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No BBC license fee from 2027


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I don’t mind paying the licence fee. I watch and listen to quite a bit of BBC content.

Still, I can’t see me starting a protest because the dreadful Tories are gunning for them. First they came for the BBC and I did nothing…

Actually, probably 34th or something, they came for the BBC and I did nothing. It is a pain in the arse though.

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43 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Tbf to the current dweeb as well they aired a segment with Keir and “former Labour voters” where one of them literally admitted they couldn’t mind the last time, if ever, they had voted for Labour.

You could spend all day pointing out the ways they’ve shown utter contempt for marginalised voices. A trans friend of mine shared some insane transphobia from the last 12 months that reads like the worst of the gay panic in the 80s.

Anyway, it’s fine we have the smug brigade on to dig that grave even deeper.





Seeing O Briain et al emptied alongside Keunssberg etc would be fantastic entertrainment. In the US Fox News is obviously ripped for a very right leaning editorial bias and Fox TV stuff like the Simpsons and Family guy ripped for being ‘Socialist’. You could probably make a similar comparison but perhaps not to the same extremes (besides the political editorial slants).

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4 hours ago, Left Back said:

Fire up iplayer, tick the box that says yes I have a licence, enjoy your viewing.

It's really not that hard.

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8 minutes ago, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

Fire up iplayer, tick the box that says yes I have a licence, enjoy your viewing.

It's really not that hard.



Tbf, it doesn't specify that it has to have been purchased recently. One can only presume that the seven year old paper licence sitting under a takeaway menu in the dining room drawer shall be quite sufficient.

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3 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:



Tbf, it doesn't specify that it has to have been purchased recently. One can only presume that the seven year old paper licence sitting under a takeaway menu in the dining room drawer shall be quite sufficient.

But I don't need one to watch it, due to the fact that I can watch it without  actually having one.

It's really not that hard to understand. 

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2 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Yep, but you can still be arrested if you fail to pay the fine, which wouldnt count in imprisonment figures as police custody overnight doesnt see someone entered into HMP population figures. 

Some figures on this here.


91 people jailed between 2015 and 2018 so approx.  30 per year.

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2 minutes ago, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

But I don't need one to watch it, due to the fact that I can watch it without  actually having one.

It's really not that hard to understand. 

Similar to saying that you don't need to stick to any speed limit on the road due to the fact that your car can go above 70.

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30 minutes ago, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

Fire up iplayer, tick the box that says yes I have a licence, enjoy your viewing.

It's really not that hard.

I didn't say it was hard.  there's has never been anything proactively stopping you watching TV without a license.  It's always been the threat of retrospective action for doing so that compelled most to get a license.

I was more answering the point raised that it's only needed for live TV.  It's not.  There are a whole raft of things listed in that link you should have a TV license for.

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25 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I'm confused.

Are the BBC left wing leaning or right wing leaning?

I ask because both sides are accusing it of favouring the other.

I like to keep on top of the latest conspiracies. 😆

It's all very Old Firm paranoia this.

Can you point out what conspiracy I've apparently uncovered in my post? Everything stated is accurate.

I'm not accusing them of being left or right leaning, simply that they aren't the impartial messenger they're supposed to be.

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2 hours ago, Gaz said:

Mind how absolutely mental the BBC went in regards to Corbyn. Giving folk airtime asking if bacon would be nationalised, putting pictures of him in front of the Kremlin, calling his plan for broadband rollout literal communism. Absolutely nuts.

The lowest point for me was the guy being given the second question in Corbyn's election BBCQT to go nuts about Corbyn opposing the coup in Bolivia. 

It was genuinely depressing.

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The right think the BBC is biased because there's black people and gays on the TV.

The left thinks it's biased because they keep appointing top Conservatives to senior positions and repeating Tory Party talking points verbatim.

These have the same validity apparently. This is a very smart take.

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3 hours ago, craigkillie said:


The stuff on CBeebies is excellent, a really good mix of programmes on there.

I'd argue Something Special is is probably the best thing the BBC does. Absolutely no chance a commercial channel would do anything like it.

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1 hour ago, Left Back said:

Some figures on this here.


91 people jailed between 2015 and 2018 so approx.  30 per year.

Yes thats not the point im making. Theres a difference between being put in prison after being found guilty and just generally being arrested and held in police custody. Your definition of ‘jailed’ appears to be people put in prison, but say someone gets arrested on a warrant on a friday, they’d be held till monday for court, essentially having their liberty deprived for 3 days because they didnt pay their share of Graham Norton’s salary. Which is imo entirely disproportionate but something the BBC want to continue happening.

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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

Not sure why I bothered getting involved in this thread TBH.  Need to get myself a new hobby 🤣

I'm just not interested in these types of utterly soul-crushingly tedious political discussions.

The BBC will survive in some form. The days of people being told what to watch and when to watch it are coming to an end. I like the BBC and use their website for news and sport and my wife uses the iPlayer. Beyond that, I'm not really interested so I'm going to bail from the thread.

Enjoy your discussions folks.

Would have been quicker and easier if you just admitting you got that wrong. 

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