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Spfl trust trophy

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Posted (edited)

I suppose this is a natural consequence of a league table with standings that have no integrity due to including B teams that cannot win the league.  Once they are removed perhaps the league table can be taken seriously.

Edited by Cannibal
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3 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Ehm, have you read the thread? You've got yer Regionals on this very page calling the entire SPFL a "gang" when none of the clubs have even voted for this. Lowland League clubs have continually voted them into their league despite telling us all it would be a one season thing. Until that changes the league can suck my plums. 

sElF pReSeRvAtIoN


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10 hours ago, GordonS said:


"These clubs."

As if it's not bad enough for fans of clubs like Linlithgow Rose and Tranent that we have to share a league with B teams and the toadying gutless pr*cks that took the bribes and voted them in, we have to put up with fans of other clubs lumping us in with them like we have anything to do with them at all.

Calling them our "pals" is heinous patter.

When did regarding all the clubs in a league the same become a thing? Because if that's how it is now, it cuts both ways. You want to be associated with every decision made by the SPFL? 

Calm down. Obviously not talking about proper clubs who've never voted for B teams, like Linlithgow or Tranent. They just appear to be collateral damage.

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