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WWE Survivor Series 2020


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Well that was a load of fucking guff, wasn't it?

A couple - at best - solid-to-good matches, but Jeeeeeesus they're struggling with no crowds.  No point to anything really, and the only storyline progression given there's no titles was Rollins presumably off to be the World's Crossfittiest Da, and Lana being...something.  They even fucked up the latter by jobbing out pretty much everyone else, just so they could give her a moment where she did f**k all.  Why not have her stand up to people before that?  What's the point?

And to top it all off, 30 years of the Undertaker topped off with a confusing and self-indulgent segment.  When Flair retired, they did it right, getting everyone together that mattered and making it a heart-warming celebration of the wrestler he was.  I know we can't really get that with someone so devoted to his character as Undertaker, but what's the point in bringing out all these wrestlers from the past just for them to stand there with no audience, then disappear, then have Vince come out and be on the edge of tears while looking like someone wearing a Vince skin-suit (badly). And then have what seemed like an hour of Undertaker walking down, around the ring, saying about 10 words, then slowly walking out again?  And that not to mention what I assume were the botches with the audio all through the segment.  I kept expecting something to happen at the end, even something hinting that maybe we get something with the Fiend, but naw.  Just pish.

They better have something pretty good planned for RR to WM, because it's been largely fucking meh arguably since Drew won the Rumble in January.

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