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6 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Belgium must lift 'all Covid-19 measures' within 30 days, Brussels court rules (brusselstimes.com)

Interesting development to keep an eye on, especially considering, unlike WM, the SG have acted in a similar way.

Just skim read that, but I think that's more the act that they have implemented lockdown on rather than lockdown itself. They are looking to introduce appropriate legislation this week that would permit restrictions.  

That said, with the court challenges from churches in Scotland, it is going to be interesting what governments do if they start to get faced with multiple court cases regarding restriction - especially when you factor in the rapidly declining hospitalisations and deaths. 

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32 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I popped this in to a chart to give a rough idea where we will be at if the average rate of decrease over the last month continues forward.

I was slightly surprised to be honest to see hospital and ICU numbers were falling at almost exactly the same rate, as this is never really spoken about due to the absolute numbers being relatively small. 

As things stand, we will not be able to take part in adult contact sports, legally socialise indoors, or consume alcohol inside a hospitality establishment on the 16th of May, a date which we are on track to have 30 people in hospital, and 3 in ICU.

I find that unacceptable, tbh, and a relaxation that must be moved forward regardless of the election. 

It will be interesting to see what capacity is put on Hampden for the Euros in a week or two (and the justification for it not being a significant number (if not 100%)) after taking into consideration expected vaccination programme progress by the 14th of June, and being on track to have less than 10 people in hospital by kick-off.


Nice. Quite staggering when you look at that then look at the timetable for easing of restrictions!

We should absolutely be in a position by July to have a full house in stadiums although we'll be lucky to have even 50% capacity IMO. 

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3 minutes ago, super_carson said:

Just skim read that, but I think that's more the act that they have implemented lockdown on rather than lockdown itself. They are looking to introduce appropriate legislation this week that would permit restrictions.  

That said, with the court challenges from churches in Scotland, it is going to be interesting what governments do if they start to get faced with multiple court cases regarding restriction - especially when you factor in the rapidly declining hospitalisations and deaths. 

I wasn't sure if the main reason was because Parliament had not been involved in any decision making. I assume the "Pandemic Law" in question would be voted on in Parliament, which is then fair game.

We, thankfully, do not have such a law up here, but with Parliament having no say in the implementation or extension of Emergency Powers I though the situation here was quite similar, and would be interesting to see the outcome if it was challenged in court.

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Have to say I have been in quite a lot of pain since about 5 days after my first dose. 

Had the standard arm pain for a couple of days, then headache on night two, then nothing. 

5 days later I started to feel like I had a trapped nerve. Pain in neck, shoulder, down arm. I had the jag about 5 weeks ago and it's not gone away. Had an ultrasound last week in my neck and I have swollen lymph nodes that are visible on it, which can be a side effect of the jag (my wife got her 2nd dose on Monday and she too has this lymph node issue). 

Anyway, I do have other health shit that could be causing it, but it seems quite a coincidence it's happened on the same side as the jag within a few days of having it. From looking deeper, issues do tend to happen on the same side. 

Why am I saying this? Well, it's really making me think twice about getting my kids jagged if it comes to that. I understand the chances of something like this happening are extremely slim, but with my kids in approximately zero danger of death or serious illness from the virus, it does make me feel a bit concerned about getting them vaxxed. 

Obvs I'm in no way anti-vax as can be seen from my stellar posting history. I'm not even certain I'll take the second dose myself tbh. 

Edited by madwullie
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5 minutes ago, Scosha said:

Nice. Quite staggering when you look at that then look at the timetable for easing of restrictions!

We should absolutely be in a position by July to have a full house in stadiums although we'll be lucky to have even 50% capacity IMO. 

I actually think it's more staggering to consider what restrictions would still be in place by the end of the route map on June 28th, when we are living in the "level zero" restrictions.

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46 minutes ago, Forever_blueco said:

What the f**k where you fighting your corner over at the age of 10 and younger 😆

Whatever cropped up and occasionally just because you could. 

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4 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Have to say I have been in quite a lot of pain since about 5 days after my first dose. 

Had the standard arm pain for a couple of days, then headache on night two, then nothing. 

5 days later I started to feel like I had a trapped nerve. Pain in neck, shoulder, down arm. I had the jag about 5 weeks ago and it's not gone away. Had an ultrasound last week in my neck and I have swollen lymph nodes that are visible on it, which can be a side effect of the jag (my wife got her 2nd dose on Monday and she too has this lymph node issue). 

Anyway, I do have other health shit that could be causing it, but it seems quite a coincidence it's happened on the same side as the jag within a few days of having it. From looking deeper, issues do tend to happen on the same side. 

Why am I saying this? Well, it's really making me think twice about getting my kids jagged if it comes to that. I understand the chances of something like this happening are extremely slim, but with my kids in approximately zero danger of death or serious illness from the virus, it does make me feel a bit concerned about getting them vaxxed. 

Obvs I'm in no way anti-vax as can be seen from my stellar posting history. I'm not even certain I'll take the second dose myself tbh. 

Can I ask why? Swollen lymph nodes are common in people who are fighting illness. Given vaccines are designed to trigger that response in your body, is this not a relatively normal side effect? Bit of a shiter you've had pain for weeks but surely that will ease off.

If you've had checks to ensure it's nothing else causing this then I wouldn't be concerned and I'm not sure avoiding the vaccine is a better solution here. 

