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The Hamilton Accies Championship Thread

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8 hours ago, FuzzyBear said:

Are Accies the only club that publicise their new £15k website like there is no tomorrow and then never update it !!

Its been updated now dated the 11th. Maybe these updates didnt just appear today and we were all looking in the wrong place.🤣

The web site is nothing more than a marketing tool for Mcgoofys pheonix club. (What used to be our stand)

See there were issues with the turnstiles tonight too. I am convinced Accies must be trolling us, no club could be this tin pot unless it is deliberate

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Wow just shocking tonight fact Rankin is saying in the media that the performance "got fans out their seats" is delusional lucky to even win tonight. Can someone explain to Rankin that goal difference is very important in this competition not sure he understands how it works

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Rankin needs to change this system because if he doesn't he's going to be out of a job by Halloween. O'Hara as a lone striker won't work Andy Winter on the wing is also mental. Felt that we were happy to win 1-0 this was a real chance tonight of putting ourselves in a good position of getting out the group with a win against Cove regardless of what happened against Livi now if we lose heavily on Saturday we're as good as out. And if we play like that we will. Any team that gets out of the group makes 55k and possibly more if you get a rangers or celtic away 55k is more than enough to bring another signing but playing like that we will finish in 3rd behind Livi and Cove. Really concerned with that tonight. Summary is if we play with that system all season we will be lucky to finish 6th in league 1. However if we change it to something that will actually get more out of the players we have a good shot of winning the league we need 2 up front. 

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Yeah some slightly worrying signs in last night's performance, the main thing being that the mentality seems to be carrying over from last season. when we get into a winning postion, rather than take confidence from that and go for more, a fear strikes through the squad causing them be more defensive and reluctant to get forward, much rather holding onto the lead. This mentality was the downfall for us last season, conceding goals very late on and being unable to see games out.

We need to change that fast, I really want to see us have a go at Livi on Saturday, get players forward and crowd the box. If we lose, we lose, but I want to see us have some really good chances at the very least.

Edited by Laid-back Accie
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Or it could be more lame promises with no delivery AGAIN. The season is already underway, its too late AGAIN.  Wee tip for the club. Dont make anouncements if you cant deliver. 

If anything is happening, they need to it quick. Folk are losing interest already. Not great work when they claim to be setting a target of 1000 season tickets. 

If i had'nt renewed already, would last night have changed my mind? New modern turnstile system you say? Great.... oh wait, utter failure on a really easy night to do a test run? Nah yer awright, il find something a bit less tin pot to do with my Saturday's cheers!

The stadium that never sleeps? well unless of course there is something football related, any old crap will do the fans as they are really not important. Total Shit show!

Edited by Beckford
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Well that statement was worth waiting for, no real change and smoke and mirrors as before. Absoloute gang and the only winner as feared is our rat landlord. We are absoloute mugs supporting this lot.

Edited by Beckford
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35 minutes ago, Beckford said:

Well that statement was worth waiting for, no real change and smoke and mirrors as before. Absoloute gang and the only winner as feared is our rat landlord. We are absoloute mugs supporting this lot.

Exactly this, as long as McGowan holds the rights to the stadium we are fooked.

So apart from a piece of worthless paper what does our new owner get ?

Edited by smc4761
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1 minute ago, smc4761 said:

Exactly this, as long as McGowan holds the rights to the stadium we are fooked.

So apart from a piece of worthless paper what does our new owner get ?

I fear he gets to do as the boss tells him. 

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10 minutes ago, smc4761 said:

Exactly this, as long as McGowan holds the rights to the stadium we are fooked.

So apart from a piece of worthless paper what does our new owner get ?

You could apply this to the owner of most clubs in Scotland tbf.

He's passionate about football and is up for spending some of his hard earned on us. The summer signings show this.

It's easy to be cynical and sceptical about anything Accies say or do, but ultimately we all want the same thing - a football club who see the first team and a priority and a club who are moving forward on the park.

