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8 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

He'll soon be in the mid card if he does go.

Like AJ Styles was?

7 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:


I know people regard him as among the best, but I've never understood the appeal with him, or the Bucks tbh

He's maybe not for everyone, and most wrestlers these days aren't, but he has a proven record in the ring across multiple promotions. He's be massive in WWE and would be a main event guy right away who could have amazing matches with pretty much anyone, but even better he could have fresh matches with loads of guys.

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6 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

Twinkletoes McFingerbang is a bit harsh. I probably have a slightly higher opinion of him than Jim does

As far as I can tell part of Cornette's gripe with Omega is Omega did some goofball/comedy shit in DDT as well it's DDT.  The irony here is Cornette spent years walking around with a god damn tennis racket which isn't goofy at all in the slightest. Was surprisingly complimentary of Kenny 'Twinkletoes McFingerbang' Omega vs Will 'Flippy Shit' Ospreay at Wrestle Kingdom from what I've read.

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Cornette is a massive scumbag when it comes to Omega.

He basically said Omega was a paedophile for wrestling a 9 year old girl in DDT. It was a daft comedy match (which is what DDT did), but Cornette's comments were a disgrace.

Cornette also basically said that Omega groomed Rhio, which simply isn't true.

Cornette is a bag of shit. He's incredibly racist when it comes to Japanese female wrestlers. That infamous clip of him attacking thr drive through worker is disgusting bully shit. The Santino stuff should have seem him receive an absolute kicking, but Santino was too smart to do so.

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I think it's a case of just too much "good" in a way that it circles back around.  A truly personal promo you can actually feel is fine, but not every interaction needs to be wraught with it.  Pick either "I got away with a DUI by putting my possibly dead ex in the driver's seat" or "my fiancee left me because I'm a dick". Or even within the same promo, don't go for the misunderstood heel stuff then immediately go after your opponent's kids.  Not to mention that, I assume, MJF is going over Danielson (because the latter seems to actively not want to win any feud really, particularly if it's for a title).  So what happens in the next feud he has?  Where do you have left to go?  

That said, I'll still pop hard every time he calls Schiavone a fat piece of shit.  It's just so needless and purile, but it's brilliant every time.

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