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What is the point of labour ?


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4 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


What makes you think that? I’d imagine leftists who moved from Yes to Corbynism will be happy these folk have left.

Also, ringing endorsement for the magnificent 7.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest the resignation of seven low to middling profile Labour backbench MPS will have not a jot of impact on anyone's voting intentions for a hypothetical independence referendum in 2027.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest the resignation of seven low to middling profile Labour backbench MPS will have not a jot of impact on anyone's voting intentions for a hypothetical independence referendum in 2027.

Excuse me the Mike Gapes Appreciation Group has thousands of members. Admittedly, a significant majority thought it was some coded term for Goatse but the numbers don’t lie.
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1 minute ago, NotThePars said:


Excuse me the Mike Gapes Appreciation Group has thousands of members. Admittedly, a significant majority thought it was some coded term for Goatse but the numbers don’t lie.


25% of those members were looking for Geoff Capes.


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7 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Where are you hearing this? I read that they're all in constituencies with massive Labour majorities so you'd have thought their best chance of getting reelected would be banking on personal local loyalty.

It's doing the rounds on Twitter.

Gossip I've heard on "imminent" #LabourSplit: 

* There's a 10-year strategy for the new party
* Those leaving Lab will pledge not to stand for re-election in their current constituency & will instead target marginals. 
* They sought advice from consultancy firms in Washington

Constituencies with large Labour majorities are almost always a party rather than personal mandate. Standing in their own constituencies will almost certainly bring about an embarrassing Danczuk type episode of lost deposits. 

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17 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

So they want a People's Vote, but won't have a by election to let the people in their constituencies decide whether they still want them representing them now that they've quit Labour.

And, rather than contest their current seats in the next election, they're going to stand in marginals to split the vote and let the Tories in.

A bunch of cowardly, pro austerity, pro privatisation, pro war Red Tories.

There's nothing "red" about them. They are Tories pure and simple.

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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:

Nobody has actually said anything tangible that they stand for. Fair play I don’t think you can actually say “we hate the leadership and don’t want to be actually accountable to our membership.”

As someone who hasn't closely examined any of them, they just sit in my minds eye as careerist politicians, with no particular social underpinnings to do

any good other than for themselves, all wrapped up in attitudes that would without too much persuasion... be OK with voting for more welfare cuts, less money

for the NHS, more privatisations   ....    In fact, solid representatives of what the Labour Party had become prior to Corbyn being elected leader.                       

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Guest Bob Mahelp

....and yet again, with the worst government in UK history f*cking things up on a daily basis and presenting an open goal, Labour still manage to take a fresh air swipe at the ball and waste another golden opportunity.

It would be hilarious if it wasn't for the fact that Labour are paralysed and allowing the Tories free reign to inflict economic and social chaos on the country. The UK is about to become a right-wing paradise with all that entails, and Labour under Corbyn don't give a shit.....they're happy to be permanent protestors.

The UK needs a strong official opposition more now than at any time since the 2nd world war. And what have we got ? A Labour party controlled by blinkered ideologues, blinded by a narrow and fanciful Socialist mindset.

F*ck them.

Edited by Bob Mahelp
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2 minutes ago, beefybake said:

As someone who hasn't closely examined any of them, they just sit in my minds eye as careerist politicians, with no particular social underpinnings to do

any good other than for themselves, all wrapped up in attitudes that would without too much persuasion... be OK with voting for more welfare cuts, less money

for the NHS, more privatisations   ....    In fact, solid representatives of what the Labour Party had become prior to Corbyn being elected leader.                       

Surely if they were careerists then they wouldn't be doing this?  They aren't stupid, they know they'll likely lose whichever seat they stand in.

The properly careerist thing to do would be for them to get in line behind Corbyn.

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I was quite surprised Ian Murray wasn’t in the original seven, to be honest.

I feel if we did stand in his seat at the next election as an independent he’d have a decent chance? Assuming he gets Tory/LD tactical votes?

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If they were "careerists" they would have stayed put despite their grievances. They've pretty much ruined their politcal careers. 

Whatever you think of Labour it's an established politcal brand with over 100 years' history  that carries clout and a lot of tribal loyalty from voters in certain areas.  The seven that have quit have joined absolutely nothing; they have no party and no backing of any sort whatsoever. 

They will lose their seats if they stand in them, and they will probably lose in marginals also if they choose to stand in them as someone on here has posted. Unless others (and more importantly backers) join on board, they aren't going to ever achieve anything. 


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9 minutes ago, Sooky said:


I was quite surprised Ian Murray wasn’t in the original seven, to be honest.

I feel if we did stand in his seat at the next election as an independent he’d have a decent chance? Assuming he gets Tory/LD tactical votes?

I wonder if your DM is an invitation to join the rebels?

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1 minute ago, sparky88 said:

That ship sailed decades ago.

That doesn't mean we all have to stay onboard with the ship.  We can try and steer the ship on a better course, or even turn the ship around and head to a new destination.  If the ship keeps going in this direction then we will end up with a Costa Concordia situation of the ship running aground and everyone dying while the captain jumps into the only lifeboat, paddling away while the hull bobs in the icy waters.

I am pleased to announce the formation of the "Stupidly Extended Metaphor" Party and hope that you will all vote for us.

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22 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Unpopular opinion but MPs who are deselected or leave their parties shouldn't be forced to stand for election when they do it.  

You’re entitled to your opinion but a little justification would be nice.

As things stand what do these MPs know now that they didn’t when they stood at the last election?

If Corbyn f*cks up Brexit and ignores Labour Party conference policy then they might have had some ground but that hasn’t happened yet.


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