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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

I genuinely cannot understand anyone with a "the way we currently do it is good enough" attitude. Lets make a bit of effort ffs. We have been waiting a long time and pinning a lot of hopes on a vaccine. Now we have one we are happy our lives to remain a fucking wreck indefinitely whilst we potter along waiting our turn. Despairing at the lack of interest in thinking outside the box here tbh

Agree wholeheartedly.

If it was a football game, going into a match with that kind of attitude would have beaten before a ball was kicked.

The effort that will be required to roll this out needs to be on a scale never seen before. Sadly I tend to think it'll be a 'Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (hour for lunch), shut on bank holidays' type operation.

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Tell me how the easing of restrictions on Friday will assist in dealing with the here and now?
Tell me how throwing weans back into school in 2 weeks time will assist in dealing with the here and now?

Easing of restrictions on Christmas Day will obviously not help, it’s a pragmatic response to an obvious problem. If you can’t recognise that...well.

As for schools, that’s not what’s happening.
Think you could do chilling out, take a break from the Internet and get some fresh air. Would do you more good.
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4 minutes ago, mizfit said:


Who in the f**k has been going to South Africa ?


Quite a few Scottish Golfers, their families and their caddies have been over there recently.

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I just think the task of delivering the jags is overstated. When you think in terms of millions it sounds huge, but when you break it down locally it's not that massive. Our surgery had a few days set aside over the last couple of months to exclusively give out flu vaccines to the over 65s, that's about a million if you scale it up to the whole of Scotland. There's a tent round the corner in the Council HQ carpark doing Covid testing, there's plenty room well away on the other end to duplicate it for vaccines. 

So my wifes practice were told they weren’t doing the jabs this year as the health board were taking charge (the same ones who messed up the covid roll out), there are still people phoning the practice because they werent invited for their jag who should have been because the health board made an arse of it. Im sorry but you’ll absolutely never convince me that the health boards should be anywhere near anything this important. I hope part of the legacy of the pandemic is reform of the NHS up here, get rid of the office over management and spend the money where its needed ie not on several levels of over managers. 

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7 minutes ago, Steven W said:

I thought viruses mutated all the time? Is it not the case that there must be hundreds of strains of the virus?

And how come we've arrived at the point that one particular strain belongs to a certain country.

Bit confused to be honest

The Ebola virus is named after a river in the Congo where it was first detected.  Lyme's disease is named after a place in Connecticut for the same reason.  

It does not belong to that place.  They can't claim royalties or charge commission or anything like that.



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Aye I think so too. Not sure why it's all of a sudden become news.

"Virus does thing that viruses have always done."
Akin to Declan McManus doing Declan McManus thingz on Saturday up at Dens Park. You love to see it.
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