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Israel lobby v Corbyn


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40 minutes ago, Loondave1 said:
1 hour ago, WATTOO said:
Can anyone explain WHY she has not been expelled from the party for this ?
In my opinion, as a supposed "Labour" MP, what she's just stated is 100 times worse than anything Williamson said.
It really is time that Corbyn took a stand against this mob and he needs to get rid of Watson, Hodge & McDonagh for starters. If they then want to continue harping on from the outside of the party, then fine, however he's coming across as a complete weakling when he's bowing to pressure to suspend the likes of Williamson but stands back and does nothing as these "people" sabotage the Labour party from the inside.
McDonagh's statement above is more than enough to confirm that she should be crossing the hall and dressing in blue..............

They are seeking a "martyr" to be kicked out. The difficulty about a well deserved booting out is it will be portrayed as yet more denial of the supposed rife antisemitism problem. I'm hoping maybe an accused individual like Williamson might one day take one of these arses to court for defamation and bring their "evidence" into a court of law for a fair hearing where said evidence of Labours complicity will have to stand up to scrutiny. Doubt it will happen though as the Hodges of this world are busy creating a climate where you can't protest your innocence for fear of it being portrayed as denial ergo more antisemitism.

This is True, I suppose it's a case of damned if he does, damned if he doesn't, however I'd imagine that the real grassroots Labour supporters will be getting more annoyed and agitated by the day with the antic of some of their supposed MP's and representatives.

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25 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

Imagine if Labour people put as much effort into fighting the Tories as they do fighting each other. That would be quite something. 


Fighting each other?

Hardly an accusation that could be levelled at the Tory Party.

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14 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Fighting each other?

Hardly an accusation that could be levelled at the Tory Party.


My point, incase you have missed it, is that the Labour party spends so much time arguing among themselves that it nullifies their effectiveness as an opposition.   

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This is True, I suppose it's a case of damned if he does, damned if he doesn't, however I'd imagine that the real grassroots Labour supporters will be getting more annoyed and agitated by the day with the antic of some of their supposed MP's and representatives.
Not "will be", but "have been". Other than that, spot on. Be it an MP or the deputy leader, these snakes are going all in. If they don't break the Party soon, they're all toast and they know it. The power in the Party no longer resides in the PLP, and they just can't cope.
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17 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:
1 hour ago, WATTOO said:
This is True, I suppose it's a case of damned if he does, damned if he doesn't, however I'd imagine that the real grassroots Labour supporters will be getting more annoyed and agitated by the day with the antic of some of their supposed MP's and representatives.

Not "will be", but "have been". Other than that, spot on. Be it an MP or the deputy leader, these snakes are going all in. If they don't break the Party soon, they're all toast and they know it. The power in the Party no longer resides in the PLP, and they just can't cope.

I was involved the last time the Labour Party tried to wrest power from the Parliamentary leadership, unfortunately this was largely ineffective.  I see the struggle this time going firmly against the PLP and it will stick even if it means Watson, Hodge and co. doing everything they can to f**k the Labour Party over.

That said Corbyn’s behaviour over Brexit shows he’s as guilty as past leaders of ignoring the wishes of the membership when it suits him.


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41 minutes ago, Detournement said:

It's almost as if there a large number of MPs who are determined to prevent the leadership from presenting an alternative economic strategy to the nation.

One can only assume that certain MP's have been "got at" by the likes of big business and those with the most to lose, should a more centre or left leaning Government come to power.

Let's be honest, we all know that people will stop at nothing where money and power is concerned...........

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4 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I was involved the last time the Labour Party tried to wrest power from the Parliamentary leadership, unfortunately this was largely ineffective.  I see the struggle this time going firmly against the PLP and it will stick even if it means Watson, Hodge and co. doing everything they can to f**k the Labour Party over.

That said Corbyn’s behaviour over Brexit shows he’s as guilty as past leaders of ignoring the wishes of the membership when it suits him.


As I've mentioned before, I'm an SNP member but a socialist leaning one (which I'm sure you can tell from my posts), however I don't think I could stand by and watch my party being destroyed from the inside the way in which Labour currently are.

Although I'm technically on a different side, it gives me no pleasure whatsoever to see these self serving fascists doing everything in their power to keep a fairer society as far away as possible and then try and make out that they are in fact "the good guys".

It actually makes me sick..........

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12 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


“AIPAC has too much power in US politics”

“How dare you? For this we’re going to get you out of US politics”

Bit surprised at the NYT being (mildly) critical.


