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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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16 minutes ago, virginton said:

It really, really wasn't. Many of the rules were nonsense at that time but I don't recall Ferrier or anyone else taking a stance against Chief Mammy in Bute House. Lock her up. 

I certainly think society took far far too long to open up, but it's really easy to feel blasé now that things have shifted so dramatically. My recollection of the early days was that it was pretty bad. I'm sure you'll be able to correct me, but wasn't it around a 1% CFR or more across the population, rising in the over 50s. 

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46 minutes ago, Eatmygoal said:

I certainly think society took far far too long to open up, but it's really easy to feel blasé now that things have shifted so dramatically. My recollection of the early days was that it was pretty bad. I'm sure you'll be able to correct me, but wasn't it around a 1% CFR or more across the population, rising in the over 50s. 

The big point was that, yes, deadly viruses occur, and will continue to occur and, yes, some people will die, some will survive, but that’s what life’s all about. However, was it worth depriving citizens of their normal rights and putting society into such a lockdown of fear that normal treatable diseases were ignored  regarding which we are now seeing the consequences with all the excess deaths.

Was it worthy of depriving schoolchildren and students of their education? No, it was not.

Was it worthy of ruining umpteen businesses and trashing the economy with the government doling out billions in grants and loans? No, it was not.

Was it worthy of turning normal human beings into cowering wrecks believing the end was nigh?No, it was not.

Im not saying this from hindsight but from Spring of 2020 when I attended rallys  making those very points and regularly on here where I was in a very small minority.

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17 hours ago, Eatmygoal said:

I agree that lots of things were done that defied logic even at the time.

However, in the early days pre vaccine with the original strain of covid case fatality was high and knowingly (this being the important bit) exposing others to this was beyond selfish.

The fact that she was an elected politician from a party implementing covid policy doesn't look good as I'm sure she will have been well aware of the potential consequences of her actions (or more worryingly perhaps not). 

Were people with suspected HIV ever criminalised for passing it on to others?


17 hours ago, Snafu said:

btw I watched the film Contagion for the first time a couple of days ago, quite obviously both Uk and SG governments were winging it at the start of the pandemic basing much of their um.....knowledge on that film. Clearly we should have had the actors running the show in the UK as they seemed to have done more research into the subject than our politicians.

That sociopath Hancock was boasting that he'd seen it.


16 hours ago, Eatmygoal said:

I certainly think society took far far too long to open up, but it's really easy to feel blasé now that things have shifted so dramatically. My recollection of the early days was that it was pretty bad. I'm sure you'll be able to correct me, but wasn't it around a 1% CFR or more across the population, rising in the over 50s. 

It was never, ever a serious threat or health risk to under 50s. The vast majority of 'younger' people the media would highlight in hospital were extremely fat, but it was still only a very small proportion of obese and clinically vulnerable people in this age bracket that would suffer badly or die. The overwhelming majority of deaths were in the over 80s/nursing homes. Even your average pensioner that wasn't at death's door would contract it and be far more likely to recover. This was always the reality away from the fear and hysteria.

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1 hour ago, Elixir said:

Were people with suspected HIV ever criminalised for passing it on to others?


Suspected no but I’m pretty sure it’s an offence to knowingly give someone HIV.

Ferrier knew she had Covid.  No suspected about it is my understanding.  Was she not cutting about after testing positive?

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11 minutes ago, Snafu said:

In the Falkirk thread?

I always thought you were a relative newcomer to this bin fire since you didn't post on this thread until mid 2021.

btw if you were attending rallys in 2020 we might even have your picture on this thread, the media went daft for pictures of anti maskers back then, their 'normal' people were wanting those 'freaks' named and shamed, sacked from their jobs, shunned from society, truncheon to the face, jailed or sent to live on St.Kilda, dragged behind a horse etc.

Just to be clear. I was never an antivaxxer as many of the rally’s were ruined by people of that mindset which unfortunate.

Yes, I did get a bit of a bashing on the Falkirk thread.

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2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

This is why I’m concerned about winter here. 

Bringing back masks is a zero-cost (to the SG) way of looking like they care more.

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9 minutes ago, The Master said:

This is why I’m concerned about winter here. 

Bringing back masks is a zero-cost (to the SG) way of looking like they care more.

Probably true.

Interesting interview on GB News with Prof. Carl Heneghan where he questions the value of lockdowns due to the current  spike in excess deaths. He also reckons that opinions are shifting but the scientific pundits don’t want to admit they were wrong and are staying quiet.

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8 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Absolutely remarkable that these dweebs don't realise yet that the overwhelming majority of people are completely done with covid being any sort of important event in their life. Most will, however, be concerned about the incoming cost of living catastrophe just around the corner this winter, not the poor wee NHS being in bits yet again as Santa Claus is making the rounds.


5 hours ago, The Master said:

This is why I’m concerned about winter here. 

Bringing back masks is a zero-cost (to the SG) way of looking like they care more.

I just can't see them fucking about with people's lives anymore, given where their priorities will be and what many will have to put up with this winter. Not only that, but the emerging collateral damage that is now becoming apparent because of decisions made since March 2020. Also, England only brought in masks as a token gesture last winter for a few weeks to placate The Psycho Brigade. Even then, most ignored it. The world has moved on. Granted, as I said the other day, if you are unfortunate enough to have a health minister or governor who have been taken in by the Cult of Covid, then you're going to have to suffer the nonsense a little longer.

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8 hours ago, The Master said:

This is why I’m concerned about winter here. 

Bringing back masks is a zero-cost (to the SG) way of looking like they care more.

More worried they will try to bring back the restrictions like they did at Christmas last year.

If they did bring back masks. Majority would just ignore it. 

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More worried they will try to bring back the restrictions like they did at Christmas last year.
If they did bring back masks. Majority would just ignore it. 
No chance. Businesses and employers are on a survival.of the fittest footing already with the cost of living.

The govt would be utterly mad to add to that
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12 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

No chance. Businesses and employers are on a survival.of the fittest footing already with the cost of living.

The govt would be utterly mad to add to that

It would also have a devastating impact on mental health because it would be the starkest indication yet that we’ll be facing restrictions every winter. 

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21 hours ago, Louis Litt said:

A personal favourite of mine. A bunch of kids (and adults) didn't gain shitloads of weight because they were told they couldn't leave the house and ate shite out of boredom, it was that darn long covid again

You just know if anyone is going to 'suffer from long covid' it will be people like Jamie Oliver and his wife.


18 hours ago, oaksoft said:

If we get a prolonged energy crisis we're in trouble finding money to pay for any help needed. If we get a properly serious pandemic - an eBola type thing with the ease of spread of covid for example then we are absolutely buggered because there's no money to cope with it. That's what worries me more than anything.

Public health's reputation is in the mud as well and will take a generation or more to rebuild trust.

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