone, including those who are qualified and know better*.

*Understatement of the millenium obviously.

It's quite clear what illness is and isn't. Snowflakes don't get to change that.

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Just now, Tibbermoresaint said:

😂 I see you still haven't grasped irony.

It's quite clear what illness is and isn't. Snowflakes don't get to change that.

Hope you enjoyed your wee time out mate. Dont imagine it will be long till you are binned permanently. 

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Guest Moomintroll
38 minutes ago, Tibbermoresaint said:

😂 I see you still haven't grasped irony.

It's quite clear what illness is and isn't. Snowflakes don't get to change that.

Have you not learnt your lesson?

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Your actions speak for you bud.
You ignore posts full of personal abuse but when you perceive a bit of condescension you rise to battle.
It's fine. I've seen all this before. I was brought up in neighbourhoods where having ideas above your station ranked as the highest possible social faux pas. It's a very Scottish thing although in fairness Yorkshire people are pretty good at dispensing this as well.
These people are utter poison. I left that environment at the soonest possibility but it still took me a decade or so to break free from it's shackles. It was very liberating and I would highly recommend it to anyone with depression.

That was quite the post but I don’t believe a word of it to be genuine, sorry.

I did not rise to battle, I engaged your points, a request you made of the people sending you abuse.
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You could just have said something like "Yes I have more problem with a condescending post than an outright abusive one".

I understand that you want to suck me into this. You asked that I didn’t treat you like an idiot, I ask you extend me the same courtesy.
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I tried to find the post on the politics subforum that has oaksoft basically slag everyone in the depression thread, but it appears either he or a mod have deleted it. I'd imagine it was the latter.

It did show where this mentality comes from though. The need to be able to look down on folk with depression and try and paint it as some sort of failing. Naw so easy to do that when you recognize it's an illness. Hence why he'll NEVER deviate from that, and is now trying to deflect the argument to bullshit about insults.

Oaksoft's always been a nasty bitter b*****d.

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I wasn't asking for your personal validation.
I was imparting information and advice.
Your opinion of that it not important to me or I would have asked you.

Lucky for you I wasn’t giving personal validation. If my judgement that you’re talking shit is wrong then so be it. If it’s all true then you’re more than capable of dealing with it.

I wish you all the best sir.
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