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The abolish the Scottish Parliament party.

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5 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

20 quid each per year for the population of Scotland. Anyone taken in by this line of thinking should consider how easy they find it to spend that sort of sum. The SNP's centralist tendencies in a Scottish context have actually streamlined a lot of state institution administration compared to how things used to be when Westminster ran the show under the Scottish Office. Police Scotland replacing eight separate constabularies all with their own Chief Constable, for example.

I don't understand whether you think it's £100,000,000 well spent or not.

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12 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Anarcho-syndicalism for the win comrade.


2 hours ago, HTG said:



Sturgeon. Her surname is Sturgeon. You're completely disrespecting our First Minister with this basic failure to grasp her name. 

Think that's the point, big man.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
50 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

They are the Vox to Douglas Ross's Partido Popular type posture. Their analysis is that the only way to defeat the SNP is to collapse Holyrood and turn things back to pre-1997, because the existance of Holyrood is what put the wind into the SNP's sails in a big way in the first place. In Spain even though Madrid bitterly opposed the indepdence referendum the mainstream big two Tory and Labour equivalents both still favour keeping Catalan autonomy intact, which means there is highly likely to still be a pro-independence government in Barcelona on an ongoing basis and an ongoing constitutional tension.

Putting a few politicians in jail and forcing others to be in exile wasn't enough of a backlash for the Vox types who hanker after simpler Francoist times a bit like how a lot of UKIP types still hanker after the Empire. The irony is that all this mob and any George Galloway leftist splinter group probably succeed in doing under d'Hondt is put a significant portion of pro-Union votes out of play on the regional list calculation making it easier for the SNP to achieve an outright majority at Holyrood with under 50% of the vote.

This is the joy of seeing these nutcases crawl out from under rocks. 

There's no way in a million years these people will takes votes away from the SNP. If they do stand, the only votes they'll get will be taken from the Tories.

It's brilliant. 

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18 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


Think that's the point, big man.

No doubt. It's an outrageous lack of respect with potential to cause multiple heads gones if left unchecked.  At least Jackson Carcrash had a ring to it 

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44 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

I'm arguing that the sum is actually chickenfeed in the larger scheme of things and not worth getting excited about unless you have an axe to grind about devolution for other reasons.

O.K., just wasn't clear to me.

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6 minutes ago, HTG said:

No doubt. It's an outrageous lack of respect with potential to cause multiple heads gones if left unchecked.  At least Jackson Carcrash had a ring to it 

Similar to the Sturgones parties lack of respect for the 2014 referendum.

The once in a generation one!

Unfortunately the Cult following don’t respect it either.

This is not about, throwing on a Scotland top and attempting to sing Flour Of ScotLand at a football match.

Potential serous implications for the future of Scotland.

More  higher taxes.

Education, what farce will that turn into, the have already turned it from the pride of Scotland to utter disgrace.

Councils don’t have money for public toilets, a basic need in any civilised society.

Note, some bright spark mentions, one Police Force, Ha-Ha, what a joke, party of law and order, aye right, try phoning for the Police, you get directed to some Numpty in Dundee , who does know the road out of it, and then if you are lucky the Police might turn up a week later.

The list of failures from this lot are endless, just not sure how the following don’t grasp it.



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There's some beautiful information contained in the FAQ section of their website.  

One there there proposals is at General Elections the rUK should elect by FPTP but Scotland elects by PR!   

"Elect Scotland's MPs through proportional representation. First-past-the-post continually gives the SNP a strong majority of seats on a minority of the vote. We need a fairer way to elect Scottish MPs that reflects Scotland's unionist majority."

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4 minutes ago, Merkincher Clach & County said:


This is not about, throwing on a Scotland top and attempting to sing Flour Of ScotLand 


Normally I wouldn't rise to the bait for such a half-baked post but you're in over your head here. 

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1 hour ago, Marten said:
2 hours ago, Mr Waldo said:

I think the last official figure, from 2017-2018 , was about  £98 million.   House of Commons was  about £427 million, House of Lords, £99 million.

They forget that without Holyrood, a lot of the work done there needs to be done elsewhere and will still cost money. Not saying it will be £ 100m, but the actual saving (if any) will be much, much lower than £ 100m

And turning it into homes for veterans? How much would that cost for a building that never had the purpose of housing and as a result has never been designed as such? It could end up being cheaper to build an entirely new appartment block. If for whatever reason the current Holyrood building doesn't get used for its current purpose anymore it would probably be far more sensible to change it into a conference venue or something like that.

Turn it into a model or local doss-house for the people with nowhere else to go, unless of course that is!!! that we don't have homeless people in Scotland because our wonderful government have sorted it?

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1 hour ago, Marten said:

They forget that without Holyrood, a lot of the work done there needs to be done elsewhere and will still cost money. Not saying it will be £ 100m, but the actual saving (if any) will be much, much lower than £ 100m

And turning it into homes for veterans? How much would that cost for a building that never had the purpose of housing and as a result has never been designed as such? It could end up being cheaper to build an entirely new appartment block. If for whatever reason the current Holyrood building doesn't get used for its current purpose anymore it would probably be far more sensible to change it into a conference venue or something like that.

