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The 2nd best WrestleMania


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I think most of us are in agreement Mania 17 is the best WrestleMania there’s been, with probably a few shouts for 19 - but what comes after? 

30 gets a lot of love, and whilst it is a good show, I could never fully appreciate it live after Taker’s loss. Bryan only pulled me right back in at the end.

21 is pretty great show, 20 too. I’ve always had an odd soot spot for 24, probably less for the show and more the whole setting. 

What about everyone else? 

Edited by TheGoon
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I really like Wrestlemania 2000. I know it gets a lot of stick, but it was when I was at my peak of fandom as a kid.

The McMahon in every corner felt like a big deal for the whole future of WWF to me at the time. Then you had the sheer insaneness of the hardcore time limit free for all, a brilliant ladder match between the Dudleys, Edge & Christian & The Hardyz and Kane wearing a cool as hell costume and smashing Pete Rose.

The rest is just filler looking on Wiki now. I was big fans of Big Bossman, Bull Buchanan, Godfather & D'Lo so I enjoyed that opening too.

Enjoyed 28 but that's also not a contender. Taker's match and I don't think there's been a truly global match such as Rock vs Cena before even if it wasn't the greatest match. Even Rock vs Hogan didn't seem to get as widespread attention (at least in my head).

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7 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

I really like Wrestlemania 2000. I know it gets a lot of stick, but it was when I was at my peak of fandom as a kid.

The McMahon in every corner felt like a big deal for the whole future of WWF to me at the time. Then you had the sheer insaneness of the hardcore time limit free for all, a brilliant ladder match between the Dudleys, Edge & Christian & The Hardyz and Kane wearing a cool as hell costume and smashing Pete Rose.

The rest is just filler looking on Wiki now. I was big fans of Big Bossman, Bull Buchanan, Godfather & D'Lo so I enjoyed that opening too.

Enjoyed 28 but that's also not a contender. Taker's match and I don't think there's been a truly global match such as Rock vs Cena before even if it wasn't the greatest match. Even Rock vs Hogan didn't seem to get as widespread attention (at least in my head).

I’ve been going through the Attitude Era/ TV & PPVs for a while and Mania 2000 just felt such an anticlimax for just how hot the company was then. Even Backlash the next month felt way bigger. Still very weird that period where they stuck to arenas for Mania, despite being more popular than ever. 

Would agree on 28 though, I like that show and the feel of it. Loved the Rock/Cena rivalry too. Booted the arse out it a bit next year, but the first meeting was class. 

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3 hours ago, Chicken Wing said:
10 hours ago, DA Baracus said:
31 is a great shout for second best. 17 is a good call for second best as well.

I remember you told me you really rated IX.

Easily the best...

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30 sticks out for me.  People rate 31, and I think looking back it was a pretty good show, but wasn't memorable in the way 30 was.  That one didn't feel like it was in an overly massive stadium (SilverThunderDome is indoors technically isn't it?), seemed to have hit after hit.  Kicking off with Hogan (pre career suicide) Rock and Austin.  Actually, I've just checked - 8 matches on the card.  8!  For a WM.  And that's including the one on the pre-show.  Took until match 5 to have a bit of a clunker in Cena/Wyatt, and that probably didn't seem quite as bad at the time.  If this had happened a few years later and they could put a women's match on that actually mattered, they'd be golden

They've been utter guff since 32 though.  I'm interested to see what happens with this year's.  Split over two days, will feel more like a proper WM with fans.  If they can get over their fetish for having the show be a million hours long, it could be brilliant.

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I've always liked 24. Undertaker vs Edge was a great title match, Flair vs Michaels was an incredible piece of storytelling  and Show vs Mayweather was far more entertaining than it had any right to be. I remember that massive college football stadium looked awesome as well.

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24 and 31 for me as well.

Being a huge fan of the crazy old b*****d that is Richard Fliehr then 24 might edge for me but there's so much to enjoy about 31 with HHH vs Sting and that sensational main event amongst others.

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WM 31 possibly 2nd best. i'll always remember it well because i was really ill and couldn't make my mates house when everyone was watching and i watched it alone on my laptop gutted. Rollins cash in. Rock and Ronda confronting HHH and Steph.  The mental RKO to Seth. Sting's debut and NWO v DX confrontation. Bryan winning the ladder match. legendary moments.


away to watch some of my fav mania matches tonight:

HHH v Taker HIAC.

WM 17 TLC match.

Angle v Michaels

Both Taker v Michaels


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I'm saying 31 for my enjoyment of the event at the time. There was a group of about 16 of us watched it in Campus and the atmosphere was great. We also ran a predictions sweepstake and I won £150. Going into the last match I was a point down on the leader and won it all by predicting both a Rollins cash in and win. 

We watched it there the next year too and it was just not as good cos the show dragged. 

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