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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 hours ago, Jack Burton said:

The majority of SPFL clubs will have more in common to teams in the HL/LL rather than the premiership teams.

Would be very surprised if there is a different strategy for the non-SPFL. If crowds are permitted out with the SPFL then you'll have more people turning up at these games than normally expected.

Inclined to agree, the non-spfl teams didnt get any financial support either so fully believe a lot of clubs will go under with this delay. 

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20 minutes ago, madwullie said:

People still not getting (or not wanting to get) the idea that when talking about a disease, elimination doesn't mean zero cases 

What does it mean then?

"Elimination of a disease refers to the deliberate effort that leads to the reduction to zero of the incidence of infection caused by a specific agent in a defined geographic area. A disease can be eliminated from a specific region without being eradicated globally. Actions to prevent the disease from transmitting or re-emerging are still required once a disease is eliminated."

Aside from the enormous cost both financially and mentally that would be required in order to achieve that, NS would need to close the border, and keep it closed permanently to people from areas that hadn't eliminated it, including England.

That isn't going to happen, so thinking or pretending it's possible is worrying.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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It's shite when you think of a wittier comeback once the chance has gone, isn't it

Apparently that's called esprit d'escalier in Parisian French. The idea that you come up with a witty retort to the bell end that just noised you up on the staircase minutes after they're gone. 

welshbairn rn

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18 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

What does it mean then?

"Elimination of a disease refers to the deliberate effort that leads to the reduction to zero of the incidence of infection caused by a specific agent in a defined geographic area. A disease can be eliminated from a specific region without being eradicated globally. Actions to prevent the disease from transmitting or re-emerging are still required once a disease is eliminated."

In order to achieve that, NS would need to close the border, and keep it closed permanently to people from areas that also had eliminated it, including England.

That isn't going to happen.

Image below from the lancet. 

I'm not arguing it's possible, I'm just pointing out people sneer at the impossibility of eliminating covid, meaning what is actually considered eradication. Elimination for most (educated in this field) commentators is stopping community transmission, not getting rid completely. 


Edited by madwullie
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1 hour ago, Hedgecutter said:

... which would inevitably turn into an absolute s***show as most pubs, restaurants, theatres etc would suddenly demand individual case-by-case examinations rather than be shut down by blanket bans.   Would be very difficult to justify such a practice in one line of business and not the others, especially one that typically operates one day a week rather than most days/nights.

Pubs and restaurants are already open, so I'm not sure why they'd be worried about the regulations for outdoor sporting events.

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7 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Image below from the lancet. 

I'm not arguing it's possible, I'm just pointing out people sneer at the impossibility of eliminating covid, meaning what is actually considered eradication. Elimination for most (educated in this field) commentators is stopping community transmission, not getting rid completely. 


In order to stop all community transmission you would need to stop any gatherings outwith your household, and stop travel to and from different parts of the country, as well as in and out.

That's not happening, so it's not even close to an elimination strategy.

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2 hours ago, Steven W said:

I think those should go ahead too (with the crowd adhering to social distancing guidelines).

The difference is, that the Premiership teams could probably survive all season if they had to with no fans.

League 1 clubs and below (and some championship teams) can't survive with no fans, and thus no income. At present I suppose there's a chance that fans could be back in time for the season starting, but it doesn't look very likely does it?


Why do you think any Championship team could survive without matchday income for an extended period? Because they absolutely couldn't. Most Premiership clubs probably couldn't either.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

You get a whole different category of problems in Premiership games. Transport to and from games, pubs getting mobbed, controlling the toilets, queuing. I'm not saying they won't be solved and probably already have been, but Highland League football would be ready to go tomorrow with very few changes, for spectators at least. Hopefully all leagues will be open by the end of October but I don't think difficulties solving the big clubs' issues should hold everyone else back

Why would any of these issues be specific to Premiership football?

Some Highland League fans still presumably get transport to games, and if this is a problem you can restrict attendance to a certain radius. Highland League fans presumably still go to pubs, so the issue is about the number of fans allowed and you could restrict the Premiership clubs to a smaller number too. The same argument applies for toilets and queueing - in fact, probably Premiership stadiums have more toilets and turnstiles.

The number of changes that need to be made is irrelevant - if the Premiership clubs are willing to make these changes, and clearly some of them are, then they should be in the same boat in terms of allowing people back.

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Why do you think any Championship team could survive without matchday income for an extended period? Because they absolutely couldn't. Most Premiership clubs probably couldn't either.
We could, just got a near 7 figure cash injection from our new German overlords. #Caked
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17 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Why do you think any Championship team could survive without matchday income for an extended period? Because they absolutely couldn't. Most Premiership clubs probably couldn't either.

Whilst obviously I have no inner knowledge of each teams' financial coming and goings, I deliberately said "League 1 and below, and most championship sides" as I'd say Hearts could last a while without fans (I think they shifted 11,500 season tickets). The others would clearly struggle.

A strange angle to come at me from, when Im pretty sure you're in agreement with me.

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2 of the deaths that make up the 14 figure from the UK today happened in April, with another in May.

How can this still be happening?

It's also not at all suspicious that the massively out of place figure over the last 4 or 5 weeks of 32 happened to fall on the day that England announced the tightening of restrictions.



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Other than because it is zero, why is it a far better comparison?
The SG stated months ago they would look at what other countries were doing to open things safely. If that isn't something they plan on ever doing, they shouldn't have said so.
How can anything be opened safely based on another country. It's solely based on the state of the pandemic in this country. How it is progressing elsewhere has no bearing on how safe something is in Scotland.
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8 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
3 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:
Other than because it is zero, why is it a far better comparison?
The SG stated months ago they would look at what other countries were doing to open things safely. If that isn't something they plan on ever doing, they shouldn't have said so.

How can anything be opened safely based on another country. It's solely based on the state of the pandemic in this country. How it is progressing elsewhere has no bearing on how safe something is in Scotland.

If NS & JL stopped rhyming off what is happening elsewhere on an almost daily basis I might believe that.

If there was an increase in cases on the moon, they'd mention it and use it to support whatever they want to do.

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If NS & JL stopped rhyming off what is happening elsewhere on an almost daily basis I might believe that.
If there was an increase in cases on the moon, they'd mention it and use it to support whatever they want to do.
You won't need to worry about it much longer as the briefings are to be ditched by the BBC.
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I see the "Covid Enforcers" announced by the Clown at WM yesterday have to be funded by local authorities and will have no power of enforcement. He really is an utter charlatan. Terrible idea in the first place but you have to fear for the safety of anyone mad enough to contemplate doing that job.

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