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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 hours ago, virginton said:

The expert group already told the government in its report of February 26 that the NHS "will be unable to meet all demands" and advised that the following three measures would delay and reduce the peak of the outbreak:

- closing public schools

- "home isolation of symptomatic cases, for 13 weeks when enacted early"

- "voluntary household quarantine, for 13 weeks when enacted early"

It did not recommend adding social distancing policies for a similar time-frame as well because they believed that this would only lead to a second and bigger outbreak once it was lifted. The government didn't shut down the schools until fully three weeks later.

The various and completely illogical routes that each government has taken to get to this point shows political decision-making at work. And enacting a lockdown in a country that is already riddled with the virus is not the same policy as locking it down after a handful of cases. In Slovakia, for example, lockdown measures were enforced within days of their first confirmed cases: as a result, health officials expect the peak of their very slow burning outbreak to only occur in June/July rather than the April that western European states have been clinging to. Unless you can eliminate the chain of transmission entirely then governments face a range of outcomes that they  aim for with their policies, rather than having one set end point determined for them by the infallible model.

I agree completely in your point about every country being on the same page in this or a lot of the hardships populations' go through will be fairly futile.  It had to be a centrally coordinated approach, but too many egos for that to ever work.

I think Denmark, for example, were very early in locking everything down and have seen a low rate of infection and fatalities. But what's the end game for them? As soon as they lift restrictions, unless they guard all their borders night and day, they risk new infections on a population that has not built up immunity.  Aren't they just storing up the problem for further down the line, unless they plan on being in near lockdown for 18 months?

You've also got cultural differences to face. The Chinese, South Koreans and some other Asian  countries seem far more disciplined in dealing with separation and lockdown. I think the feeling in Britain was if you introduce it too early people will have had enough of it, and start ignoring the rules right around when the peak of infections occurs, leading to things getting out of control.

Only time will tell I guess.. 

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Guest Moomintroll
Quite a lot of 5G idiocy appearing in various fb groups I'm in tonight. Fucking hell
If they are only turning up now, you are blessed, I have had so much mentalism appearing over the last few days.
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Guest Moomintroll
This on so many levels. I work in critical care. We have turned our 16 bed intensive care unit into Covid patients only and tuened our medical high dependency unit into a satellite ICU for non-covid patients. We have contingency plans to expand into theatres soon. All elective surgery is stopped. We have taken all anaesthetic trainees to critical care, leaving anaesthesia with skeleton staff. A black rota is running to ensure we have enough staff to cope with the projected sickness.
The hospital is filling up. The patients we're seeing are really sick and believe me, I'm used to dealing with really sick patients. They're not turning around quickly those that survive. I agree this is the quiet before the storm. We'll see in the next couple of weeks how successful the isolation measures have been. We seem to be a couple of weeks behind Italy and Spain and a week or so behind the south of England, where it sounds from from my colleagues down there.
This a reality, we haven't seen the worst of it yet, but I hope we can keep some semblance of control over it.
I don't have any words but keep doing what you are doing. Thanks for what I know you think is just your job.
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2 hours ago, jagfox99 said:


That guy goes from being excellent to a bit of an idiot quite regularly during each video for me.

I like watching it because it really annoys me.

His simplified way of explaining medical stuff to a population of thickos is excellent, but then contrast that with his spelling mistakes, his pronunciation of 'expedential' growth and many others, and the way he now seems to feel his opinion is on a par with the head of the WHO.

Hes hit a winning formula with it though. Take a few random countries and print off the figures, regularly say how awful it is. Lockdown measures good. Non lockdown measures bad.  Figures for xxx in Europe are appalling. Name a random densely populated poorer country and say how concerned you are for them.  Bang, half million followers.

I think I like how much it annoys me.

That and Trump's evening conferences.


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