From the FAQ  https://www.abolishholyrood.org/faq


A. We agree, it is far too ugly and expensive to maintain! Naturally, we don’t mean keeping the parliament building and the wider Holyrood complex in its current form. Holyrood has extensive grounds, and the built area is chiefly offices for MSPs and their staff. The parliament entrance/chamber and its ugly, expensive façade is only a small part of that.


We propose stripping off the ugly façade and holding a review into the future of the actual parliament chamber to determine whether it should be demolished or re-purposed as some form of public building (we suggest a veteran’s museum to celebrate Scotland’s contribution to Britain’s Armed Forces, which would employ veterans housed in the surrounding accommodation).


The current staff buildings and surrounding grounds are themselves far more appropriate for renovation as homes for veterans, in an area of Edinburgh where land would otherwise be prohibitively expensive. That’s putting the site to much better use than dishing out six-figure salaries to Sturgeon and her cronies!

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13 minutes ago, HTG said:

Normally I wouldn't rise to the bait for such a half-baked post but you're in over your head here. 

You have risen to the bait, like a Salmond leaping.

In over my head? Don’t think so.

Only lot over their heads are Sturgeon’s party, they could not run a bath , never mind the country.

Open your eyes, Scotland is a total mess.

A once proud nation, reduced to a shambles by a party with nothing else in mind but defeating England or anything English.

Running a country is not a game, it’s not something some amateurs should be left in charge of.



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23 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

O.K., just wasn't clear to me.

The irony is I get lots of grief about being a Mason Boyne or William Ulsterman type on here despite being a pro-devolution secular humanist, while people who are actually in the Orange Order (won't name names) don't wind up having various independence obsessed mouth breathers stalking them from thread to thread complete with red dotting frenzies.

Labour and the Lib Dems had ten years in coalition to figure out what to actually do with devolution and failed dismally. Jack McConnell and the East Fife player who was so forgettable I am struggling to remember his name, Henry McLeish got there in the end, actually look talented compared to what Labour have now.

Didn't have to be that way, if the Westminster parties could adjust to federal style politics. Scotland could have been more like Andalucia or Aragon rather than Catalonia, if the Scottish angle could have been effectively catered to. All a more shrill style of anti-Holyrood Unionism probably does at this point is help the SNP finish the job, because competing nationalisms feed off each other.

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24 minutes ago, Beth Paige-Black said:

There's some beautiful information contained in the FAQ section of their website.  

One there there proposals is at General Elections the rUK should elect by FPTP but Scotland elects by PR!   

"Elect Scotland's MPs through proportional representation. First-past-the-post continually gives the SNP a strong majority of seats on a minority of the vote. We need a fairer way to elect Scottish MPs that reflects Scotland's unionist majority."

Elect Scotland's MPs through proportional representation. First-past-the-post continually gives the SNP a strong majority of seats on a minority of the vote. We need a fairer way to elect Scottish MPs.

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25 minutes ago, Merkincher Clach & County said:

You have risen to the bait, like a Salmond leaping.

In over my head? Don’t think so.

Only lot over their heads are Sturgeon’s party, they could not run a bath , never mind the country.

Open your eyes, Scotland is a total mess.

A once proud nation, reduced to a shambles by a party with nothing else in mind but defeating England or anything English.

Running a country is not a game, it’s not something some amateurs should be left in charge of.



You're miles out your depth champ. Scotland - not the SNP - Scotland and its people will run Scotland. Scotland will not be governed through the will of people from another country. There is an irreversible move towards an outward looking independent Scotland. You and your ilk can rail against that all you like but you're going to be part and parcel of Scotland's vibrant future. And when you've had the opportunity to be part of it, I've no doubt you'll be big enough to put your hand up and acknowledge you made a c**t of it by hankering for a bygone era where forelocks were tugged and Vera Lynn was a thing. It'll be a great day for you, an emancipation. 

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12 minutes ago, HTG said:

You're miles out your depth champ. Scotland - not the SNP - Scotland and its people will run Scotland. Scotland will not be governed through the will of people from another country. There is an irreversible move towards an outward looking independent Scotland. You and your ilk can rail against that all you like but you're going to be part and parcel of Scotland's vibrant future. And when you've had the opportunity to be part of it, I've no doubt you'll be big enough to put your hand up and acknowledge you made a c**t of it by hankering for a bygone era where forelocks were tugged and Vera Lynn was a thing. It'll be a great day for you, an emancipation. 

Congratulations! You have just won the worst post of the year award.

Absolutely pathetic.

Not sure what rail you refer to.

Typical of a Cult supporter, has to use bad foul language in attempt to make a point.

Vera Lynn, please, please give me clue why this wonderful human being was brought into your sad and pitiful reply.

Scotlands vibrant future, HA-HA-HA!

Scotland is down the pan, the lemmings are following.

If you get your wish and it goes down the pan, remember the word, BARNET!

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