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You’re forgetting that this is all very new. Completely unprecedented in fact. Have you seen the BBC are banning Rule Britannia? There’s no guide book on how to deal with this. There’s a long way to go before we bother with comparisons. What about the migrants on their dinghies? Government has puts its arms round the population. This isn’t the time to think about inquiries. Seen that lazy office workers are putting Pret out of business? They’re learning lessons all the time. It’s unprecedented.
OK boris
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35 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Has this happened yet?

It's quite possible that the Aberdeen lockdown was instigated by it. It's quite possible that it wasn't.

It's quite possible the 2 sisters shutdown was instigated by it. It's quite possible it wasn't.

Same with any pub, restaurant or school which closes for a "deep clean" when they have a "case"

We will never know, as we only hear about "x people have tested positive" and they are all treated equally.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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4 minutes ago, Snafu said:

You are allowed to guess and assume.

I'll assume then that it's happened at least once then.

But I don't want anyone to guess or assume.

I want our governments to first acknowledge that not all PCR positive results are the same (and therefore announcing the daily number of cases is less useful than in March & April - would daily (or even weekly) hospital admissions / discharges and ICU admissions / dicharges be more useful now?), and to do something about those weak positives before declaring them "linked to a cluster." Taking @Arabdownunder's point on board that could be something as simple as getting them tested again once they get the first result in.

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Which would then bring me back to my point about using PCR testing alone to identify and manage "clusters" and introduce local lockdowns as being inadequate.
We can't keep closing someone's business or place of work down for a period of time simply because a number of employees or customers came into contact with a virus an indeterminate period of time, potentialy up to nearly 2 months, prior.
You're suggesting people who have tested positive and are a confirmed close contact should be allowed to run around infecting others on the off chance its a remnant of an unconfirmed infection from an unknown source at an indeterminate time?
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10 minutes ago, Arabdownunder said:

You're suggesting people who have tested positive and are a confirmed close contact should be allowed to run around infecting others on the off chance its a remnant of an unconfirmed infection from an unknown source at an indeterminate time?

Obviously not.

I'm suggesting their should be a cut off point on the number of cycles required to achieve a positive result, above which more verification is required. i.e. If you are over that threshold then you isolate but get tested again. If you are still above that threshold (or negative) then you can remove yourself from isolation.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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Obviously not.
I'm suggesting their should be a cut off point on the number of cycles required to achieve a positive result, above which more verification is required. i.e. If you are over that threshold then you isolate but get tested again. If you are still above that threshold (or negative) then you can remove yourself from isolation.
Ah OK. So rather than rewriting an entire policy you're merely suggesting a minor tweak to the threshold for an indeterminate test result. Should have said so earlier.
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Well if they did then by sheer dumb luck alone they probably wouldn't have ended up with both the biggest recession and the largest rate of excess deaths of any developed country. So much for good old British expertise!

^^^^ Verge of tears.
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So two weeks after the schools open we find a huge amount of cases, but I'm sure there isn't a connection at all.
Still under one percent right enough.
We really need to stop looking at the number of cases with the increased demand for and capacity to test. It's the percentage of positive cases that is now more indicative. Extra testing is revealing extra cases so while the sensationalism of the daily numbers will be lapped up by the press the daily % of positives is still very stable between 0.5 and 1% a day.
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Just now, MP_MFC said:

Aye, it does highlight how the figures for cases pre lockdown aren't worth the paper they're written on.

Agreed. But they are being used as comparisons.

The March and April hospital admissions figures, however, are valid.

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7 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
14 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:
So two weeks after the schools open we find a huge amount of cases, but I'm sure there isn't a connection at all.
Still under one percent right enough.

We really need to stop looking at the number of cases with the increased demand for and capacity to test. It's the percentage of positive cases that is now more indicative. Extra testing is revealing extra cases so while the sensationalism of the daily numbers will be lapped up by the press the daily % of positives is still very stable between 0.5 and 1% a day.

Even at 1% of our target capacity of 65,000 tests per day it would take 23 years to infect everyone in Scotland.

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On 26/08/2020 at 16:01, Jacksgranda said:

Good luck with them. I had to get a Covid-19 test per my doctor (I had rung up about my persistent and long running cough which is linked to my COPD, and after a chat over the phone I got prescribed my usual antibiotic - normally I get sent for a chest x-ray, then get my antibiotic - and after that was all done and dusted she then rang me back and advised me to get a Covid-19 test. Any cough requires one it seems.)

After flaffing about with phone numbers and e-mails I managed to get one booked. The kit arrived today and eventually I got it done. The demonstration video contradicted the written instructions, and the Royal Mail link didn't contain "Priority Postboxes" in the right hand corner as it was supposed to.

Barcodes and reference numbers weren't easy to find, the information where to find them was by no means clear, imo.

Eventually got it done, but had to get my wife to assemble the return box as if I had had to work with it much more it would have been in smithereens.

Still none the wiser as to the location of my nearest "Priority Postbox" I ventured forth, and lo and behold I checked the one in the village and it was one.

A stressful situation wasn't made any easier by the contradictory and unclear information.

Got wakened by a text this morning at 6.07 a.m. to tell me my test was negative (which I knew it would be before I took it).

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Even at 1% of our target capacity of 65,000 tests per day it would take 23 years to infect everyone in Scotland.
That assumption is based on the percentage % remaining as it is. Obviously that could spiral upwards if we get back to a community transmission situation. The vibe at the briefing today is that they will reimpose measures in some shape or form if that happens.
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160 new cases in Scotland announced today, First Minister is concerned.

Really worrying poll result from the US, regarding vaccine uptake.  A large majority of African Americans are likely to be resistent to a Covid vaccine, white Americans are 50-50 with HIspanics a little higher.  


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I'd be interested to see what this info would look like for Scotland (no idea if it's available). We can see that, despite the announced numbers each day being all over the place, the number of positive samples, based on the day the test was taken, are not rising. They are fairly stable (even though they appear to be I'd hesitate to say they were falling slightly just because of the lag).

I can't believe the whole "in the last 24 hours" line is still being taken literally.



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160 new cases in Scotland announced today, First Minister is concerned.
Really worrying poll result from the US, regarding vaccine uptake.  A large majority of African Americans are likely to be resistent to a Covid vaccine, white Americans are 50-50 with HIspanics a little higher.  
Good thing we dont live in the US. Why would anyone ethnically profile an issue like that. Only in America !
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