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WWE Royal Rumble 2021


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Guest bernardblack

It took me so long to realise that was Rollins coming in at #29...his “music” is so bad. 

I did laugh at “priest vs edge...the future vs a hall of famer” I like Priest but he’s 39 this year 

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It took me so long to realise that was Rollins coming in at #29...his “music” is so bad. 
I did laugh at “priest vs edge...the future vs a hall of famer” I like Priest but he’s 39 this year 

Thought Bayley was entering the Men’s Rumble at first. Would’ve fancied her to go the distance anaw.
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Tbf, wrestlers work extra hard to make things like that from a celebrity look good, because not only are they the experienced ones and know where to be, but also they can't be sloppy because it's a celebrity and they'd be firmly in the shithouse with WWE should anything happenen. Watch most one on one dives in WWE and, unless it's from a HUGE height, the person taking it would be standing a bit to the side or a bit back. Just gives a bit more authenticity to it as an offensive move. NO chance do they take those chances here. Bad Bunny would probably have broken something.

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Not a bad couple of Rumbles. Decent watch but neither were classics.

The women's Rumble was let down by a lack of focus and credibility in terms of winners. Belair is a great choice though. She's brilliant so glad to see her get a chance.

Men's Rumble was enjoyable for the most part but one of my biggest annoyances in Rumbles is folk being eliminated by someone who has already been eliminated. Whilst that didn't happen, Omos chucking a couple of guys out totally took me out of it. Christian got a genuine pop from, not just a nostalgia chuckle reaction but a real 'Yaaaassss!!' reaction. I was really in to the match then but when Omos eliminated Big E I was very much deflated and the rest of the match was almost spoiled.

Interesting to see who Edge challenges. Him against Reigns would be tremendous but him against Drew would be as well. Drew doesn't have an obvious Mania opponent right now, whereas you could pick a couple for Reigns.


Other thoughts:

- WWE babyfaces are the stupidest people in the world. Charlotte Flair first gets distracted by her old man's music (a hideously awful trope) but manages to fight off Lacey Evans. However she then goes back to the exact same place and does the exact same move and gets hit by Evans.

- The rollup is the most devastating finishing move in WWE

- I liked how the women had absolutely no time for Alexa's spooky shit

- Bad Bunny (and just who the f**k is that?!) is a better seller than half the roster

- Michael Cole remains deeply irritating and shit (although it's not all his fault; he's clearly told to talk in buzz words and call everyone by their shit nickname and use his shit catchphrases).

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Given how great Edge was opposite Orton, I'd much rather see him opposite this Reigns than Drew who's clearly making the jump back to babyface after than wee quasi heel thing they did out of desperation. I'm worried they'll go with Orton again, but given how decisive that ending was in Edge's favour, I'm hoping that's the end of it.

Lack of credible winners is a fair point in the women's, but they made up for that in other ways I thought. I always felt like there was something worth having at least an eye on. That was a HUGE problem with the men's for me. I was just not caring about anything for far too long.

The Bad Bunny thing... could do worse to, if he's game for it, get proper trained up for a one off tag match. Could probably do a lot worse than take a punt at something like that. He kinda reminded me of the odd guest GM who would come in and had me thinking "he's naw bad here". It'd probably be more entertaining than whatever other shite might be planned for Miz and Morrison.

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WWE is so baffling though with something like Bad Bunny. He is a big star among zoomers and clearly seemed into the whole thing like the fed should have this great potential buy in with a wider audience especially when you factor in people like The New Day who could be wider cultural stars but it all feels hamstrung by the old man who by all accounts hasnt engaged with wider culture in about 30 years.

Just random thinking but even over here when you get superstars on the breakfast shows it’s like Kane. Have Big E shove a plate of pancakes in Piers Morgan’s face. The world deserves to see it.

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Just watched the rumbles there. Thought the women’s one wasn’t too bad, happy Rhea and Bianca got the last 2, they were excellent. Alexa Bliss totally wasted though.

Men’s one wasn’t bad either, shame there wasn’t a crowd pop for Edge It would’ve been amazing. I loved seeing Seth return but was hoping It to be a bit more memorable than It was.

Sasha v Bianca

Edge v Drew

2 mania worthy matches.

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18 hours ago, NotThePars said:


Sending Jerry to cover the women’s matches post Me Too feels like the Bolton psycho from Game of Thrones tormenting Alfie Allen after having his dick taken away


With just as much waving of phallic objects.

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13 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

- Michael Cole remains deeply irritating and shit (although it's not all his fault; he's clearly told to talk in buzz words and call everyone by their shit nickname and use his shit catchphrases).

I feel really sorry for people like Cole in WWE.  It's clear he's an absolutely solid broadcaster, he's a safe choice for leading a show.  But when he's just parroting shite he's being told to say, it really does him a disservice.  Didn't he do one of the UK Takeovers once and seemed so much better because we knew Vince didn't travel?  Most damning moment was that Taker/Shane match where you say him physically reading the shite, hackneyed line he'd been given.  Like his brain was physically rejecting it for how shite it was.  

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29 minutes ago, forameus said:

I feel really sorry for people like Cole in WWE.  It's clear he's an absolutely solid broadcaster, he's a safe choice for leading a show.  But when he's just parroting shite he's being told to say, it really does him a disservice.  Didn't he do one of the UK Takeovers once and seemed so much better because we knew Vince didn't travel?  Most damning moment was that Taker/Shane match where you say him physically reading the shite, hackneyed line he'd been given.  Like his brain was physically rejecting it for how shite it was.  

Aye he did the Blackpool event and was pretty decent when he didn't have Vince in his ear screaming pish at him.

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2 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Aye he did the Blackpool event and was pretty decent when he didn't have Vince in his ear screaming pish at him.

There's a practice in the industry I work in called pair programming that I absolutely despise.  Basically doing your job in pairs, one person actually doing it and the other sitting beside them and essentially quarterbacking the whole thing, making suggestions, pointing out issues.

I imagine trying to commentate RAW is like that, only the guy you're pairing with is constantly kicking and shaking your chair, and screaming at you non-stop asking you to do the wrong thing.  And he's your boss.  Must be fucking miserable.


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