Give the man a chance - he can't purchase a stadium that isn't for sale.

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2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

You could apply this to the owner of most clubs in Scotland tbf.

He's passionate about football and is up for spending some of his hard earned on us. The summer signings show this.

It's easy to be cynical and sceptical about anything Accies say or do, but ultimately we all want the same thing - a football club who see the first team and a priority and a club who are moving forward on the park.

Give the man a chance - he can't purchase a stadium that isn't for sale.

Agree to an extent as per my post on Accies world. As stated, delighted with the improvement to the playing squad.

The motivation of the new "owner" is not the issue, its the fact that the statement suggests the major issues remain.

The team and the "owner" will recieve our support, thats a given as a fan. Doesnt mean we should not be fearfull and angry of what is going on in the back ground. Its

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2 minutes ago, Beckford said:

Agree to an extent as per my post on Accies world. As stated, delighted with the improvement to the playing squad.

The motivation of the new "owner" is not the issue, its the fact that the statement suggests the major issues remain.

The team and the "owner" will recieve our support, thats a given as a fan. Doesnt mean we should not be fearfull and angry of what is going on in the back ground. Its

Short of refusing to sign a lease and building a new stadium there's little Zengin can do about that, though.

The stadium has been under seperate ownership from the club since the day it was built, so this isn't anywhere near as recent an issue as people think.

£90,000 a year to lease a 22 year old stadium 365 days of the year isn't a terrible deal tbh. We aren't responsible for the maintenance of the stadium (including replacing the surface when required) and it works out at £245 per day.

Considering we don't need to rent pitches to train on and/or for our youth teams that's a bargain.

The owner of the football club can't be tempted to asset strip the club to sell the land either.

I genuinely don't care if McGowan uses the stadium for charity events. But now he's no longer on the board of the football club, he should advertise them through his own channels and stop using our badge.

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24 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Short of refusing to sign a lease and building a new stadium there's little Zengin can do about that, though.

The stadium has been under seperate ownership from the club since the day it was built, so this isn't anywhere near as recent an issue as people think.

£90,000 a year to lease a 22 year old stadium 365 days of the year isn't a terrible deal tbh. We aren't responsible for the maintenance of the stadium (including replacing the surface when required) and it works out at £245 per day.

Considering we don't need to rent pitches to train on and/or for our youth teams that's a bargain.

The owner of the football club can't be tempted to asset strip the club to sell the land either.

I genuinely don't care if McGowan uses the stadium for charity events. But now he's no longer on the board of the football club, he should advertise them through his own channels and stop using our badge.

Well aware the seperate ownership is not a new issue. The way it was gradually removed from the club is the issue myself, and many others have been banging on about for years is the issue. This was a calculated move by the current "landlord" resulting in the current situation

You are right, the owner of the "club" cant be tempted to asset strip, its not him that is capable of / evidence would suggest has been doing that.

The argument for benifits from renting what did, and should still belong to the club is flawed in my oppinion (as discussed at length elsewhere)

Yes the surface has been replaced, but the only justification for an artificial surface, is to generate income for the club that train and play here. Remember, the clown tried to cancel a HAWFC home game, as he had rented it out for private use. 

Using the stadium for charity has never been an issue btw. I support a couple of charities myself and regularly take part in fund raising events. The smoke screen that the charities at accies are used for is the issue.

Despite my rants, i do agree with some of your points and apologise if it feels like im arguing fr the sake of it. I want to see the club succeed as much as yourself. 

Edited by Beckford
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12 minutes ago, Beckford said:

Yes the surface has been replaced, but the only justification for an artificial surface, is to generate income for the club that train and play here.

I'm not sure I fully agree with that. Hamilton have never openly rented their pitch out to generate income, and stated way back in about 2006 that it was laid with the academy in mind, both to save on renting pitches and training facilities, and to have the draw for the kids of playing in the stadium.

