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On 23/09/2023 at 22:42, Cowdenleith said:


Look, it’s not acceptable these days, accept that. But is it any more offensive than calling someone a ‘c&@t’ that seems to get thrown about like confetti these days?


Normally enjoy reading your posts on Cowdenbeath, but that's an absolutely awful take. 

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49 minutes ago, HoBNob said:

Normally enjoy reading your posts on Cowdenbeath, but that's an absolutely awful take. 

Folk getting excited. Just shows what can occur when one individual spouts a lot of dross. Nothing happened. Better still go to a game with a bigger crowd. Then you really will get upset at the nasty stuff you'll hear.

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1 hour ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

Folk getting excited. Just shows what can occur when one individual spouts a lot of dross. Nothing happened. Better still go to a game with a bigger crowd. Then you really will get upset at the nasty stuff you'll hear.

I wasn't talking about the incident, I'm not saying it did or didn't happen, I wasn't there so I have no idea what happened. 

But the attempt to downplay the slur there by Cowdenleith is just shite behaviour IMO

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15 hours ago, energyzone said:

It was a hovel though and further from the train station than the present one.  The new one may not have the character and history but it's fine and much more modern.  You will be able to get a drink at the bar within the ground and should hopefully have a good day out.  The Lemon Tree is still there in the town centre.


We drew Forfar at home in last season's competition and I got the distinct impression from sitting next to them that their committee were looking down their noses at the ground and at our level of football in general.  Hopefully you guys will enjoy your visit to a ground which is only 4/5 years old and is still in development.

I’ve just seen the ground going past on the train.

Is that the old uncovered stand from Benburb sure someone said it was.

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Just seen the highlights there. How the hell the referee hasn't gave a foul for the boot to Dougie right before a penalty was awarded is mind blowing. What the f**k was the referee watching or the linesman for that matter?

Jesus wept man. Imagine the uproar if one of the 2 arsecheeks had this happen to them.

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On 24/09/2023 at 17:36, Kelheart said:

Had a good day out in Kilwinning 30 year ago watching Kelty in the Scottish , good pint in The Lemon Tree (might not still be around) then a few of the locals signed us into the The Lodge could've been Masonic but was very pished by then , locals were a wee bit hostile 😂😂

Times have changed down  there ma man here's a wee screen capture from kilwinnings FB, I.m sure you'll enjoy your day





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On 24/09/2023 at 15:24, UpInTheStand said:

One of the very few things I enjoyed about visiting Central Park yesterday was all the 'Juniors' shouts, bearing in mind the teams play in the same league. 

Not sure what you mean about not seeing them again? You'll see them at least twice again this season? 

Without significant investment, Cowden will never return to league football, so you better get used to watching these 'Junior' teams...

Quite agree. I’m not sure you could even say that Cowdenbeath are a bigger club than we are. 

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1 hour ago, LowlandLad said:

Don’t try belittle us with junior chants then. 

The chants of Junior from what I heard and saw was due to the antics that you would have traditionally saw in a junior football game (e.g. surrounding the ref, demanding bookings and antics from the bench.)

This had nothing to do with status etc.

Edited by silkybeath
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