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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
8 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

To be fair in her exchange with DRoss who was pressing her on the new Omicron data she did say "days". I expect that barring some mental case explosion in the next 10 days or so we will start to see the latest restrictions being rolled back quite quickly, even before the 3wks stated.

I’m sure that’ll come as no comfort for the thousands of businesses across the country who have lost their peak trading month. Not to worry lads; slap on a cloth mask, open your doors and your middle of January trade will recover your losses. Keep voting for Nicola and move on!

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1 minute ago, Forever_blueco said:

See if Westminster calls the devolved parliaments bluff and Doesn't actually impose any further restrictions and in 3 weeks hospital admissions are still looking calm and controlled . They surley can’t extend the restrictions beyond that point can they ? How long do they think we are gonna sit up here and look just a few hours down the road at full stadiums , open clubs etc etc 

No. What it should see though is the diddy assemblies toppled and overthrown for needlessly self-destructing public life for their concern imaging.

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16 minutes ago, Snafu said:

If your happy to hand the responsibility for your own body and health to the state?

Might as well have the rest, they have your mind.

Hypnosis Myths Debunked 2 — Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

That's already the case

Unless you think the nhs isn't state run

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36 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

I think the key point here is that we've got to take decisions based on making sure such judgments are effective.

"For example we have a multiple range of options about outside venues, let's for example, take the model Mr Mason has put to me of a variation reflecting stadium size and stadium facility.

"I think we lose clarity of messaging, which is a blunt one.

"I make no apology for being so blunt, we need to quite simply reduce the degree to which people are interacting.

"A total of 500 as a maximum for outdoorevents gives a very clear signal to people in the country that we have to reduce that interaction. 

"So for example a crowd of 500 at a Rangers game compared to a crowd of 50,000 which would normally be of that order makes a very, very clear significant point that we have to reduce dramatically the level of socialinteraction.

As with the majority of their regulations, they are a nonsense with more holes than Aberdeen's defence.


Buzzword bingo with "I make no apology" schtick.

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45 minutes ago, Binos said:

The vast majority of people in hospital are unvaccinated apparently 

According to the latest vaccine surveillance report slightly less than half are unvaccinated (if you're counting 2 doses as fully vaccinated).  I couldn't be bothered working out the exact percentages (table 9).

It doesn't supply information on boosters which I find surprising.



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To be fair in her exchange with DRoss who was pressing her on the new Omicron data she did say "days". I expect that barring some mental case explosion in the next 10 days or so we will start to see the latest restrictions being rolled back quite quickly, even before the 3wks stated.
That's about as close as we will get to her admitting that she has made an absolute c**t of this entire situation and jumped the gun costing businesses all over Scotland and fucking up people's mental health. Great Job.
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I’m sure that’ll come as no comfort for the thousands of businesses across the country who have lost their peak trading month. Not to worry lads; slap on a cloth mask, open your doors and your middle of January trade will recover your losses. Keep voting for Nicola and move on!
Eh ?

No idea what your on about all I was doing was stating what was said in an exchange at FMQs. I wasn't and fail to see how you are interpreting that as some sort of ringing endorsement.

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That's about as close as we will get to her admitting that she has made an absolute c**t of this entire situation and jumped the gun costing businesses all over Scotland and fucking up people's mental health. Great Job.
It appeared that way. Seems like a definite smoothing of the way to a climb down pretty quickly.
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4 minutes ago, dundeefc1783 said:
17 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:


That's about as close as we will get to her admitting that she has made an absolute c**t of this entire situation and jumped the gun costing businesses all over Scotland and fucking up people's mental health. Great Job.

It's also the closest to an actual answer to a question at Holyrood so far - inserted within a solid 99% of mealy-mouthed platitudes thanking everyone for their concern and or 'efforts during the pandemic'. 


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1 hour ago, Eddie Hitler said:

Leaving aside what anyone thinks about their respective approaches, it's similar to Boris. You will just get loads of people saying that "he/she's doing his/her best!" and add to that "I am not going to blame her for wanting to be safe rather than sorry!".

Some folk may well still change their opinions on her, though. Just not that many because too many "admire her" rather than expecting her to do a good job re this or other policies. When you do admire someone, you will let them away with being rubbish.

The women's a control freak even her own sister made that statement, 100% TOXIC

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It happened to Thatcher.
Absolutely hated, so much so the national appeal of the Conservatives in Scotland has never recovered.
I'm going to take a punt and say that anyone who draws comparison between Sturgeon's popularity and that of the OG Tory witch is far closer to school age than pension age.
There are those of us who still raise a glass every April 8th. Half of those calling for Sturgeon's head* won't even remember her a couple of years after she moves on. A bunch of naive political ingenues incapable of seeing anything other than monochrome, binary choices.
* And while that appears to be the accepted stance on P&B, I'm far from sure it's reflected irl.
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8 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Posted by @craigkillie on Twitter, football fans are purely being used for signalling.





Nicola Sturgeon: Treat the public ‘like grown ups’ over lockdown

Nicola Sturgeon said the Scottish Government is treating the public “like grown ups” by publishing a framework for how Scotland will exit the coronavirus lockdown, as UK ministers continue to insist that it is too early to discuss an exit strategy.



More lies then. 

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25 minutes ago, Binos said:

You just suggested we should have been going into lockdown whenever a normal flu came along every year?

Yeah, I was being tongue in cheek. I wasn't recommending we fine everyone who refused their flu jab offer for the past 20 years either.

If you're still confused, I'll clear up my stance. I don't support covid lockdowns/vax mandates/vax passport ID cards/whatever draconian policy comes next.

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One thing to remember, as I'm sure I've said before on here - most people in Scotland aren't football fans and even fewer are fans who attend games.  A significant number of people just look at football fans are being selfish for gathering during the pandemic.  I have a number of colleagues who basically said that Rangers fans celebrating winning the league or Scotland fans going to London for the England game was massively irresponsible, that they hadn't been gathering with people so why should football fans be allowed to?  Also, a lot of people just look at football fans are pissed arseholes who sing bigoted songs and cause trouble.  

Same thing is with nightclubs - the vast, vast majority of people don't go to nightclubs and it makes no odds to them if they are shut.  Its seen as a frivolity, same as football, something that isn't hard to go without.  In a way that's right, nightclubs aren't the most vital national infrastructure but for some people they are massively important.  When I was younger I used to go out to them a lot, I know people who made their best friends and met their partners in nightclubs.  I met my wife on a night out.

A lot of people seem to have rigidly defined boundaries of what is an acceptable thing to be an important part of your life and what isn't.  There doesn't seem to be much of a willingness to consider that people's lives are very different and that some restrictions hurt some more than others and that perhaps this could be used to assess these restrictions.

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