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What is the point of labour ?


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2 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

It would be interesting if they could tell us what they stood for before the review, and what aspect/s they now think weren't quite right. Then we could take a view on what the next leader will be looking at once Sir Keir gets the boot.  Given recent electoral and organisational shambles it's pretty clear that he's about as much use as a one-legged man in an arse-kicking competition. 

This thread was started in 2018, long before Starmer became leader.  Given what’s happened subsequently there would be justification in having a thread entitled “What is the point of Starmer?”.  The guy has offered nothing since his elevation.

Under his ‘leadership’ the Labour Party has no direction, is offering no opposition, and genuinely seems to have no purpose.  I don’t buy into the Covid bounce for Johnson, there’s still so many issues that the Tories could be attacked on including the various PPE contract scandals.  The idea that this is the wrong time is truly baffling, really how much worse could their popularity be?

The GE may be some time off but I predict Labour will get annihilated at the next election and I wouldn’t be surprised if Johnson calls a snap one claiming to need a clear 5 year run.

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55 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

That story is made up, the guy in that picture is a well known Labour doner.

In a different context, when things like that happen, folk start thinking that it's a sign from God.  If sane folk can think that the face of Jesus appears on an iron, a frying pan, in bread, on a pancake and even on a drain pipe, seeing Sir Keir on a kebab can hardly be a surprise! Laird be praised! 

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On 19/05/2021 at 18:25, Granny Danger said:

This thread was started in 2018, long before Starmer became leader.  Given what’s happened subsequently there would be justification in having a thread entitled “What is the point of Starmer?”.  The guy has offered nothing since his elevation.

It's always worth remembering that the thread was started by an imbecile who said there was no difference between Labour led by Corbyn and the Tories. 

And was then backed up by SNP militants who proceeded to call Jez a Red Tory. 


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It's always worth remembering that the thread was started by an imbecile who said there was no difference between Labour led by Corbyn and the Tories. 
And was then backed up by SNP militants who proceeded to call Jez a Red Tory. 
SNP militants [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]
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2 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:
2 hours ago, Detournement said:
It's on the first page of the thread. 

That was describing their last tenure in government under Blair when they were clearly red torys. Corbyn is a socialist, however as leader had to try and please the huge right wing plp factions in the Labour Party.

Fair enough. 


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I see that the latest Yougov Westminster voting intentions show that Labour are now doing a really fine job of undermining the Tory lead... not. 

Con 46%....... Lab 28%

(throwaway comment... the LibDems score only 3% more than the SNP (8% to 5%) despite standing in 'rather more' constituencies.) 

Sarwar must cry himself to sleep every night. 

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I see that the latest Yougov Westminster voting intentions show that Labour are now doing a really fine job of undermining the Tory lead... not. 
Con 46%....... Lab 28%
(throwaway comment... the LibDems score only 3% more than the SNP (8% to 5%) despite standing in 'rather more' constituencies.) 
Sarwar must cry himself to sleep every night. 
It really is amazing how Labour have lost north England to the torys and Scotland to the SNP. Johnson will go to the polls again in 2023 with another landslide. Scottish Labour will have no choice but to back independence in the 2024 referendum
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It really is amazing how Labour have lost north England to the torys and Scotland to the SNP. Johnson will go to the polls again in 2023 with another landslide. Scottish Labour will have no choice but to back independence in the 2024 referendum

On paper that’s the sensible thing for them to do however this is SLAB so I’d expect in 2023 them to have a “root and branch review” into what’s going wrong. Decide it’s all just a protest vote and double down on hard Unionism and continue doing exactly what they’ve done since 2014.
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It's just as well nothing like this could ever happen in Scotland under the SNP.

This is what I mean when I say that pure contrarianism must be boring like just take a day aff and enjoy Sir Keir doing his level best to fall 20 points behind and personally lose his seat in 2024
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1 minute ago, NotThePars said:


This is what I mean when I say that pure contrarianism must be boring like just take a day aff and enjoy Sir Keir doing his level best to fall 20 points behind and personally lose his seat in 2024


I was actually talking to someone about the difference in reaction to George Floyd and Sheku Bayoh in Scotland despite it being the same thing just yesterday. Scottish exceptionalism is on my mind and on my tits. 

I am looking forward to 20 points behind day though. 

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I was actually talking to someone about the difference in reaction to George Floyd and Sheku Bayoh in Scotland despite it being the same thing just yesterday. Scottish exceptionalism is on my mind and on my tits. 
I am looking forward to 20 points behind day though. 

Aye like the SNP are pretty shit and Scottish indy is full of neoliberal brains but it’s not like Corbyn is in power anymore normal service has resumed and we’re back to a limp dick Labour Party triangulating into permanent Jiminy Cricket opposition
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