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20 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

One can only assume that certain MP's have been "got at" by the likes of big business and those with the most to lose, should a more centre or left leaning Government come to power.

Let's be honest, we all know that people will stop at nothing where money and power is concerned...........

I don't believe that. What I believe is that the Labour party encompasses people who have completely different views on things and it doesn't make for a particularly successful political formula.

Whether they're a Blairite or a Corbynista or whatever ever else, the biggest battle always seems to be to win the power struggle in their own party first and foremost, all the while the Tories are making a complete mess of things for the less fortunate.

The Antisemitism debate i don't really get involved in because I am pretty ignorant about it. I don't know if the issue is widespread because i'm not around the people who would be effected by it or the ones who would perpetrate it. Whilst it is clear that some are using it as a stick to beat Corbyn with , I also don't think it is helpful to dismiss it out of hand as I have seen some on here come pretty close to.  But ultimately what it amounts to is party squabbling among itself whether or not it has a problem with this stuff and a grateful media is lapping it up.      

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1 hour ago, Londonwell said:


My point, incase you have missed it, is that the Labour party spends so much time arguing among themselves that it nullifies their effectiveness as an opposition.   


There was a little irony intended in my post. My point was that infighting is not confined to the Labour party.

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1 minute ago, ICTJohnboy said:


There was a little irony intended in my post. My point was that infighting is not confined to the Labour party.

I completely agree with that. All the more pity that Labour isn’t in a position to capitalise.  They are letting down people who they’re meant to represent. 

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8 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

I don't believe that. What I believe is that the Labour party encompasses people who have completely different views on things and it doesn't make for a particularly successful political formula.

Whether they're a Blairite or a Corbynista or whatever ever else, the biggest battle always seems to be to win the power struggle in their own party first and foremost, all the while the Tories are making a complete mess of things for the less fortunate.

The Antisemitism debate i don't really get involved in because I am pretty ignorant about it. I don't know if the issue is widespread because i'm not around the people who would be effected by it or the ones who would perpetrate it. Whilst it is clear that some are using it as a stick to beat Corbyn with , I also don't think it is helpful to dismiss it out of hand as I have seen some on here come pretty close to.  But ultimately what it amounts to is party squabbling among itself whether or not it has a problem with this stuff and a grateful media is lapping it up.      

You might be right, staying in Ayrshire and working in Glasgow I can honestly say I've never heard anyone mention anything anti semitic in my life (most probably wouldn't even know what it meant) as Jews are not something we tend to see in our area, so you could be correct in stating that there's anti Jewish feeling and incidents in other parts of the country that we just don't know about or relate to.

Having said that, it's quite clear that there's certain individuals who are using this as an excuse to cause trouble within the party and remove people who have a completely different ideology to themselves, of that there can be no doubt.

I also find it telling that the Jewish voice for Labour don't seem to have a problem and they ARE Jewish, which again raises questions about agendas etc but of course the pro Israel groups do have a problem and they also ARE Jewish.

Basically it all appears to boil down to pure and simple Political ideology, where you have your Hodges, Watsons and McDonaghs of the party using  the anti semitism card as a vehicle to oust Corbyn and what they perceive as the socialists such as the McDonnell's, Abbots and momentum supporters, so as they can seize power back for themselves and return the party to the Centre right as they see it.


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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

They don't all look like this.


No ?

We might have some then.......

I remember one time we had the mormon punters coming round the doors but a couple of the local loonies abducted 2 of them, tied them to chairs and made them smoke cannabis joints. I don't think they ever came back after that.

Aah, the good old days.

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You've led me on to an interesting article, questioning some of the media tactics in "blacklisting" certain individuals, as you do in your post.

Do you believe this anti-semitism in labour storyline is one that is being pushed and funded by certain groups? Or a completely natural occurrence, of which Corbyn and his pals are to blame?
Antisemitism is an issue but nowhere to the extent that the Blairite malcontents are making out. It's a stick that is being used to beat Corbyn with.

That being said Corbyn hasn't helped himself by rushing to every cause that has a Palestinian slant without checking who it is he is dealing with. That probably says more about him being too trusting than anything else - he got away with it as a backbench MP - he won't as a potential PM.

My own experience in the area of Israel/Palestine politics is that there are lunatics on the fringes of both sides that shouldn't be touched with the proverbial bargepole. There are some who will use antizionism to cloak their antisemitism. Equally there are Zionists who are out-and-out racists when it comes to Palestinian rights.
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