12 minutes ago, Beckford said:

Remember, the clown tried to cancel a HAWFC home game, as he had rented it out for private use. 

I don't remember this tbh, but I don't really see the relevance either.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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The issue with attempting to cancel the womens game was reported last season. 

The use of the artifical pitch 24/7 was lauded as saving costs as we dont need to rent training  facilities thus generating revenue as a result.

Games involving other teams, leagues and ground sharing also generates income we were told. That was what i meant, sorry if that was not clear 

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32 minutes ago, Beckford said:

The issue with attempting to cancel the womens game was reported last season. 

I don't pay much attention to the women's team tbh. Still not sure why it's relevant

33 minutes ago, Beckford said:

The use of the artifical pitch 24/7 was lauded as saving costs as we dont need to rent training  facilities thus generating revenue as a result.

You're not daft. Saving money ≠ generating revenue. We are saving money by being able to use the pitch 365 days per year for all of our teams. McGowan is not generating additional revenue from renting out the pitch.

I understand your hatred for McGowan. But you are coming across here as blinded by it, and looking to be annoyed.

He owns the stadium, there's nothing anyone can do about that. We need to accept that we rent our ground, that no-one can force him to sell it, and that the rent isn't ridiculous.

We need to move on, take Zengin's ownership at face value, and, unless things happen to suggest we shouldn't, stop being bitter about the past.

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33 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I don't pay much attention to the women's team tbh. Still not sure why it's relevant

You're not daft. Saving money ≠ generating revenue. We are saving money by being able to use the pitch 365 days per year for all of our teams. McGowan is not generating additional revenue from renting out the pitch.

I understand your hatred for McGowan. But you are coming across here as blinded by it, and looking to be annoyed.

He owns the stadium, there's nothing anyone can do about that. We need to accept that we rent our ground, that no-one can force him to sell it, and that the rent isn't ridiculous.

We need to move on, take Zengin's ownership at face value, and, unless things happen to suggest we shouldn't, stop being bitter about the past.

Its relevant as the womens team is a team representing accies, and as such should be a priority, regardless of gender or age group.

We recieve payment for being host venue for games involving teams that are not Accies. Clyde ground share and pay for this too. Income that is possible due to an artificial surface. The football stadium is used to generate money for Mcgowan. Look at the recent play off final. Masive game, look after the fans, generate a big support? No hire out the facilities for a private function during the game.

The only thing i hate is our club being used as a vehicle for personal projects, to the detriment of our club. That is my view, if you dont share it fair enough. This is a forum, we are here to express our views and discuss, would be pointless if we all saw it the same way.

Mcgowan owning the stadium cant be seen as acceptable, and in fact puts our very existance at risk. His past and his attitude to our club is my basis for this.

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4 minutes ago, Beckford said:

Its relevant as the womens team is a team representing accies, and as such should be a priority, regardless of gender or age group.

It isn't relevant - they are not part of H.A.F.C. and, as such, will have their own tenancy arangements.

5 minutes ago, Beckford said:

We recieve payment for being host venue for games involving teams that are not Accies. Clyde ground share and pay for this too. Income that is possible due to an artificial surface.

Stadia with grass pitches can, and are, used for both of the above. The pitch has nothing to do with it. Our artificial surfaces were never laid with the intention of generating revenue.

9 minutes ago, Beckford said:

The only thing i hate is our club being used as a vehicle for personal projects, to the detriment of our club. That is my view, if you dont share it fair enough.

I've already covered this. I do share it. The football club should now stop advertising his stuff.

10 minutes ago, Beckford said:

Mcgowan owning the stadium cant be seen as acceptable, and in fact puts our very existance at risk.

What do you suggest happens then? No-one can buy what isn't for sale. The latter part, given we've signed a 50 year lease (with relatively favourable terms), is nonsense. If anything the future of the football club is actually less at risk by not having to ensure the mortgage continues to be paid than if it was in our name.

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