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Israel lobby v Corbyn


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Umunna is a nobody who won't be missed from the Labour party when he goes, but the line the left are taking over the 'call off the dogs' comment, namely that this is a terrible insult and he's calling fellow Labour members dogs, really is desperate stuff.
As much as I wish we were a bit more factional in the SNP and the left of the party was more willing to publicly disagree with the leadership and be a bit bolder sometimes, you look at Labour and the amount both sides hate each other is just comical.

The SNP have an ultimate goal that unites them. It’s an existential battle for the Labour Party that’s taking place rn.
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14 hours ago, Swordfishtrombone said:

Did anyone watch 'We are Britain's Jews', on the bbc it was genuinely interesting. I think in Scotland we don't meet many Jewish people so anti semitism doesn't seem like a concern but it does seem to be a real issue in England. Regardless of that though there was a lot of hysterical talk about Britain being like Germany in the 30's and people bemoaning the fact Labour is too left wing. A lot of the people on the programme seemed to equate criticism of Israel as hate speech. 

That really depends where in Scotland you are.  There is a decent sized Jewish community in Glasgow / East Ren.  There are two synagogues in Newton Mearns for instance. 

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15 hours ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

Umunna is a nobody who won't be missed from the Labour party when he goes, but the line the left are taking over the 'call off the dogs' comment, namely that this is a terrible insult and he's calling fellow Labour members dogs, really is desperate stuff.

As much as I wish we were a bit more factional in the SNP and the left of the party was more willing to publicly disagree with the leadership and be a bit bolder sometimes, you look at Labour and the amount both sides hate each other is just comical.

Sorry, mate, but the people he is referring to are the people who campaigned for him, leafleted for him, knocked on doors for him, and ultimately voted for him. 

Except they didn't really. They campaigned, leafleted, knocked on doors and voted (all without promise of financial or other advantage) for an MP who would represent their interests in the HoC, as well as in the constituency. They haven't got that, have they now? 

Any Labour representative who doesn't get behind the massively popular Manifesto, and the direction the Party is taking*, should resign and find some other organisation which they believe in. Those who don't should be ousted in whatever way Party Rules allow for. 

I expect Tories to view, and describe, working class people as "trash" and "dogs". For a man elected as a Labour MP to do the same is unacceptable. 

*i.e. towards a realistic Socialist Democracy, for the first time in a generation. 

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15 hours ago, Swordfishtrombone said:

Did anyone watch 'We are Britain's Jews', on the bbc it was genuinely interesting. I think in Scotland we don't meet many Jewish people so anti semitism doesn't seem like a concern but it does seem to be a real issue in England. Regardless of that though there was a lot of hysterical talk about Britain being like Germany in the 30's and people bemoaning the fact Labour is too left wing. A lot of the people on the programme seemed to equate criticism of Israel as hate speech. 

The last sentence says it all, yet we're constantly told this IHRA sham has nothing to do with Israel.

The Jewish Chronic done its own poll a few years ago about Jewish voting intentions and found that the vast majority vote Tory and the vast majority found policy on Israel to be very important on how they vote.


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Obvs some folk are going apeshit over him specifically saying “dogs” but I think it’s largely the utter contempt Umunna and others clearly have for the members who support them that is irritating people. This anonymous Labour MP proving that point. IMG_1574.jpg

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Obviously in centrist world the Labour Party was created so greedy careerists could do the bidding of big business whenever the Tories get too nasty for their own good. The history of the UK left seems to be an irrelevance to them.

The traditional spaces for working class political expression have been destroyed or decimated so it makes sense that that the party should become the central point of mass organising.

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39 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Nick Cohen’s having his normal one as well claiming that Clive Lewis talking about “birthing a movement” is Trumpian language lifted from the birther movement. It’s good when the centrists position themselves as the sensible ones.

Had a quick look at Nick's tweets but got diverted by this plug. Bit of holiday reading for me maybe, hard to bring all the bits together, hopefully this does in a readable way.


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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Had a quick look at Nick's tweets but got diverted by this plug. Bit of holiday reading for me maybe, hard to bring all the bits together, hopefully this does in a readable way.


Tooze's articles in the LRB are very good.

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Had a quick look at Nick's tweets but got diverted by this plug. Bit of holiday reading for me maybe, hard to bring all the bits together, hopefully this does in a readable way.

I’ve got that on my bookshelf. I was about to say I’d send you the ebook but I got it via Amazon in a sale. Sorry m9.
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1 minute ago, NotThePars said:


I’ve got that on my bookshelf. I was about to say I’d send you the ebook but I got it via Amazon in a sale. Sorry m9.


Let me know if it's readable or turgid after you've read the first chapter, I'll probably download the Kindle version when I go on holiday in October, so no rush. As a student you'll probably just read the introduction and conclusion with a quick shifty at the index though so I won't be holding my breath. :P

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Let me know if it's readable or turgid after you've read the first chapter, I'll probably download the Kindle version when I go on holiday in October, so no rush. As a student you'll probably just read the introduction and conclusion with a quick shifty at the index though so I won't be holding my breath. [emoji14]

No I’ll be googling for any podcasts that he’s on and just pretending I’ve read it off the back of what he says on that.
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22 hours ago, Suspect Device said:

The phrase "Labour movement" just reminds me of the scare stories I heard when the wife was pregnant about women shitting while giving birth.

Something about it is quite apt when you look at the Labour party.

I'm more scared of women and babies dying in childbirth myself, but each to their own.

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3 hours ago, NorthernLights said:

Slightly off topic, but I am away on holiday in a couple of weeks time. I am appalled that the Mail seems to be the paper of choice for Brits holidaying in Spain.  I have no idea why that is.


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3 hours ago, NorthernLights said:

It was actually surprising to see the most prominent alt-left types defending even praising this vandalism. I shouldn't have been surprised after Bastani recently defended the Soviet invasion of Eastern Europe but I know I won't be making that mistake again.

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