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Walking Football

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Hello. Did a quick search and couldn't find a thread on this, so thought I'd ask in this section.

Does anybody on here play walking football or know much about any clubs? I had to stop playing normal football through injury, but I think walking football might be just about manageable for me and I'd like to give it a try.

I'm only 38 and it seems like quite a few of the clubs are for those over 50. Anyone know of a club that would welcome a whippersnapper like me? I live in South Lanarkshire. I was pretty mince at normal football and reckon I would be at this too, but I'd like to score a goal again.

So, does anyone play or have any experience?

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8 hours ago, DoingThe42 said:

Hello. Did a quick search and couldn't find a thread on this, so thought I'd ask in this section.

Does anybody on here play walking football or know much about any clubs? I had to stop playing normal football through injury, but I think walking football might be just about manageable for me and I'd like to give it a try.

I'm only 38 and it seems like quite a few of the clubs are for those over 50. Anyone know of a club that would welcome a whippersnapper like me? I live in South Lanarkshire. I was pretty mince at normal football and reckon I would be at this too, but I'd like to score a goal again.

So, does anyone play or have any experience?

I played for about 5 years up until Covid hit but haven't got back to it. When it started up it was over 50s only but thus soon changed to allow younger players in, depending on their circumstances. At the outset the "walking" part was heavily policed but as time wore on it became more and more like a slightly slowed up version of 5-a-sides and got pretty physical. That wasn't what I was looking for and is the main reason I haven't gone back to it. But back at the start of it all it was a great feeling to able to play and kick a ball about again. You should go for it and see how it suits you.

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11 hours ago, kingjoey said:

I played for about 5 years up until Covid hit but haven't got back to it. When it started up it was over 50s only but thus soon changed to allow younger players in, depending on their circumstances. At the outset the "walking" part was heavily policed but as time wore on it became more and more like a slightly slowed up version of 5-a-sides and got pretty physical. That wasn't what I was looking for and is the main reason I haven't gone back to it. But back at the start of it all it was a great feeling to able to play and kick a ball about again. You should go for it and see how it suits you.

Cheers for that.

I definitely will do. It's like trying to get into a boozer in my youth, though. Need to get a fake ID that says I'm 44 or something.

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