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🔴 🔵 Caley (The) vs Morton (Greenock) 🔵 🐀

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21 minutes ago, Stephen Malkmus said:

Watch Southampton's pen claim against McTominay at the weekend - exactly the same situation, correctly ruled out by VAR due to McTominay's proximity to Adams.

Em...no. I much prefer listening to the caley nutjob exploding in the stand. Better entertainment.

Enjoy your Monday.

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34 minutes ago, Stephen Malkmus said:

Watch Southampton's pen claim against McTominay at the weekend - exactly the same situation, correctly ruled out by VAR due to McTominay's proximity to Adams.


Proximity doesn't have anything to do with it in the current rules. It's all about the position of the body. I actually think the Mctominay one was un-natural and should have been a penalty but its subjective which has been the biggest issue with the hand ball rules over the years. There are plenty of penalties given by VAR that are similar to the  Mctomimay or Saturdays incident and there will be just as many examples of ones that are not given. 

The caley defender is off balance and jumps for the ball and raises his arm again after the morton player has already headed it. Its part of his movement when jumping but you can't jump for a header with your arm that far away from your body and not run the risk of giving away a penalty as jumping for a header in itself is not a justifiable action to put your arms wherever you like. 

I don't agree with the rules because I don't see how you are meant to compete for a header without raising your arms. Situations like that happen dozens of times in a game and it becomes pot luck whether someone is unfortunate enough to have the ball bounce off their arm or not but ultimately I think the ref made the right decision under the current rules.

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I'm a bit on the fence with penalty but I don't care enough to get worked up about it. I do care enough to get worked up about our utterly stinking performance which I am still not okay with. The Morton keeper had the cigars out for most of that game. I can barely recall a time when we got close to troubling him. Our attack was completely toothless. 

Some of the players signed, based on their early season offerings, need to seriously up their game if we want to have a chance of a high finish in this league. 

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😆 just watched those highlights and how can anyone in their right mind think that wasn't a penalty?!  The ICT defender flicks his arm at the ball on the decent from a jump ffs so any chat about arms being out to aid his jump is null and void!!

Great result though, I always fear the worst for Morton when we head up there.  Echo others thoughts, just get a half decent striker in and we should be fine this season!

Edited by Kev
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Under the rules, it's a clear penalty.  However in my opinion the rules are daft.  I don't think for a minute that was deliberate handball, which is what used to be the criterion, but checking the results page, I see we won 1-0, so not going to campaign for a rule change this week.

Pleasantly surprised that we seem to be evolving into a team that can win games.  Just need a striker now and we're good to go.

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