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:


If fans at football matches is safe, why do they need to wait for other things to open?

There is absolutely no logic or reasoning in saying (for example) "you can't go to the cinema, so you can't go to the football"

Whether or not you are desperate for something is also, frankly, irrelevant.

Because it's not at the front of the queue, it'll not matter what order it's opened up, there will be someone moaning about not getting a haircut, nails done, pint outside, concerts, cinema blah blah blah. 

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51 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I popped this in to a chart to give a rough idea where we will be at if the average rate of decrease over the last month continues forward.

I was slightly surprised to be honest to see hospital and ICU numbers were falling at almost exactly the same rate, as this is never really spoken about due to the absolute numbers being relatively small. 

As things stand, we will not be able to take part in adult contact sports, legally socialise indoors, or consume alcohol inside a hospitality establishment on the 16th of May, a date which we are on track to have 30 people in hospital, and 3 in ICU.

I find that unacceptable, tbh, and a relaxation that must be moved forward regardless of the election. 

It will be interesting to see what capacity is put on Hampden for the Euros in a week or two (and the justification for it not being a significant number (if not 100%)) after taking into consideration expected vaccination programme progress by the 14th of June, and being on track to have less than 10 people in hospital by kick-off.


Good graph and some very good points.

Totally agree with what you are saying in this but I've little doubt that those in power of a cautious nature will argue that as we "lessen restrictions" the rate of decreases will/might fall despite it being the case that the key player in the path of decline recently has been vaccination which will of course continue to be delivered.

Edited by Distant Doonhamer
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4 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Can I ask why? Swollen lymph nodes are common in people who are fighting illness. Given vaccines are designed to trigger that response in your body, is this not a relatively normal side effect? Bit of a shiter you've had pain for weeks but surely that will ease off.

If you've had checks to ensure it's nothing else causing this then I wouldn't be concerned and I'm not sure avoiding the vaccine is a better solution here. 

Basically because I'm in fucking agony and if it hasn't gone by the time my next dose ticks round I'm not sure I'll have the appetite for it. If it has gone, 🤞 I'm not sure I'll fancy the prospect of going through it again. 

It's probably all talk no trousers as I'm a shielder and imagine my wife (nhs worker) will nip my head about it so much I'll end up doing it, but genuine second thoughts atm. 

Edit: the point is more reluctance about getting my weans jagged 

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Just now, madwullie said:

Basically because I'm in fucking agony and if it hasn't gone by the time my next dose ticks round I'm not sure I'll have the appetite for it. If it has gone, 🤞 I'm not sure I'll fancy the prospect of going through it again. 

It's probably all talk no trousers as I'm a shielder and imagine my wife (nhs worker) will nip my head about it so much I'll end up doing it, but genuine second thoughts atm. 

Maybe the next dose won't affect you as badly given your body has already reacted to the vaccine. Swollen lymph nodes for 6 weeks is better than dying so I would definitely be on your wife's side here and nipping you to go for it!

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2 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Because it's not at the front of the queue, it'll not matter what order it's opened up, there will be someone moaning about not getting a haircut, nails done, pint outside, concerts, cinema blah blah blah. 

Why should there be a queue for things that are safe though? 

Why would a football ground need to wait a turn alongside a restaurant or pub? 

Half the time I get the feeling you want some places to stay closed just because folk on here are pining to get it open and you want an excuse to call them crybabies. 

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3 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Because it's not at the front of the queue, it'll not matter what order it's opened up, there will be someone moaning about not getting a haircut, nails done, pint outside, concerts, cinema blah blah blah. 

There is no queue, though. It's a a binary situation.

Things that are safe should be allowed, things that require a higher level of population vaccination to be considered safe need to wait.

Haircuts are available from Monday. Nails, and pints outside the 26th. Cinemas, Bingo Halls, Arcades etc from the 17th of May.

Given the number of indoor activities that are a matter of weeks away from being considered safe, then there is simply no justification for continuing to bar small scale outdoor activities.

They are safe. Get them allowed.

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1 minute ago, djchapsticks said:

Half the time I get the feeling you want some places to stay closed just because folk on here are pining to get it open and you want an excuse to call them crybabies. 

More likely he knows voluntary avoidance of the things he actually enjoys because of safety fears would destroy his illusions and knock him off his "having a good lockdown" high horse.

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7 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Why should there be a queue for things that are safe though? 

Why would a football ground need to wait a turn alongside a restaurant or pub? 

Half the time I get the feeling you want some places to stay closed just because folk on here are pining to get it open and you want an excuse to call them crybabies. 

Maybe I've just developed more patience, it's like if some want to moan about it we should all moan about it else we don't want things to open up as much. 

This has been going on in here for almost a full year now, folk can read the data the same as me, folk hear the politicians say they've got a routemap and roughly what order things will open the same as me, it's like going a lengthy car journey with your kids. 

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7 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Half the time I get the feeling you want some places to stay closed just because folk on here are pining to get it open and you want an excuse to call them crybabies. 

This is it, precisely. He's already admitted he takes joy in the suffering of others. 

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Restrictions will be 'lifted' when it's viable to roll out the Digital ID passport. Cases and hospitalisations have nothing to do with it now.

The Boris/Merkel/Macron press conference yesterday confirmed the WEF Great Reset plan is happening. 


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